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Dinner (NSYNC) - Abby knew JC would be hungry when he got home from rehearsal. But she had no idea that his meal would have nothing to do with food.

It Was The Jazz (NSYNC) -Lauren's been home for a few hours, and there's no one there to keep her company but a jazz radio station and a bottle of Merlot.

Naughty Girl (NSYNC) - Two key people: Krystal and JC. One key place: The bathroom.

Secret (NSYNC) - I know I don't know you... But I want you so bad.

She Will Be Loved (NSYNC) - My door's always open, you can come anytime you want.

Toxic (NSYNC) - Kayte's torn between a man who hurts her, and the love she holds for him.

Updated 09.06.04

Email - Coffee

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