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Our Adoption Success Stories!

These are just some of the many former Highland Animal Sanctuary pets that have found happy loving homes with wonderful families. If only all of the dogs and kitties without homes could be as lucky as the ones on this page!

Copyright 1999-2000 Highland Animal Sanctuary.
All rights reserved.

Julia & Her New *Friend* Jacques

Julia was one of four little kittens that were born in a garbage can on February 28, 1999. They were only 3 days old when they and their mother *Molly* were rescued by a caring citizen and brought to us for help. They grew quickly and all went off to new homes. Julia was the smartest of the four and was the first to learn how to use the the litterbox. However, she was the shy kitten of the group and the most attached to her mother Molly. When Allison (Julia's new *mommy*) picked Julia up for the first time, she immediately fell in love with her.

Allison took Julia home and the first thing that Julia did was run under Allsion's bed and hide. In fact she stayed under the bed for days and wouldn't come out. Alison was a very worried new kitten mommy and did everything that she could to help this little one feel more secure in her new home. Nothing seemed to be working. Then,as a desperate measure, Allsion brought home Jacques, a little white 8 week old male kitten, and everything changed. Julia was out and about and as happy as can be. She even turned into quite a little ham for the camera (as you can see).

The latest picture of Alison's two *kids* aren't they precious?

Today both Julia & Jacques are spayed and neutered and living the life of luxury with their new and most wonderful mom, Alison. Thank you Alsion for giving Julia (and Jacques) a second chance at life!!!

Coming Soon!!!!

The story & pictures of little "Stella"!