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Yesterday's News
Yesterday's News

Make headlines with this environmentally friendly, non-toxic litter made from recycled newspapers. The no-tracking and dust-free litter is super-absorbent, odor-controlling and flushable in small quantities.

Emergency Medical Measures
What to do in an emergency until you can get your pet to a veterinarian!

Moving and Pets
A MUST read for anyone considering adopting a pet!

Taming Feral Cats
Information on how to care for and tame feral cats.

Early Spay & Neuter
Information on the benefits and specifics of early spaying & neutering pets.

How to Introduce a Second Cat Into a Household

Feline Infectious Anemia

Be Prepared For a Disaster
Diane Robish, a survivor of the Northridge Earthquake, has prepared a comprehensive list of things you should do in advance to prepare your pet for a natural disaster.

Choosing a Vet or Clinic
What to look for in a veterinarian or veterinarian hospital.

Holiday Cautions
Information on how to keep you pet safe during the holiday season.

Cat Health & Behavior Links:

Indoor Cats
This is a site devoted to reasons that you should keep your cats indoors. Lots of good information!

Why NOT to Declaw Your Cat

Feline Behavior Issues
From the Cornell Feline Health Center.

Cornell Feline Health Information

ASPCA/National Animal Poison Control Center
The only ANIMAL poison control center!

The Special Needs of the Senior Cat
Cornell Feline Health

Champaign County Humane Society Library (on-line)
This is a wonderful site with tons of pet health and behavior information!

Flea Control

Kitty Health
Lots of general and specific cat health and behavioral articles in a Q & A format.

Feline Chronic Renal Failure Site
This site offers valuable information for those who have cats suffering from chronic renal failure.

Inflamatory Bowel Disease
Information from the Cornel Feline Health Center

Feline Liver Disease
Signs, Symptoms & Diagnosis of liver disease in cats.

Hepatic Lipidosis
Information on the most common liver disease in cats--a real danger!

Feline Infectious Diseases

Hemobartonella Treatment and Diagnosis
Diagnosis and treatment for an infectious type of feline anemia--by Dr. Lowell Ackerman, DVM.

Feline Epilepsy & Seizures

Pets With Diabetes
Information on all aspects of caring for a pet with diabetes.

Feline Upper Respiratory Infections (cat "colds")

FeLV Treatments
Feline Leukemia Information & Treatments.

Feline Asthma

Pet Cancer Information

Feline Cardiomyopothy
Information on feline heart disease from the Encyclopedia of Feline Veterninary Medical Association.

Feline Hypertrophic Cardiomyopothy
Information on the most common form of heart disease found in cats.