Accident series
Home Up Accident series Red Shirt series Fate for being late


Car Accident part 1
Car Accident part 2
Car Accident part 3
Car Accident part 4
A Good Soaking p1
A Good Soaking p2
A Good Soaking p3
the restaurant p1
the restaurant p2



The car accident is the start of a series of how two people who know of each other  but meet "head-on" and get to know each other a lot better through the settlement of the accident.

The settlement, as you may have guessed involves a rear end collision. This time the lady eventually learns a hard lesson the old fashioned way as the result of many collisions to her backside by the other driver when she has no other method to pay for the damage.

A grudging friendship emerges.  She knows she needs the discipline of their relationship, but can't face the reality of having her  bare bottom spanked at her friend's discretion  to keep her in line.

A series of stories follow the first story "The Car Accident, exploring that relationship since they live on the same street.

Story 2  A Good Soaking

An 'accidental' dose of her water hose, while she's gardening, as he walks by to work, dressed in his business suit, meets with some special treatments for her backside after work, to let her know, what it feels like to be soaked with cold water.

to be posted in December 2000

Story 3 The dinner date

At a meeting for a spanking she's earned for bad driving on their street. She's confronted with a dinner date.  Her choice is to have the spanking before or after going out for dinner. What follows is some interesting side events at the restaurant.  The buns are toasted and served hot by the owner and the waitress

to be posted in December 2000