Car Accident part 4
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The Car Accident

Part 4 the finale

<Ron> Ron looks at Anna as he hold the strap, but decides to replace it
for the moment on table and
continue with the hand spanking ,but the interruption has given Anna too
much of a rest and a chance to re group, so I say to Anna
"well it looks like we almost have to start from the beginning"

<Anna> Anna looks up at Ron and says....."What do you mean start from the
beginning? I assumed we were finished!"

<Ron> "Just because someone rang the doorbell doesn't mean it was
finished. Your bum doesn't hurt does it ?"

<Anna> "I thought you were finished because I gave you back the strap and
then you stopped I told you anyway...I have had MORE than
enough...and think we are done here."

<Ron> "Well all I see is a bottom that needs more spanking in front of me
and that is what I am about to do, unless you prefer the strap instead. If
you like I will let you choose."

<Anna>" I don't want the strap any more ..not at all.....but I really am
hurting a lot so I say I've had enough!.....So get rid of the strap."

<Ron>" But Anna it is such a lovely strap, an antique, and it must be used
for its full effective in acting as a reminder for you."

<Anna>" It certainly is a reminder...I can feel the two you gave me with your
antique strap...real well.... Now why won't you just me up and call it even?"

<Ron> " I promised you a proper spanking and I am sorry we got
interrupted, but you need to get a full spanking otherwise, you will never
know how it really feels and avoid them in the future.
Now you want me to keep my promise to you don't you"

<Anna> "Well, I don't know what a "proper or a full" spanking is...but I do
believe that is what I have gotten here just now and I will definitely
avoid another one in the future."

<Ron> " Anna, I am not convinced at all , and the more we talk with your
bare bottom exposed over my knee the cooler it gets and the more spanks it
will take to get it back to the proper hot condition it has to be in .
Thus, I will be really nice and end our discussion for you, by restarting
your spanking."

<Anna> Anna just takes this spank, like she has all the other ones
but does try to stop another one from coming down on her by trying to grab
Ron's hand before it falls.

<Ron> Without any reactions from the opening spank, again Ron decides
that he just has to keep spanking till Anna does start to react so without
further discussion he decide to let his hand do the talking, and starts
spanking firmly each cheek one at a time in a continuous rhythm until Ron
can feel the heat in his hand.

<Anna> Anna still doesn't say anything....but does feeling it hurting VERY
much....still she keeps trying to avoid them by trying to intercept his hand
each time it gets close to her bottom.

<Ron>" OKAY Anna, that's enough of trying to get your hand in the way."
Ron grabs Anna's hand,
places it palm up on her bottom and before she gets a chance to clench it
grabs the strap and lands a real stinger across Anna's hand and bottom.

<Anna> Anna tries to pull her hand away..but can't. Ron is holding it too
tight...but the surprise of the strap across it sets Anna in motion....She
yells out OWWWW! and then with a fury, tries to get off his knee and at the
same time tries to grab the strap away from him once again.

<Ron> Ron seeing Anna reach back with her other hand too, grabs both of
them and forces both of them bent out of the way. Then with Anna's bottom
cleared Ron says... "If you want to interfere with your hand spanking ,then
a strapping will act as a better reminder not to do it again." Ron then
raises the strap back over his shoulder and with a quick snap brings it
down with a really loud SPLAT across both cheeks.

<Anna> Anna cries out..."NO NO PLEASE.....I'm sorry I really am..please
don't do that again ......I am really sorry.
I'm sorry for hitting your car..I really am!"

<Ron> Ron seeing that Anna is starting to feel remorseful knows that he
needs to take her fully to the edge and over, till she does truly appreciate
the spanking and knows she deserved it. So Ron brings the strap firmly down
again, just a few inches above the last red welt that is starting to

<Anna> Anna cries out again..."NO NO PLEASE STOP!"
as she tries in vain to move her hands to stop the strap from landing on

<Ron> Ron brings the strap down a third time only even harder now to make
sure Anna feels the full measure of its power to change attitudes, and then
grips Anna firmly and lands another one immediately after it with the same

<Anna> Anna has had enough by this time and can only cry out to Ron..."Why
are you doing this to me? What did I do that was so horrible that I have
to suffer through all this pain...I know I hit your car...but I think this
is more than enough of repayment for your cost of fixing the damage."

<Anna> Anna keeps crying throughout her whole little speech here to Ron.

<Ron> Seeing that Anna is crying now, Ron knows that his tough job is
almost done , but knows that Anna must be brought to a state of remorse for
her actions. "Anna I am going to give you 5 more strokes of the strap and
then it will be over. But if you interfere at all I will not count it. I am
going to release your hands now and let you be responsible for your own
actions now. You will also count out loud each stroke after it is applied. Then
it will be over and your debt is cleared."

<Anna> Still crying, but at least hearing
that it's almost over....Anna feels a little bit better...but then she says
"Well if I am responsible for my actions, then I say it is finished now. I
don't need any more from the strap ..or your hand. I feel the debt is
already cleared. And I don't think I need you to tell me when I have paid
it up to you..I will tell you when I feel it's paid... And I feel the time
has come..Now let me up right now or I might say something I'll regret
(Anna has no idea why she just said all those things to Ron, but since he
hasn't stopped her from saying them, he probably agrees...After all, I am
not some young child who needs to be 'punished' this way.)

<Ron> Ron listens patiently to Anna comments and regrets he didn't just
apply 1 more stroke of the strap before, as she was so close to the edge,
but now she has reverted back to trying to control things and decide when
her debt is paid. Ron decided he made a mistake in announcing the 5 that
would be left to deliver. But maybe if he reaches back for a really hard
stroke for each of the last five he may change her attitude yet. Ron then
says to Anna , "you do NOT decide when your debt is paid , I do"
"I WILL continue with the 5 on your bottom I promised. But you will after
that get one on each hand for not answering my statements . If I hear any
more I will just add more strokes."
Ron the brings the strap down with FULL force that shudders both cheeks and
explodes around the empty room.

<Anna> NOooo......OWWWWWWWWWWW
Anna is holding her hands on the chair leg, afraid to get the strap again on
them..but at the same time she is struggling again to get herself off of
Ron's knee..and knows she can't take much more of this. Also really doesn't
understand the reason for being punished this way...not at all......
so in between her cries and tears...she manages to get out....."STOP STOP
right now" the struggle continues to get herself free.

<Ron> Ron realizes Anna has failed to count the stroke but decides to give
her a chance
"Anna , do I hear ONE?"

<Anna> Uh Oh Anna thinks..I forgot to count......
so she quickly shouts out "ONE"....and adds......"NO MORE....STOP NOW!
PLEASE STOP and let me get up now...PLEASE!"

<Ron> Ron hears Anna , but knows from experience this is the point that
will help her the most in the future so he tries not to answer her with
words but with the strap. Ron then brings down the strap with another very
firm stroke but across one thigh.


Oh my goodness, what is he doing now???
Anna does remember to count the number two this time..but also starts
begging Ron to stop.....saying....."PLEASE PLEASE STOP!..You have to stop.
you don't understand..PLEASEEEEEEEEE!"
Anna just keeps crying, begging him to stop, saying he doesn't understand.

<Ron> Ron hears Anna's pleas, and realizes he has to say something to her,
but doesn't really want to get her in more trouble. So Ron says to Anna
these last ones are for your own good. Without waiting for a reply he straps
the other thigh with a matching blow to first one.


<Anna> Anna cries out once again, " OOOWWWWWWW
Ron, PLEASE PLEASE.....STOP!.......Why won't you listen to me?
Please.... " Anna is really sobbing and sobbing so hard now.
She can't remember the last time she cried so hard....
She just keeps telling him 'you have to don't understand
So PLEASE.....

<Ron> "Anna," Ron says, "you forgot the count now do you really want an
additional one."
Ron cocks the strap back emphasizing the point.

<Anna> Anna manages to get out the word "FOUR" in between her crying and

<Ron> "Okay Anna, I will STOP the strapping after this next BLOW as agreed.
That is of course referring to your bottom. You have 2 more coming on your
hands." Ron then prepares the cocked strap for a somewhat lighter blow
realizing Anna has reached the proper states of remorse, she feels and now
knows what a spanked bottom is like.

<Anna> Hearing those words, that only one more to Anna some
of her fight back...knowing it will be over now......But then she realizes
that by fighting this last one.....well.....what good will it do? It will
only cause more of the strap for she just braces herself and gets
ready for it.
But she also remembers the two that will delivered to her hands and quickly
clenches them into a fist as tight as she can....just thinking about

<Ron> Ron then finally brings the strap down with the lighter blow than
the previous four. A stinger for sure across her bottom but not as painful
as before. He then lifts Anna up with him as he gets up from the chair.
"Anna," as he looks into her tear stained face and makeup, " you may rub
your bottom for a minute. But then we will get the last two I hope over with
without a fuss."

<Anna> At the last blow of the strap, Anna yells out "Owwwwwww!"
but grateful when Ron finally allows her to get up from his knee.
As she does, she will not look at him at all...but can feel him looking
closely at her.... He gives her permission to rub her VERY sore bottom,
which she does immediately, but she is also not ready to give him her hands
to lay the strap across.......So she waits....
Still crying and telling him how he can't possibly understand why this is so
hard for HER to understand...and if he would have tried to....well....
she doesn't finish her thought to him...because she is crying too hard to
even be heard.

<Ron> Ron says to Anna looking into her eyes, "Go ahead, I'll let you rub
the sting out of your bottom for a few minutes more but then I want to get
this over with so I will pick up the strap now and when you are ready I
want you to hold your hand straight out in front of you."

<Anna> Anna decides she is not going to rub her bottom anymore with Ron
watching. It only gives him the satisfaction of knowing just how BAD he
hurt me and I can't let him see that.
But she continues to hold her hands behind her back....clenched tightly
She also will not look at Ron, but it is hard because he keeps looking
straight at me...trying to see just how upset I she just keeps her
head down, so she won't have to meet his eyes or answer to the look she
knows is there...

<Ron> Ron see Anna avoiding his gaze, with her hand clasped behind her
back but knows that he must finish the task otherwise Anna will not respect
him. So Ron says to Anna firmly, "Anna
now that you have finished rubbing your bottom I expect to see one hand out
in front of you
raised and open palmed. That is unless you want to feel another couple of
strokes on top of those two."

<Anna> Anna still keeps her hands behind her back. She doesn't really know
why she is doing it though...but she does. She still will not look at
Ron...not at all....because she is afraid of what will happen if she does.
For some reason this makes her feel like she still has a little control over
the situation...but if she looks into his every time
before....something just happens and she feels the need to give in..and she
does not want that to happen again. So she just simply gives him a shake of
her to say...NO I don't want any more strokes more at all
she thinks.....

<Ron> Ron sees Anna head shake "no" but without the conviction of looking
at him, so he walks back over to Anna and holds her chin in his hand till
her eyes have no where else to look but into Ron's. Then Ron says to Anna in
a calm assertive tone, "now Anna I am only going to ask you only once more
to raise one of your hands in front of you.' With Ron's free hand he reaches
behind Anna and brings one of her trembling hands out in front of her like
this. ….now leave it there ……as Ron stares deeply into Anna eyes for her

<Anna> When Ron hold her face up, to make her look at him, all she can do is
shut her eyes tight.....she knows what will happen if she doesn't.....and it
gets her upset.....because she has no idea WHY this happens to her.....
then when he pulls my hand in front...I just hold it there ..still
tightly clenched...she just can't seem to open it...It's like it 'locked'
and she can't make it open like he wants.

<Ron> "Anna, open that fist.".. as Ron releases the hold on her chin and
grabs her one hand with both of his and attempts to unclasp her hand.

<Anna> Anna still clenches her hand...thinking...he can't make me do
this.....still avoiding his eyes.....

<Ron> "Anna I am not going to fight with you to open your hand, I simply
will yank you back over my knee and spank your bare bottom until you do
agree. So Anna you are so close to the end I think it would be in your best
interest to co-operate now rather than later."

<Anna> Anna begins to really cry now...not loud cries like before when Ron
was really hurting her with the strap...but the silent tears won't stop
falling from her eyes. She says in a small voice......"I know I should
co-operate..and I don't know why it is so hard for me to give you that co
operation you want...I just don't understand al of this and I do want it to
be over with. I really do..but ....."

<Ron> Ron then tickles the back of Anna's hand tenderly that will teasing
cause her to smile through the tears but also open up her hand.

<Anna> When Anna feels Ron's hand on hers...and realizes he is not trying to
hurt her again.....she looks up at if questioning why he is doing
that to her hand.....and looks in his eyes....and they keep total eye
contact for what seems like forever......then.....

<Ron> Ron continues to tickle the back of Anna out stretched hand as it
gradually by reflex opens up slowly as he continues to rub his fingers
gently across the muscles on the underside of Anna hand and force them to
relax completely. Ron then continues to look deep in to Anna eyes and
senses a new found co-operation and contentment that he had not seen

<Anna> Anna is still looking in Ron's eyes, wanting to look away, but she
can't and doesn't know why.. But she is starting to feel more
relaxed......maybe more ready to give him full co operation for this last
part of her punishment...but as she is looking in his eyes, she wonders if
he sees the 'quiet' pleading in them.....does he really need to give those
last two strokes with the strap to my hands...Anna only hopes he can read
from her eyes what she is thinking....
Now Anna slowly brings her other hand up front also...but still she is
hoping that he will not do it...all the while still looking deeply into each
others if in a trance of some kind.....but Anna knows it is not
a 'trance'' just what happens every time she has looked so deeply into
his eyes.and she still tries to understand it all.....

<Ron> Ron looks down at Anna 's 2 outstretched hands with their palms open
and then back into Anna's eyes. He can see now that she has become relaxed
and in harmony with the situation and is now at peace with herself. The
guilt that drove the defiant behavior is gone totally now.
So Ron reaches back for the strap raises it high not taking his eyes away
from Anna's but
still out of the corner of his eyes also maintaining the target area of her
as he brings the strap down he watches as Anna's eyes close . But Ron pulls
back on the stroke
and land a moderate stroke with some sting but a lot less than Anna would
have expected Then Ron before Anna can react straps the other had too with
a light stroke. Then watches to see as she opens her eyes for Anna's

<Anna> When the strokes land on her hands, all Anna can do is just keep her
eyes closed ....but she feels the force of the strap....which hurt...but not
like the strapping to her bottom hurt.....but she slightly pulls back her
hands after each one received the strap...When it was over..she slowly
opened her eyes and looked at her hands..then up at Ron again....but she
didn't say anything....she just let the tears roll sown her face once

<Ron> Ron reaches over and embraces Anna letting her cry on his shoulder.
"Okay Anna it is over. All is forgiven."

<Anna> Anna buries her head on Ron's shoulder, still crying...she can't seem
to stop..and she tries to say something to Ron, but she can't get the words
out because she is crying too hard..really crying....

<Ron> Ron holds Anna , till the tears subside a little, then pulls her
head back pulling her hair back away from her face and wipes the last
remaining tears from her face.. "Okay Anna its over, you debt is paid in full
and it hurt me to have to give you that spanking , but it was for your own

<Anna> Now that her crying has subsided to a few little sobs, Anna looks up
at Ron again and asks him why he thought this was what she needed....the
then she tells him that all her life..her adult life anyway.....she has
always been the only person she has to ...or needs to answer to. She
always does the best she can...and never thought she needed anyone to let
her know otherwise... If a mistake was made.....well.....a mistake was
made...No one cares what she why do you care....I always manage
fine on my own...always have and always will....
She has never been made to feel the way he just made her feel...
She has never had to justify anything she does to why...why
did you feel that this was what I needed???
and the tears start up again.

<Ron> "Well Anna "Ron hold her close again as the tears start to run down
Anna face again, "you know, may be feeling, what I was trying to tell you
on he roadside this afternoon, that the spanking will open your eyes and
release that inner self you have been hiding with that protective exterior ,
that tries to keep everyone at their distance . I sensed that wasn't the
real you, it just had to be released

Just then a buzzer rings from the kitchen , I release Anna and gently guide
her over to a chair
then thoughtfully reach for an extra cushion and then let Anna sit down.
"Wait her a second , Anna.

<Anna> Anna waits to see what the buzzing is in the kitchen.....

<Ron> Ron opens the kitchen door that has sealed in the tell tale aroma,
and retrieves the cause from the oven, carefully swing it behind his back
with a thick glove in place covering his hand
walking out toward Anna he waits for her look.

<Anna> Anna is still sitting on the chair ...waiting for Ron to come
back..She wanted to just get her clothes back on and leave while he went
into the kitchen, but did not see where he put her luckily, Anna
found, on the couch, a she quickly wrapped herself in it and was
just about to go in search of her dress when Ron comes out of the kitchen,
holding something in his hands...It looked like.....and smelled like
....a pie???
why was Ron baking a pie??? Why didn't I smell it before?

<Ron> Ron sees that the aroma has preceded him across the room as Anna
smile up at him.
swing the pie out from behind his back Strawberry -rhubarb pie , fresh
from being cooked in the oven
its delicious aroma, now permeates the room fully now
ready for a slice
seeing Anna was smiling, I decide its okay to say "well while I was
putting a fire to you bottom
the pie was also getting cooked to the deep delicious red color of those
strawberries and rhubarb.

<Anna> Anna can't help but smile at this.....but also feels a bit if
embarrassment coming back when Ron reminds her of the fire he put to her she slowly turns away from him once again.

<Ron> Her is a slice as Ron cuts it.
" I hope this is easier to take ,than what I handed out before."

<Anna> Anna, trying to be she was really starting to get
hungry..and the pie did smell so good.......takes the pie offered by Ron,
but without looking at him.

<Ron> Well Anna that's the last time I will tease you or mention your
that is unless you misbehave again .....
in the future and I find out ...

<Anna> With those last few words Ron said, Anna quickly looks up and looks
at him...hoping he is just kidding......
unless I misbehave again......
his look back tells her he is quite serious......



Post comments
In this story Anna and I have attempted to portray the emotions and feeling
of a discipline spanking in the reactions and transformations that occur in
the process to the final feeling of euphoria and peace, that occurs in its
shocking revelation in a first spanking.