Car Accident part 3
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The Car Accident


<Ron> Ron looks at Anna and sees she must be feeling
it , her bum is nicely red, but she hasn't uttered a
sound yet even for a first spanking, so she's just
being defiant. So Ron decides, if she wants to play
it doesn't hurt , I can do that too. So let me proceed
to the harder spanks on those more tender areas of the
bottom. "Anna"... I say out loud "The spanks you are
now going to receive I assure you will get your

<Ron> I then proceed to use full force upward spanks
to the lower cheeks and watch for Anna 's reaction
till I reach 10 more spanks.

<Anna> Well, the spanks you have given me have gotten
my attention, I assure you. "Why are you spanking
harder now?". I ask in between
each ... 'SMACK'.

<Anna> It is rather hard for Anna to talk while trying
real hard too hold back the tears that she does not
want Ron to see.

<Ron> Waiting for Anna's reaction to the spanks is
still too quiet as Ron knows the path is really simple
to start a real fire going in Anna's bottom that will
break that control she is trying out and not let on by
the usual oooowwwww's or leg kicking or putting her
hand back . So Ron just continues with the hard spanks
,only now placing the next 10 on Anna thighs all the
way down to her knees.

<Anna> Anna doesn't know why Ron is now spanking her
thighs and now he is near the knees.. Why is he doing hurts so much....but I will not let him know
that....I refuse to give in to it and I will hope that
it is almost over. But it is getting harder and
harder to be so still.....but I will.

<Ron> "Well Anna your bottom is taking its spanking
rather nicely, it looks hot, but I'm sure it can take
a lot more spanks once I get the rhythm going . Anna,
do you now feel this spanking is helping you to be
more responsible?"

<Anna> Anna, afraid to talk through her tears, can
only shake her head up and down, so Ron knows her
answer is 'yes'.

<Ron> "That's good Anna, now would you like me to
stop your spanking?"

<Anna> Again, another affirmative nod of the head.

<Ron> "Anna, a responsible person wouldn't think this
little spanking so far constitutes a proper
punishment for your conduct. So I guess I must
continue and add a few strokes now from the strap until
you learn to answer correctly. right?"

<Anna> This time, the answer is a shake of the
head..'no' ....she most definitely does not want
to feel the strap..and what does he mean I have to
learn to answer correctly...I did give him
answers....I don't like this at all....What does he

<Ron> Ron reaches back for the strap and lands 2 hot
quick licks across the center of Anna's bottom . "Now
Anna are you ready to concede that more spanking is
required to match the conduct you have performed in the
last few months with your car?"

<Anna> Anna doesn't know what to reply, ....she is
forming her answer in her mind.....she isn't sure what
he I think I've had enough now?....that I
have served my punishment now? So while Anna is
busy thinking, the next thing she sees is ...

<Ron> Ron decides the only way to get Anna to answer
properly is to give her another dose of the strap that
she so stoically took last time without even a whimper.
The 2 red dark stripes reaffirm to me as I look at
Anna's bottom that they must have hurt, but before I
can raise the strap again the door bell rings....

<Anna> At the sound of the bell, Anna jumps and tries
to get up as fast as she can, but Ron still has a hold
of her and says to be really quite...not to make a
sound now ...whoever it is will go away....hopefully.
But he wonders who it could be....

<Anna> But while he is caught off guard, Anna tries to
grab the strap from his hand.

<Ron> Ron's reverie with the situation and the
doorbell, is rattled by Anna's struggle to wrench the
strap from his hand and shouts..."LET GO NOW or I will
yell C'MON IN!"

<Anna> Finally feeling more in control of the
situation, since the strap is in her hand right now,
Anna holds tightly to it, but wonders if he really
will yell to come in...what if it is a neighbor she
knows too? Still holding the strap, and seeing Ron's
hand waiting for her to give it back, she wonders why
he is just sitting there, allowing her to keep
it.....but then her eyes suddenly meet his, and they
look eye to eye at each other for a few seconds, the
all of a sudden, not quite knowing why, Anna hands the
strap back to Ron.

<Ron> "OKAY.Anna," as Ron pull the strap back well out
of temptations way, "now be quiet for a moment more and
they will think I'm out. ssssssssshhhhhh"
Ron then starts to pat Anna's bottom gently to
a little rhythm he hums quietly biding his time.

<Anna> Anna settles back down on Ron's knee, not sure
what he is doing. If he is finished with me, as he
seems to be, then why won't he allow me to get up from
this position and why is he humming.....he must be

<Anna> After all, I did give him back the strap, like
he wanted me to do....

<Ron> "Anna, I think whoever it was, has left.
But I still haven't finished with you young
lady, that bottom hasn't even got one little blister
on it yet, but it will Anna, so get ready."

<Anna> By this time, the tears have almost dried up,
so Anna says, " I don't think you need to give any
more...and my bottom is already feeling so hot from
your hand...and I'm not getting ready for any more so
you can let me up, and I feel I have redeemed myself
to you by now."

end of part 3