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Brotherhood of the Sith Logo
Brotherhood Of The Sith






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Ranks within the Brotherhood of the Sith

Prior to becoming indoctrinated into the ways of the Sith, members of the Sith Brotherhood recieve Jedi training.  They are taught to manipulate the Force, use a lightsaber, and open themselves up to the dark side.  Once they have mastered the Force, they are initiated into the ranks of the Sith and taught more advanced Dark Side techniques as well as Sith practices.

The Brotherhood ranks its members as follows:

Dark Jedi

Aspirant: Those who wish to follow the ways of the Sith begin here, learning rudimentary force skills while being tested for their potential within the Order.

Padawan Learner: Here, the aspiring Sith recieves their first lightsaber, a generic red-bladed weapon which will be their's until they learn how to create their own lightsaber.  They are taught more advanced Force skills and combat techniques.  It is generally during this stage that their aptitudes come to prominance, and thus their method of training is decided upon.   They also learn to channel the Dark Side of the Force, though only in minor ways.

Dark Jedi Knight:  When their training in the Force is complete, a test is administered to the student.  It is different for all of them but it is designed to test their skills and grasp of the Force as well as their adherence to the Sith teachings.  It is culminated by the construction of their own lightsaber, upon which they are declared Dark Knights and the decision is made on whether they will be fully indoctrinated into the Sith is made.  It is at this point that they may be given students of their own, an Aspirant to tuter in the ways of the Force.

Sith Initiate: Once their initial training is complete and the decision to induct a Dark Jedi into the ranks of the Sith is made, they begin here.  Akin to the rank of Padawan, they are considered to know nothing, and any prestige they might have attained as a Dark Jedi is quickly forgotten.  In essence, their training begins anew. 

Sith Warrior/Sith Acolyte: There are two paths to power among the Sith; the Way of the Warrior and the Path of the Acolyte.  Rarely does one ascribe to both.  The path of the Sith warrior is one of constant combat conditioning and advanced weapons training.  They are taught the lore of the Sith, but most of their emphasis is placed on combat.  The Sith Acolyte learns more subtle traits.  Less emphasis is placed on combat and more is placed on ancient and arcane lore. 

Sith Master: The pinacle of training within the Brotherhood, only one Sith may attain this rank, essentially assuming the mantle of Sith Apprentice within the Brotherhood, second only to Lord Jax himself.  Currently, no one holds this rank.

Sith Lord: Only the head of the Order, Lord Jax, holds this rank.

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