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~DeaR DiArY~

Hey All YooH ChIckA Deez AnD SpUnky MunKieZ...BiG FaT HaLLoaH TO U All. Dis UseD To Be A Page WiTh A StoRy oN iT but I chaNged It Koz I waNTed TO. So SOrrY LawRenCe!..DIs Is Mah ....~!*DeAr DiArY*!~.... now. Soz If Mah LiFe ainT InTereStinG Enuf But YueaH...THen LEaVe...neWhoo....if U wanT NethinG on THis PaGe gimie a Buzz on icq AighTy O'! Luv ....Me!

28th May 2001 (Y2K+1)

SO whats been happening? i dont know and i dont really think any of you are really interested in what i've been up it comes to the question....WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE? oh i see you wana know all about ME? eh thats not too interesting.

OK so....most of you probably already know that i changed schools. YUP finally out of that no good HOLE~ (sorry to those who still go there. YOu kNow i still luv yah~Yeh neway not like half of you have already forgotten about me PSH~)Yeh so out of BHS (BiatcHaz HoeZ n SluTz)Jokez man for sure. SO out of Blakehurst and into GRC...yeh thats rite. "GRC= we sexy, we kool...them boyz just stand and drool! We Sexy, we kool koz GRC's our skool~ YUP Georges River College A.K.A Oatley Snr High School. But guess u dun care~ AHite so thats school.....but it doesnt mean that dont miss "old School" like i spent 4 years practically growing up with you guys getting to know the bitchy ones, the nice ones and the ones that i just dun like. so...

WAIT....before the shout outs start. A VERY VERY SPECIAL SHOUT OUT....

SCOTT Mah special lil Bu~ DA guy thats made me happy, who's always been there for me(and im not the type of gurl that just says that)Hunnie, you da best~ *mauh* I know im alot to put up wid and thanx hun for putin up wid meh, for always lookin out for me and everything else you done. Ish been a great 10 months baybee. I LoVe YooH!!! *MuaH* (&) *huGz* ...hehe who loves you? hhehe Mah HuGGaBle, LoVeAble, Missable, Kissable, always comfor-ba-ble eheheh baybe BU!

NAWEL A.K.A NaWeLLie: Aw ShWaKz....dis gal is mah SIsTaH man *TearZ* Da SiK BeYatcH dat was always der for lil rennie when i needed her. And who can forget the BSB days huh. "ALL I CAN GIVE" and "...Dreams were just for sen-te-men-tal fools..." hehehhe aw gwad and the 'hardcore', 'badly' science in 98~! OOh and da meat pies ...heheh I mIss Yah SisTaH! *MuaH*

MAIS A.K.A MoUsEHey Itz Me n U All Da way in Commerce back in yr one can win an argument with us. The third person in our crime bitching. Me U n NawelLie...I took a pic of the toilet walls...they painted over it i'll send it through to you when u get our book with me u n nawellie. We 3+ leah and more are the ones who left BHS....DO well gurl keep getting your 90%'s what a smart ass~~~ Take care Ah MiSS Yah Too *hugz*

DANIELAHeLLo Latino...we've had our times...and im missing yah too. Gurl stay off the chocolates. TALK ABOUT chocoholic! I luv Yah Babe~

STEVE a.k.a. 'T'-eeve & PETER a.k.a BiG PeeTieaawww steve mah bestest bus buddy....mah bevo bummer~ LiL Steevie i still see yah round and its all kool dun forget ya'll owe me photo's. Better not forget me all together~~ Peter...member at the end of yr 12.."FLEX" you two are a team of trouble~ Take care guyz...*hugz* btw thx for the flowers. For thanx to delu look down.

DANIEL a.k.a DeLu:Hey ha Dee JaY Double YOOH~ one of mah bestest pals ever. Remeber we all gona go cruisin and eat ice cream hehe. Daymn i miss da days ehehe english and well. C ya round *mauH*

YUKI a.k.a GOD BRo Hey dis is mah g-Bro i see yah round but dun mean i dun miss yah hehehe...luvyah take care *mauH*

They were special shout outs...heres to the rest of you that i miss aswell...dun worry i havent forgotten.

OLD SCHOOL SHOUT OUT..."The Gurlz"*Leah *Anastasia *Renee *Kelly *Sana *Irene *Katherine *Zahia* *katie *Chrisa *Kiani *Nicole *Leni *Jenny *Hana *Daniella **

"The BoYz*Mark P *Jovan *Parkes *Damien *Jack *Carsten *Big Chris *Jeff *Alex *Nader *Jamel *Bryce *Kelwin *Anmol *Heath *Maanveer *Chad **

Hey so thats old school and im bound to have left some people out. BUT Out with old school and into NEW SCHOOL. Go GRC~ So im not going to individually shout out all of you and i can seperate you into groups of boys and gurls koz theres only like 6 gurls in our thing well actually 3 hehehe so here goes with the shout out for old school~OH its not in any order of who i like and hate ok so its just who i think of. If i forgot you just tell me hehehe

~~**GRC**~~ (AzNs + other): *Winda (SiStaH InDo) *Julie (JunKie/KinkY) *Brenette (Strawberry) *Sally *Linda *Angela *Lawrence (DJ ChoW) *Trung (AzN BaBy Face) *Joel (White Boy) *Ali (ALI?) *Tony (BreaKer or Baller?) *Firdaus (FERRRrr-DiLiouS/ FhErDis De BoLD) *Chon (Porn King) *Martin (MaaRtie) *Robert (Parker) *John (jOhn Lee) *Charlie (Good Morning ChArlie?) oh yeh and * BeN (NeB)

Ok sorry if i left any one out just tell me ok~ Thankx for visiting now time to get on with your life. Take care Person~....BuBaI!.....

~Luv Always *MwaH*~

YeaH....SO thats whats new...want more? Then read in another 10 weeks...i dun update koz got more time....

