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My Show Diary

26 April - One Day Event

One Day Event (23 March 2003)
Elminated Overall

Not a very sucessful day but was still fun! His dressage test wasn't that wonderful but the judge was marking it really hard and the racehorses going around the track did not help! And in the show jumping we had 2 stops (at the first jump as well....) so I was a bit annoyed with him because he's just getting into a bad habit. And in the cross-country we had another 2 stops at the first jump (arggghhhh!) and a few stops at various other jumps (one of the stops was my fault) which got us elminated because you were only allowed 4 stops and we had 5. Mum managed to video quiet a lot of the x-country so it was cool to look back on! My riding boot was coming off basically around the whole course and I couldn't pull it back up because of my spur so I sorta had to ride most of it with one leg and it was really hurting! I think I need to buy some boots with the strap that goes around the leg to stop them slipping down. This was quite a big show because it was combined with the secondary school team events.

Pony Club Ribbon Day (12 & 19 February 2003)
1st - Trotting race
2nd - Dressage
2nd - Games
4th - Jumping

This was just a fun little show run by our pony club over 2 evenings. He had a really hard dressage test to do because of my age I was grouped with the seniors so to come second was really neat. His jumping was good - just heaps of people in the class. No surprice that he won the trotting race, considering he was a racehorse! And in the games we came 2nd out of 2 so yeah what more can I say!

Kennington Pony Club Dressage & Jumping Day (8th February 2003)
1st - Morning Dressage
Unplaced - Overall Morning
3rd - Afternoon Dressage
2nd - Overall Afternoon

Yay we had a win!! I was pretty happy about that espically since we had 15 in our class. His test was above average but nothing wonderful! He had 2 stops (at the same jump) in the morning jumping and had no reason for stopping - just being a pain lol. In the afternoon our test was a lot better (apart from a stop for a poo in his free walk!! - we got a 4 for that!) but he got a 9 (yes a NINE!!!) in his trot so I was stoked with that lol. And in the jumping he went clear so that got us a 2nd overall.

Southland Pony Club One Day Event (26th January 2003)
4th= - Dressage
Elminated Overall

Well our dressage result was really good - 4th= out of 19 competitors so I was pleased with that. But unfortunealty I stuffed up the Show Jumping again! I missed a jump!! I don't have a clue why I missed it - I must have gone right past it lol! I didn't even realise I'd missed it until i was called over so I was rather annoyed at myself for another stupid mistake espically since he had gone clear! Because I was elminated for that it also meant I couldn't get anywhere in cross-country but I still did it anyway. We had 2 stops in that (one at the first jump!), I don't think I should have worn my spurs coz it made him nervous. He certainly didn't get any time faults though - he went like the wind! So overall it was good fun!

Pony Club Dressage & Jumping Day (9th January 2003)
3rd= - Morning Dressage Test
6th - Morning Dressage & Jumping combined
4th - Afternoon Dressage Test
Unplaced - Afternoon Dressage & Jumping combined
6th - Overall

Kaine went really good and I was really pleased with him. Although we didn't win he did really nice test's and his jumping was pretty good. Unfortunaley he had one stop in the morning jumping which dropped us down to 6th when we would have been 2nd had he not stopped! His afternoon was jumping was perfect but this time I mucked up! He went clear (yay!!) but I missed the end flags so when I went back I must have crossed my tracks (which I knew nothing about - but now do!) so I had a 10 point penalty which put us out of the placing's so I was quite annoyed! Espically since he'd gone so well (clear & fast), oh well I know now =)

Southland Pony Club One Day Event (1st December 2002)
Unplaced in Dressage
6th Overall

Wasn't a wonderful day but we had fun! His dressage test was terrible which is really disappointing coz I know he can do such a nice test! His Show jumping was just as bad - lol. He ran out at one jump coz he was going to fast and didn't turn properly so we didn't go clear. But so many people were eliminated in my class so maybe it was just that sorta day coz a friend of mine was one of them and her pony is an excellent jumper! Anyway the cross-country was fun although we didn't go clear in that either - ahhhhhhh! He had a stop at the water jump, but was clear at everything else. The weather was sooo hot! Me & Kaine were sweating like pigs - me having to wear a jersey (pony club uniform) and him being black.

Kingswell Pony Club Dressage & Jumping Day (10th November 2002)
Unplaced - Morning Classes
3rd - Afternoon Classes

The day went ok. The weather was awful! It was hailing when we did both our jumping rounds! Our afternoon dressage was a much better test than the morning and mum videoed which was cool - its interesting seeing yourself riding! He had one stop in his morning jumping so we had 4 faults but went clear in the afternoon. He always seems to go better in afternoon classes at shows.

Show Jumping Mini Show (5th October 2002)
1st - 50cm
1st - 60cm
1st - 70cm

Ok so we were the only ones in the class but who cares!!!! We won!! He was really well behaved and did 3 clear rounds including all the jump off's so I was really pleased (yep we had to jump off against ourselves!).

One Day Event (24th March 2002)
5th- Overall

Was a ok day. Dressage wasn't to flash but being right next to the racetrack and a tough judge didn't help. Cross-country was awesome! Had a couple of refusuals so we didn't go clear but he jumped everything even scary things like coffins and calf meal sacks etc so that was good. Show jumping was a bit of a disaster because my helmet kept falling over my eyes so I wasn't giving him a good take-off spots etc and he took advantage of that! Still got round though without being elminated and yes my helmet is now fixed!! I was quite surprised to get placed since we hadn't done that well! Oh well its all good :-)

Pony Club Dressage & Jumping Day (10th Januray 2002)
3rd= Morning Dressage
Elminated- Morning jumping
1st- Afternoon Dressage
1st- Afternoon Jumping

Great day! We got there late in the morning and we were first on so he was a bit tense in his morning dressage- 3rd= wasn't to bad though. In his jumping he was just being naughty (had 3 refusals) We got sorted out for the afternoon though, it was the best dressage he's ever done! I was soooooo happy!! In the jumping I put spurs on and he sailed over every one!