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My Blog

This is my blog which is a diary type thing that I will write in to keep you up-dated on whats happening in my life.


3 April 2003 - I turned 16 yesterday (not quite an april fool baby! hehe), anyway so I had a pretty good day - I didn't have a party or anything. I got some nice prezzies for once only got ONE thing horsey! and that was a pair of riding gloves. I just mainly got clothes & money :). I also brought a cellphone, so I can't wait for that to arrive - its coming in the mail. I went on the hunt I mentioned in my last blog - it was fun! They didn't have many jumps though, we spent a lot of time waiting for the hounds to flush out the hares but it was still an awesome time. My bum was pretty sore by the time we got back - we were out for about 4 hours! Don't have anymore shows for a while since winter is nearly here but will hopefully get to go hunting again. The show season starts again in about October. Anway best be off, tally hoe (hehe)

11 March 2003 - New layout up again :-) I thought this one's kinda cute since it has Goldie (our pony) as the main feature. I'm going hunting on sunday - yay! Should be fun, it'll be both me & Kaine's first hunt. Don't really have much news, just been doing athletics for school - I came 1st in the Discus championship so I was pretty pleased with that. Now I have to go to another champ's which are on saturday.