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Kaine & Me jumping at home Kaine at a ODE Rochelle,Trev,Kaine and me at the river Kaine & I at a Dressage Lesson Me and Kaine @ Ribbon Day Me and 'puppy' we were minding Melissa & Goldie in action At Dressage & Jumping day Kaine & Me with our ribbons we won Kaine and Polly-anna in the Snow Kaine in his Paddock Kaine & Trev tacked up ready to go My brother & Goldie Rochelle & Trev Goldie,Kaine & Me Our Horse Float Rochelle and Trev Strange photo i know! would have turned out ok if he had a head and it wasn't blurred- me & kaine jumping at home Trev's head Kaine 'eating' his feed bucket Kaine's head

2003 Photo's

Goldie Melissa & Goldie Goldie trotting Me & Kaine at a Dressage & Jumping Day Trev Kaine wearing a hat My sister Melissa & Goldie Friend Kimberley on her horse 'Lady' Melissa on Lady Kimberley & Lady