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Welcome to the "Sounds" section of The Upper Crust!
Here, you're able to download brief audio clips of various songs
in high quality mp3 format.  In order to experience a wide variety
of material, many community artists are included on the "Sounds" page.
Please click on a link to the song title you wish to sample and enjoy!
There will be many more sound clips to come in the following weeks!

Exclusive Upper Crust mp3s!

Selections marked with an asterik (*) are full tracks!

Blather's Kite
From Coal Slag
Jesus Disco
Piece of Rest
Above titles c1997 Thank You Nicely Music
Cosmic Vending Machine
From Shape Shifter
Cripple Moon
Above titles c1999 Silver Coin Music

Visit the official Cosmic Vending Machine site for more mp3s!

Ffej & Joe/Cricket Machine
From Return of the Cricket Machine
Dry Heave*
Five for a Dollar
From The Ffej & Joe Story Hour
Clancy's Dances*
Above title c1997 Squeal Like A Pig Music
Johnny Disco Shoes & The Teenage Blondie Ninja Dragons
From BurlapSackHappyShit
The Midget at the End of the Road
Beef Barbecue
Above titles c1998 I'll Wreck Your Life Music

Planet Ass
From Helping to Make the Ozone a Better Place
  Forty-Five Degree Angle Man
Phase One*
Planet Ass
All above titles c1996 Heavenly Butt, Inc.
More Planet Ass
From Pure Ffej
Can You Feel It?
Paper to the Fly
The Right Side of Jabip
Treading Water
All above titles c2001 Heavenly Butt, Inc.

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