Our Statements!
Forward-Looking Statements:
Forward-looking statements contained in this and other written and oral reports are made based
on known events and circumstances at the time of release, and as such, are subject in the future
to unforeseen uncertainties and risks. All statements regarding future performance, events or
developments are forward-looking statements. It is possible that the company’s future performance
may differ materially from current expectations expressed in these forward-looking statements,
due to a variety of factors such as changes in: business relationships with and purchases by or
from major customers or suppliers; competitive market conditions and resulting effects on sales
and pricing; increases in raw-material costs which cannot be recovered in product pricing; and
global economic factors, including currency exchange rates and difficulties entering new markets.
Backward-Looking Statements:
Backward-looking statements contained in this and other written and oral reports are made based
on known events and circumstances at the time of release, and as such, are subject in the past
to foreseen certainties. All statements regarding past performance, events or
developments are backward-looking statements. It is possible that the company’s past performance
may differ materially from current expectations expressed in these backward-looking statements.
If the backward-looking statements do not meet or exceed our current expectations, we shall create
a written or oral report that puts us in a more favourable light based entirely upon what we feel
the past should be.
Current-Looking Statements:
Current-looking statements contained in this and other written and oral reports are made based
on perceived events and circumstances at the time of release, and as such, they are the truth
unless otherwise noted. All statements regarding current performance, events or
developments are current-looking statements. It is possible that the company’s current performance
may differ materially from current expectations expressed in these current-looking statements,
due to a variety of factors that shall be disregarded unless these factors make us
look good to our shareholders, competitors, and the world in general.
Over-the-shoulder-Looking Statements:
Over-the-shoulder-looking statements contained in this and other written and oral reports are
made based upon our paranoia that we are being stalked. All statements regarding performance,
events or developments are over-the-shoulder-looking statements. It is possible that the
company’s paranoia may differ materially from current paranoia expressed in these over-the-
shoulder-looking statements, due to a variety of factors such as the number of real or perceived
threats, the amount of sleep we've had, and the number of cups of coffee we've had this morning.
This Resource is provided free of charge by WeeSaul World Heavy Industries, Ltd., a Division of WeeSaul World, plc. and can not be reproduce in any form without the express written consent of the CEO who is not afraid to bring the full weight of the legal system of WeeSaul's World down upon the shoulders of those who piss him off. Thank you so very much and have a glorious day.