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Burial Records Page 4

Burial Records of the 23rd PA
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Burial Information for Christian G. Simon, Company K, 23rd Pennsylvania Volunteers. He died on January 23rd 1919 at the age of 75. He is buried at Lawnview Cemetery in Rockledge PA in Section Jenkintown, Lot 312 Grave 3-4. He enlisted on September 4th 1861.
Burial Information for Edward C. Andrews, Company A, 23rd Pennsylvania Volunteers. He died on February 14th 1864 at Johnsons Island in Sandusky, Ohio. He is buried at Laurel Hill Cemetery in Philadelphia PA in Section I, Lot 201, Grave 4. He mustered in on August 8th 1861 at the Skuykill Arsenal in Philadelphia. He was wounded at the Battle of Funkstown on July 11th 1863.
Burial Permit for Sgt. Frederick A. Huber , Company F, 23rd Pennsylvania Volunteers, "Birney's Zouaves". Frederick was born and raised in Gettysburg, PA, the son of Doctor Henry Huber. At the outbreak of the War Frederick was in Medical School in Philadelphia . He was mustered into service on August 2, 1861.On September 8th 1861 he moved with the Regiment to Washington D.C. for the defences of the Capital against possible Rebel Invasion. The 23rd was encamped at "The Queen Farm" owned by Jacob Queen and they made Camp Graham thier home. Typhoid Fever broke out in November and December of 61 and over fifty men of the unit died forcing them to move to higher ground near Bladensburg, MD. There they established Camp Clark . He was killed at the Battle of Fair Oaks on May 31, 1862. As he was dying the Company Surgeon came over to him to receive his last wishes. He responded,"Tell my Father I have died for my Country". His body was taken back to Gettysburg and buried in Evergreen Cemetery where he would "be away from the war, forever". One year later at the Battle of Gettysburg, his stone was struck by a shell. Such is War!
Burial Information for Dr. George W. Yoemans 23rd Pennsylvania Volunteers, Regimental Surgeon. He was Mustered in on August 30th 1862 and Discharged on a surgeons Certificate on March 13th 1863.He died on April 17th 1895 in Philadelphia. He is buried at Laurel Hill Cemetery in Philadelphia in Section 18, Lot 171, Grave 1.
Burial Information for Dr. George W. Yoemans 23rd Pennsylvania Volunteers, Regimental Surgeon. He was Mustered in on August 30th 1862 and Discharged on a surgeons Certificate on March 13th 1863.He died on April 17th 1895 in Philadelphia. He is buried at Laurel Hill Cemetery in Philadelphia in Section 18, Lot 171, Grave 1.

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