You want to get a good grade on this project, right? To find out exactly what you need to do to get a good grade look below. Number 4 is the best grade!
Research: 4
- Everyone in our group helped search and encouraged others to do their best 3
- All members of the group searched for the information. 2
- A few of our group members did the majority of the work while others did other
things. 1
- Group did not complete the work assigned, and did not cooperate with one
another. Group
- Our group came up with a lot of information that will persuade the UN to vote
in our favor. We presented it very
clearly, stating information that is easy to understand. Each of us spoke an
equal amount of time. We used three
or more appropriate visual aids. 3
- Our group found some information and we presented it clearly, trying to
persuade voters in our favor. Some group members spoke more than others. We used
two to three appropriate visual aids. 2
- Our group listed some basic facts that we read to the voters. One group member
did most of the talking. We had
less than two visual aids, which didn’t have a lot to do with our speech. 1
- Our group found information, but did not try to persuade voters in our favor.
One group member did all the talking. We didn’t have any visual aids.
Leadership/Industriousness: 4
- Student was prepared and worked at all times to complete the task of finding
information. Student wrote down all URLs of sites visited, what they found at
the site, and any ideas or questions they had. 3
- Student worked most of the time to complete the task. Student wrote down all
URLs of sites visited, a little bit about what they found, and sometimes wrote
down questions and ideas. 2
- Student spent time doing other things during the assigned journal times.
Student only wrote a few URLs and ideas. 1
- Student did not work on assigned task. Information: 4
- I gathered a great deal of information that was helpful to my group on the
topic of pollution, and looked up more than four different websites. 3
- I gathered some information that was helpful to my group and looked up 3
different websites. 2-
I gathered some information that really didn't have anything to do with
pollution, and I only used 2 different websites. 1
- I used less than 2 sources, and didn't find any good information about
pollution. Handwriting: 4
- All information found is written in a neat orderly way, with few spelling,
capitalization, or punctuation errors. 3
- Information that was found is written in the book with some mistakes, but is
still easy to read and understand. 2
- Information is written sloppily with many errors. 1 - Journal is hard to read, and doesn't have much information.
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