Read through all the roles before you decide on a role to play. Once you have decided on which role to play, tell your teacher.
You are a group of environmentalists who work for the UN. You have been assigned to find enough information to convince the UN to vote in favor of the new environmental protection laws. You need to focus on how important it is to protect the environment. You are a group of scientists who specialize in the environment from the United Nations (UN). You must answer this question: How do fossil fuels and pesticides cause air, water, and/or land pollution? You are only interested in facts. Watch out for opinions as you read through the websites. You
are a farmer in the Mid-Western United States (US).
You need to use pesticides to kill insects that might harm your crops.
You also use different chemicals to produce larger crops that you can
sell for more money. Environmentalists say that these pesticides and chemicals
are harming the environment. They
say that birds who eat the insects sprayed with the pesticides become ill and
die, other animals that eat the birds also die. People have become sick
after eating the foods that have been grown using chemicals to make them
bigger. The pesticides also get into the water
supply, harming all
living things that use it. You
want to make sure the United Nations (UN) doesn't pass the laws because
they will require you to change to other methods of farming that
would put you out of business. Come up with a plan that would offer
financial support (rewards) to farmers who change over to the new methods. You work for the
Kuwait Oil Company (KOC). You help find oil in new areas so that people can use
it to run their cars, heat their homes, and make plastic products from it.
Your products help a lot of people and your job pays good money.
The environmentalists want to see people stop using gas to run their cars
because the exhaust from the burning gas in cars causes air pollution and acid
rain. If
people stop using gas, you would be out of a job.
Come up with a compromise that would involve the continued use of gas.
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