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Submission Themes

As well as your own general catalogue of poetry, you can also submit poems to our changing themes invites.
Past and current themes are listed below, all of which you can still submit to at any time to the email address below, or simply view our Poet's contributions on each subject!

Theme 1:


- The birth of Spring brings a bounce in the step whenever the season of new life is upon us once more, and is often inspirational to the poet. What does Spring mean to you, though?
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Theme 2:


- At all stages of life, many of us think about Time. It certainly plays its part in poetry in many different ways...
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Theme 3:


- Gained, lost, viewed from afar or worshipped, the subject of Love is universal, and always brings powerful, emotional poetry.
View the poems

Theme 4:

Positive Thinking When Faced with Disaster

- Most have suffered problems in Life at some stage and what often helps is positive thinking after the event, the determination following the grief to get back up again...
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