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World One Globe

Synchronized Harmony

- its a beautiful world -

The New Dawn Of Life & Hope

(this is an awareness drive on global challenges and how we can overcome them by working together)

to view partners for this drive click on Global Gallery  Then the partners link

"Synchronized Harmony concept"  - "melting pot"  -  "a way of life"  -  "Why this site"   -  "Balanced -   "global gallery"

[Animals] [Nature] [Humans] [Culture & Heritage] [The Use of technology] [challenges] [enroll & help] [earth]

[global food, music & language] [global Overview] [home] [webmaster]


knowledge center World one globe


knowledge is free & a right for all who want to seek it

world one globe supports this cause




 In to the future together as one as  global unity is the focus of this portal


  global faces            Global hands                 Global hearts               global earth


From Africa to Asia, Americas to Europe & Oceania to The Poles

this is what we face in reality

powered by sledgeShades films

Make IT History Global Poverty                                                                       Make IT History Water Pollution


Make IT History Air Pollution                                                                             Make IT History Global Hunger




All Humans must live on an income to sustain His or Her Life.


Hunger or Starvation

Our Failure to feed ourselves is the greatest mistake

 we have ever made as A Civilization.


Natural Disaster

Natural Happenings tend to bring us closer to One Another.


Education for Children or Literacy

Knowledge and Education the ability to speak, count

 and write is every Childs Right.


Environment or Pollution

We Have taken more then we have given

 to this one home that We Have.


Global Warming

Its not a Natural event but caused by Humans.



Income to the citizens must be the key of every Nations Focus.



Medicines we have but Politics are the Barrier. 



Shelter is a Need that all Should Have.



This is the Real war that we face ... not between people and nations.


[how wonderful] [its a beautiful world] [our tools] [disease] [environment]

[global warming] [homelessness] [hunger & starvation] [natural disasters] [poverty]

[unemployment] [lack of education]

World One Globe

Synchronized Harmony

-c 2007 & Beyond-
