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World One Globe

Synchronized Harmony

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The New Dawn Of Life & Hope

(this is an awareness drive on global challenges and how we can overcome them by working together)

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click the image to learn more about homeless


yes to a clean green world !


Global Challenges Homelessness

this is the real war not between nations



 In to the future together as one as  global unity is the focus of this portal


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This site uses research as part of its awareness drive. Click on the two icons below to explore and learn more.


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Homelessness is the condition and social category of people who lack housing, because they cannot afford, or are otherwise unable to maintain, regular, safe, and adequate shelter. The term "homelessness" may also include people whose primary nighttime residence is in a homeless shelter, in an institution that provides a temporary residence for individuals intended to be institutionalized, or in a public or private place not designed for use as a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings.A small number of people choose to be homeless nomads, such as some Romani people (Gypsies) and members of some subcultures.An estimated 100 million people worldwide are homeless.

The United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) defines a "chronically homeless" person as "an unaccompanied homeless individual with a disabling condition who has either been continuously homeless for a year or more, or has had at least four episodes of homelessness in the past three years.

Contributing causes of homelessness

The major reasons and lack of causes for homelessness as documented by many reports and studies include:

A substantial percentage of the U.S. homeless population are individuals who are chronically unemployed or have difficulty managing their lives effectively due to prolonged and severe drug and/or alcohol abuse.Substance abuse can cause homelessness from behavioral patterns associated with addiction that alienate an addicted individual's family and friends who could otherwise provide support during difficult economic times.

Increased wealth disparity and income inequality causes distortions in the housing market that push rent burdens higher, making housing unaffordable.

Dr. Paul Koegel of RAND Corporation, a seminal researcher in first generation homelessness studies and beyond, divided the causes of homelessness into structural aspects and then individual vulnerabilities

Problems faced by homeless people

Homeless people face many problems beyond the lack of a safe and suitable home. They are often faced with many social disadvantages and reduced access to private and public services such as:

Violent crimes against the homeless

There have been many violent crimes committed against the homeless.A recent study in 2007 found that this number is increasing

Refuges for the homeless

There are many places where a homeless person might seek refuge.



Our World ... Needs Our Help & Saving

Click here for an easy and free way to help care for those in need at The Animal Rescue Site!

Click here for an easy and free way to help protect endangered habitat at The Rainforest Site!

Click here for an easy and free way to help provide books for children at The Literacy Site!

Click here for an easy and free way to help children in need at The Child Health Site!

Click here for an easy and free way to help fund mammograms for those in need at The Breast Cancer Site!

Click here for an easy and free way to help feed those in need at The Hunger Site!



[yes to a Blue Oceanic world !]


A World of Beauty & Freedom

powered by sledgeShades films

Make IT History: Global Homelessness



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World One Globe

Synchronized Harmony

-c 2007 & Beyond-
