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World One Globe

Synchronized Harmony

- its a beautiful world -

The New Dawn Of Life & Hope

(this is an awareness drive on global challenges and how we can overcome them by working together)

to view partners for this drive click on Global Gallery  Then the partners link

"Synchronized Harmony concept"  - "melting pot"  -  "a way of life"  -  "Why this site"   -  "Balanced -   "global gallery"

[Animals] [Nature] [Humans] [Culture & Heritage] [The Use of technology] [challenges] [enroll & help] [earth]

[global food, music & language] [global Overview] [home] [webmaster]

Webmaster I am a visionary !



 In to the future together as one as  global unity is the focus of this portal


  global faces            Global hands                 Global hearts               global earth



Passion & Human Value

This is what I stand for Human Value & Passion for the
world that I live In as I am simply a Visionary !

I believe that its truly a beautiful and magnificent Globe
that we live in.

With working together on many items and challenges, preservation of Nature and protection of Animals we will be one.

As fighting this causes collectively will bring us closer together Globally as
a civilization.

Creator & Webmaster,

- Melvin -


"the real war is not between nations ... but causes ... and to bring our world closer together the tools of language, music, food and culture and heritage must be used in an exchange manner to promote batter understanding of one another. at the end we are all of the same elements that's blood, skin and bone. once we get this concept our world will be  complete"



Project World One Globe - "its a beautiful world" -

Webmasters E-Mail -


Doing Business: 

For Business Related Matters, Proposals, Information, Inquiries and other possibilities contact the Developer and Webmaster at 
All Communications to this e-mail address should be attentioned to Melvin.




[how wonderful] [its a beautiful world] [our tools] [disease] [environment]

[global warming] [homelessness] [hunger & starvation] [natural disasters] [poverty]

[unemployment] [lack of education]

World One Globe

Synchronized Harmony

-c 2007 & Beyond-
