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World One Globe

Synchronized Harmony

- its a beautiful world -

The New Dawn Of Life & Hope

(this is an awareness drive on global challenges and how we can overcome them by working together)

to view partners for this drive click on Global Gallery  Then the partners link

"Synchronized Harmony concept"  - "melting pot"  -  "a way of life"  -  "Why this site"   -  "Balanced -   "global gallery"

[Animals] [Nature] [Humans] [Culture & Heritage] [The Use of technology] [challenges] [enroll & help] [earth]

[global food, music & language] [global Overview] [home] [webmaster]

Global Overview



 In to the future together as one as  global unity is the focus of this portal


  global faces            Global hands                 Global hearts               global earth


powered by sledgeShades films

Global Overview

 humans must work together globally

nature must be preserved

animals must be protected

Global Outcome

  + + = Synchronized Harmony

and we all live together in unison globally


Globally We Are

We are of the same elements

 that are Blood , Skin & Bone .

We drink water ,

We have diverse cultural & Heritage roots ,

We eat food ,

We talk language ,

We breathe air .

Borders  should Only Exists in Our Minds and Not Between Us Globally



we are


world         1            Globe





--------------------------This is World One Globe----------------------

--------------------------This is global harmony between nations----------------------

coming together of global                               nations to foster                                              global harmony together


[how wonderful] [its a beautiful world] [our tools] [disease] [environment]

[global warming] [homelessness] [hunger & starvation] [natural disasters] [poverty]

[unemployment] [lack of education]

World One Globe

Synchronized Harmony

-c 2007 & Beyond-
