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The Complete Works of William Shakespeare

Welcome to Sonnet Central, an archive of English sonnets, commentary, and relevant web links and a forum for poets to share and discuss their own work. Sonnets are grouped by period below and can also be accessed quickly via an alphabetical list of authors or the java navigation page. All of the sonnets included here (as well as most of those that are linked) are modernized texts for the general reader and are not presented for purposes of scholarly work.

Sonnet Poets--Alphabetical Listing ( Main Page )

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P,  R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, 



Acklom, George Moreby

Adams, Arthur Henry

Adams, Francis William Lauderdale

Adamson, John


Alabaster, William

Alcott, Amos Bronson

Aldrich, Thomas Bailey

Alexander, Eleanor

Alexander, William

Alford, Henry

Allen, Elizabeth Akers

Allen, Hervey

Allingham, William

Allston, Washington


Anster, John

Arnold, Matthew

Ashe, Thomas

Auringer, O. C.

Auslander, Joseph

Austin, Alfred

Ayres, Philip


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A. L. B.

Bailey, P. J.

Bampfylde, John

Baring, Maurice

Barlas, John

Barnes, Barnabe

Barnfield, Richard

Bates, Katharine Lee

Bayldon, Arthur Albert Dawson

Baylebridge, William

Bayley, Peter

Baylis, Samuel Mathewson

Beaumont, John

Beck, Theo van

Beckford, William

Beddoes, Thomas Lovell

Beers, Henry Augustin

Beloe, William

Bell, A. H. Haynes

Bell, H. T. MacKenzie

Benét, Stephen Vincent

Benjamin, Park

Bennet, Gwendolyn B.

Bensel, James Berry

Benton, Joel

Best, Charles

Bevington, Louisa Sarah (Guggenberger)

Binyon, Laurence

Blake, William


Blanchard, Samuel Laman

Blewett, Jean

Blind, Mathilde

Blunt, Wilfred Scawen

Bodenheim, Maxwell

Boker, George Henry

Boothby, Brooke

Bowles, William Lisle

Boyd, John

Boyesen, Hjalmar Hjorth

Bradby, Henry Christopher

Bradley, Mary Emily

Braithwaite, William Stanley

Branch, Anna Hempstead

Brennan, Christopher

Brereton, John Le Gay

Bridges, Robert

Brooke, Rupert

Brodie, E. H.

Brown, John Henry

Brown, Oliver Madox

Browning, Elizabeth Barrett

Brownlow, Edward Burrough

Bruner, Margaret

Bryant, John Frederick

Bryant, William Cullen

Brydges, S. Egerton

Buchanan, Robert

Bunner, H. C.

Burbidge, Thomas

Burns, Robert

Burton, Richard E.

Byron, George Gordon, Lord


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E. C.

Caine, Hall

Call, William M. W.

Cambridge, Ada

Cameron, George Frederick

Campbell, Calder

Campbell, William Wilfred

Carman, Bliss

Cartwright, Edmund

Casebeer, Florence Churchill

Cawein, Madison

Chadwick, John White

Chapman, John Jay

Cheney, John Vance

Chesterton, G. K.

Church, Hubert

Clare, John

Clark, Kate Elizabeth

Clarke, Herbert E.

Clough, Arthur Hugh

Coleman, Helena

Coleridge, Hartley

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor

Collyer, Thomas

Conder, Josiah

Cone, Helen Gray

Constable, Henry

Cook, Clarence Chatham

Coolbrith, Ina Donna

Cowley, Hannah

Coxe, Edward

Craig, Alexander

Craigmyle, Bessie

Craik, Dinah Maria Mulock

Cranch, Christopher

Crawford, Robert

Crowe, William

Custance, Olive

Cuthbert, Hugh

Cuthbertson, James Lister


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Daley, Victor James William Patrick

Dana, Richard Henry

Daniel, Samuel

Darley, George

Davies, John

Davis, Richard Bingham

De Vere, Aubrey

De Vere, Sir Aubrey

Derham, Enid

Deutsch, Babette

Disraeli, Benjamin

Dixon, Richard Watson

Dobell, Eva

Dobell, Sydney

Dobson, Austin

Donne, John

Dorr, Julia C. R.

Doubleday, Thomas

Douglas, Lord Alfred

Dovaston, John

Dowden, Edward

Dowson, Ernest

Joseph Rodman Drake

Drayton, Michael

Drennan, John Swanwick

Drummond, George Hay

Drummond, William


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Eames, Elizabeth

Earle, John Charles

Eastman, Max

Edwards, Ethel Ashton

Edwards, Thomas

Ellet, Elizabeth Fries

Elliott, Ebenezer

Ellis, H. V.

Ellis, Joseph

Ellison, Henry

Evance, Susan

Evans, Hugh J.


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Faber, Frederick William

Faber, Geoffrey

Fane, Julian

Fanshawe, Catherine Maria

Fanshawe, Richard

Fawcett, Edgar

Ferguson, Robert

Ferguson, Sir Samuel

Ficke, Arthur Davison

Field, Michael

Fiske, Horace Spencer

Fletcher, Giles

Fletcher, John Gould

Flexner, Hortense

Fortune, Timothy Thomas

Frazee-Bower, Helen

Freeland, William


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Gardner, Edmund

Garnett, Richard

Gascoigne, George

Gay, William

Gibson, Wilfrid Wilson

Gilder, Richard Watson

Gillington, Mary C.

Gladstone, William Ewart

Goodale, Dora Read

Goodrich, Samuel Griswold

Goodwin, Hopestill

Gosse, Edmund W.

Gray, Bessie

Gray, David

Gray, John

Gray, Thomas

Greville, Fulke

Griffin, Bartholomew

Guiney, Louise Imogen

Gurney, Ivor


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A. J. H.

Hake, Thomas Gordon

Hale, Sarah Josepha

Hall, Eliza Calvert

Hallam, Arthur Henry

Hamilton, Henry

Hamilton, William Rowan

Hanmer, John

Hardy, Thomas

Harrison, Susie Frances

Haultain, Theodore Arnold

Hawker, Robert Stephen

Hay, John

Hayne, Paul Hamilton

Heavysege, Paul

Hemans, Felicia Dorothea

Henley, William Ernest

Hensley, Sophie M.

Herbert, Lord Edward of Cherbury

Herbert, George

Herbin, John Frederic

Herrick, Robert

Herschel-Clarke, May

Higginson, Thomas Wentworth

Hillyer, Robert

Hogben, John

Holmes, Edmond G. A.

Holmes, Oliver Wendell

Hone, William

Hood, Thomas

Hopkins, Gerard Manley

Houfe, Charles A.

Houghton, A. B.

Hovey, Richard

Howard, Henry, Earl of Surrey

Hucks, Joseph

Humphreys, David

Hunt, Leigh

Hunter, W. E.

Hunter-Duvar, John


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Inchbold, John William

Ingelow, Jean

Innsley, Owen

Irwin, Thomas Caulfield

Irwin, Wallace


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Jackson, Helen

Jacobs, D. M.

Jeffers, Robinson

Jefferson, Wilson

Jewett, Sophie

Johns, John

Johnson, Lionel

Johnston, Charles

Johnston, William Preston

Jones, Ebenezer

Jones, Edith

Jones, Maria W.

Jonson, Ben

Judd, George F.


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K. von K., Camilla

Keats, John

Kelly, John Liddell

Kemble, Fanny

Kendall, Henry Clarence

Kenyon, James

Kett, Henry

Kirby, William

Knight, Joseph

Knox, Mrs. O. C.

Kolbe, F. C.


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C. C. L.

Lamb, Charles

Lampman, Archibald

Lang, Andrew

Lanier, Sidney

Larcom, Lucy

Lavater, Louis

Lazarus, Emma

Lee-Hamilton, Eugene

Lefroy, Edward Cracroft

Le Grice, C. V.

Lemoine, Henry

Le Noir, Elizabeth Anne Smart

Levy, Amy

Lewis, C. S.

Lighthall, William Douw

Lighthall, Robert Page

Little, Elizabeth Mary

Livingstone, Stuart

Lloyd, Charles

Locker, Frederick

Lockhart, Arthur J.

Lodge, Thomas

Lofft, Capel

Logan, John E.

Lok, Henry

Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth

Longmore, G.

Loughran, Edward Booth

Lovell, Robert

Low, Samuel

Lowell, Amy

Lowell, James Russell

Lynch, Anne

Lynche, Richard

Lysaght, Sidney Royse


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MacFarlane, G. W. J.

Machar, Agnes Maule

Maclean, Kate Seymour

MacMahon, M. J.

Macnamera, Francis

MacPhail, Andrew

Mair, Charles

Markham, Charles Edwin

Marquis, Thomas

Marston, Philip Bourke

Marston, (John) Westland

Martin, Arthur Patchett

Martin, George

Mason, H. C.

Mason, William

Masters, Edgar Lee

McCall, T.

McEvoy, Bernard

McGee, Thomas D'Arcy

McKay, Claude

McManus, Emily

Meredith, George

Meynell, Alice


Mifflin, Lloyd

Millay, Edna St. Vincent

Milnes, Richard Monckton

Milton, John

Mitford, John

Mitford, Mary Russell

Moloney, Patrick

Monkhouse, Cosmo

Moore, Henry

Morgan, Mary

Morris, William

Morse, James Herbert

Morton, David

Moulton, Louise Chandler

Moultrie, John

Moxon, Edward

Mulvany, Charles Pelham


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Nelson, R. A.

Nesbit, E.

Noel, Edward Henry

Norton, Caroline

Novak, David


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O'Dowd, Bernard Patrick

O'Grady, Standish James

Ossoli, Margaret Fuller

Owen, Wilfred


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Paine, Robert Treat

Park, Thomas

Parker, Gilbert

Parkes, Henry

Paton, Joseph Noel

Peck, Samuel Minturn

Pellew, George

Percival, James Gates

Percy, William

Perry, Lillah Cabot Perry

Philipps, Janetta

Piatt, John James

Pickering, Henry

Poe, Edgar Allan

Polwhele, Richard

Preston, Margaret

Preston, William

Price, Herbert

Pringle, Thomas

Pulsifer, Harold Trowbridge


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Raison, Milton

Ralegh, Sir Walter

Rand, Theodore Harding

Reade, John

Reese, Lizette Woodworth

Reid, Robert

Renaude, Ralph

Reynolds, John Hamilton

Rickman, Thomas

Rickword, Edgell

Ritchie, J. Almon

Rives, Amélie

Roberts, Charles G. D.

Roberts, Walter Adolphe

Roberts, William Carman

Robinson, A. Mary F.

Robinson, Edwin Arlington

Robinson, Harriet H.

Romanes, George John

Roscoe, William Stanley

Roscoe, William Caldwell

Ross, David MacDaniel

Rossetti, Christina

Rossetti, Dante Gabriel

Rossetti, William

Russell, Thomas


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H. F. S.

Saltus, Edgar

Saltus, Francis S.

Sangster, Charles

Santayana, George

Sargent, Epes

Saunderson, James

Saxe, John Godfrey

Saxton, Andrew B.

Sassoon, Siegfried

Scollard, Clinton

Scott, Duncan Campbell

Scott, Frederick George

Scott, John

Scott, William Bell

Scully, W. C.

Seeger, Alan

W. Selwyn

Seward, Anna

Shakespeare, William

Shelley, Percy Bysshe

Sherman, Francis

Sherman, Frank Dempster

Sheridan, C. B.

Sidney, Philip

Shillito, Edward

Sigourney, Lydia Huntley

Sill, Edward Rowland

Smith, Charlotte

Smith, Elizabeth Oakes

Smith, Horace

Smith, Lyman Cyrus

Smith, William

Sorley, Charles

Sotheby, William

Southey, Robert

Spalding, Susan M.

Spencer, Hiram Ladd

Spenser, Edmund

Stedman, Edmund Clarence

Stephen, James Kenneth

Sterling, George

Sterne, Stuart

Stewart, Phillips

Stillingfleet, Benjamin

Stork, Charles Wharton

Story, William Wetmore

Straton, Barry

Stringer, Arthur John Arbuthnott

Strobel, Marion

Strong, Charles

Stuart-Wortley, Emmeline

Surrey, Henry Howard, Earl of

Swiggett, Glen Levin

Swinburne, Algernon Charles

Sylvester, Joshua

Symmons, Caroline

Symonds, John Addington



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H. T.

Talfourd, T. N.

Taylor, Bayard

Taylor, John

Teasdale, Sarah

Temple, Laura Sophia

Tennyson, Alfred

Thelwall, John

Thomson, James

Thomson, John Stuart

Thurlow, Edward

Timrod, Henry

Todhunter, John

Townsend, Charles

Townsend, Mary Ashley

Trench, Richard Chenevix

Tuckerman, Frederick Goddard

Turner, Charles Tennyson

Tyler, Royall


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Untermeyer, Louis


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Van Doren, Mark

Van Dusen, Washington

Very, Jones


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Wade, Thomas

Walker, William Sydney

Walrond, F. E.

Warren, John Leicester

Watermeyer, E. B.

Watson, Thomas

Watson, William

Watts-Dunton, Theodore

Webbe, Egerton

Webster, Augusta

Weir, Arthur

Welles, Winifred

Wells, S.

Westwood, Thomas

Wetherald, Ethelwyn

White, Brinsley

White, Henry Kirke

White, Joseph Blanco

Whittier, John Greenleaf

Wiffen, B. B.

Wilde, Oscar

Wilde, Richard Henry

Williams, Edward

Williams, Helen Maria

Wood, Clement

Woodward, E. A.

Wordsworth, William

Wratislaw, Theodore

Wroth, Mary

Wyatt, Sir Thomas

Wylie, Eleanor


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Yeats, William Butler


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