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Prescript: I'm looking for someone to go 50/50 with me and move to either Ecuador, Costa Rica, Belize, Guatemala, or Mexico where we can make a very low income go much further with a lower cost, and higher standard, of living (than living in the States on such a low income). This includes an only income of Social Security Disability (SSDI) and/or Retirement benefits. The Social Security Administration most definitely DOES allow SSDI and/or Retirement benefits, but not Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits, to be sent to recipients in most other countries! There are many books about moving and living abroad available at the public library and/or at . Naturally, I realize we would probably have to spend some time getting to know eachother, and finding out if we're compatible, before moving abroad together. We could even have our own separate "spaces" by choosing to rent or purchase a house or apartment with separate quarters, and still save considerable money in monthly costs compared to living in the States on the same income. If you might be interested, want to ask me some questions, and/or want to discuss it, please e-mail me at the address below.

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"The Majority Is Usually Wrong!"



What The Restoration Of The Federal
Death Penalty Is Leading To




I am appalled by the disaster that happened in Washington, D.C. and New York City; and I am both surprised and not surprised by it, because I knew that sooner or later something like this was going to happen. Also, I have long said since such occurrences as the Oklahoma City bombing and the high school shootings that "(w)e haven't seen anything yet".

The latest debacle, or something similar, was inevitable; and the world, not just the United States, should be prepared for the worst. The Word(s) of God prophesied that the restraining power of the Holy Spirit of God would be withdrawn at this time in our world's history and that things like this would happen; and this is only the beginning; for, as more of the Holy Spirit's restraining power is withdrawn, more of mankind is going to go "mad" and commit just as, if not worse, atrocious acts.

We need to wake up to the fact(s) that our hypocritical religious beliefs and/or stand are nowhere near enough, and that only those who are COMPLETELY transformed by God are safe.

I am very saddened and anxious about this latest terrible event; I am very sorry for the victims, and their friends and families, for what has happened; and my condolences go out to them.

To all citizens of the United States and the World: Hang in there and pray that the worst does not happen, and that this matter does not lead to World War III and/or other terrorist actions. I wish all of you, and all of your families and friends, nothing but the very best.


(With Due Credit to Robert A. Heinlein,
his book Stranger in a Strange Land
His Estate, and/or the Publishers)

I have been waiting for inspiration before I sought to address these very important matters; but now, today, on Thursday, June 22nd, 2000, another financially poor person, of a racial minority in the United States, Gary Graham, was assassinated in Texas by State-sponsored, government-sanctioned murder, inflicted by the death penalty; and that travesty has provided me the inspiration I needed, as follows:

The majority of "Americans" may be in favor of the death penalty at this time; but the majority of so-called Americans are also racists; so we cannot trust the majority of "Americans", including police, the courts, judges, lawyers, or jurors, to determine who lives and who dies. Two wrongs do not make one right. Murder for murder is totally barbaric, and unconscionable in a society which is supposedly much wiser, and much less barbaric, than societies of past-history.

If today's society is really so much more enlightened, advanced and reasonable than societies of the past, than government-sponsored murder is that much more inexcusable. In reality, today's society is NOT advanced or much-improved over past-society, but in truth is MUCH WORSE because of how much more shamelessly we condone and excuse evil for evil. There are NO EXCUSES for evil whatsoever; and there are especially no excuses for evil in return for evil, especially in the so-called "much more advanced" society that we are supposedly a part of.

We keep hearing the proponents of the death penalty say over and over again that we as a people should all be saddened by the deaths of the Gary Graham's at the hands of the State(s); but they who say such things are liars, for they aren't truly saddened by such alleged murderers' deaths; they are more pleased, relieved and grateful for their deaths, because their part(s) in bringing about, and/or supporting and condoning, such deaths aids them in fitting into, and/or pandering to, and getting along with and being accepted by, the majority.

Just as sad as the sadness for the death of anyone, is the sadness that most people don't want to be true individuals and think for themselves; they want to go the lazy route of echoing the majority; and they wrongly assume that if the majority of people think one way on a subject, the majority must be right. But, it's really true, "The majority is usually WRONG"! (Robert A. Heinlein in Stranger In A Strange Land.) It supposedly takes too much "work" for people to take a minority "stand"; and we've been wrongly "programmed" since we were children to "fit in", and conform and bow to the majority; but all of us are called, making it everyone's DUTY, to stand up ONLY for what's truly and completely right, to think completely for ourselves, and be completely true individuals, even if doing so means "standing alone", being unpopular, and being persecuted for it. Remember, as Mariah Carey sings, "A Hero Lies In You"!

Now, getting into the Bible, the Word(s) of God, is unavoidable at any point, because it is the original, proven, historical law book, and as such has direct, inescapable, and fully accurate bearing on the subject(s) being addressed here, the death penalty and bigotry. But the Bible is not only the first law book, it always has been, still is, and always will be, THE ONLY law book that has transcendent and preeminent authority over all other law, particularly man's law(s) and the laws of nature. It is the legal transcript of the law of God's very character, the embodiment of God Himself, and the foundation of all existence. As a result, it is required of all mankind to listen to it, apply it to all aspects of their lives, emulate it's example, and to obey it.

The death penalty is another violent, hateful, shameful act on top of one or more other violent, hateful, shameful acts. The Sixth Commandment says, "You will not kill", period! (Exodus 20:13; Mark 10:19; Luke 18:20; etc.) It does NOT say, '...except under certain circumstances', 'except in the case of death as "punishment" for murder', or 'except when defending "freedom" or our country'. High school students have it right in the name of their organization, Students Against Violence Everywhere (SAVE). We The People must try to end ALL violence EVERYWHERE, and violence of ANY and EVERY kind, including but not limited to the death penalty! We cannot acceptably tell our children that violence is not at all an acceptable way to solve problems, and then contradict ourselves by promoting the death penalty! This ultimate in hypocrisy is completely and totally unacceptable in any way!

By the same token, bigotry, racism and racial prejudice, are the ultimate in ignorance! Two monumental discoveries proving this were made recently; first, that the genetic makeup (DNA) of black people is ninety-eight percent (98%) the same as that of white people; and, second, a highly religious group of black South Africans who migrated to South Africa long ago, and have believed for thousands of years that they are descendants of the Jewish priesthood, the Levites, and who were of course not believed because the Jewish race has long been believed to be all "white", mostly "white" or of "brown" skin at the most, have had their claims proven correct, also by genetic testing.

But, in addition to the genetic proof, it should be obvious that all of the people on this Earth are members of the very same race, the human race! We are all equal; we all bleed basically the same blood; and we are all "brothers and sisters", or, if you'd rather, "cousins"! We are NOT distant cousins either; we are closer cousins than we are different or separate; and we have another duty as members of the human race, to discover our similarities, break down the barriers between us, join together, and work together to stand up against all prejudice, racism, bigotry, and injustice of any and all kinds.

Bigotry includes many things, not only racism, and not least of which are unequal rights, discrimination of any kind, and miscarriages of true justice of all kinds. It is rightly and correctly said that 'God loves the sinner, but hates the sin'; therefore, all of us of the Homo sapiens race have the highest responsibility to love all of our fellow -men and -women regardless of their race, lifestyle(s), beliefs, disability(ies), level, or "standing" in society, monetarily or otherwise, their shortcomings, law breaking, harm of others', sexual preference(s), etc.

"Let he (or she) who is without (evil in their own lives), first cast a stone (at those you believe have committed evil)"! (John 8:7.) In other words, because we are all guilty of wrongdoing, no man or woman has the right to condemn any other person for their wrongdoing! To do so is not only the ultimate in hypocrisy, it is the ultimate in bigotry to make ourselves out to be better than ANYBODY else, when in reality we are no better than ANYONE else, for no person is better than, or superior to, ANY other person IN ANY WAY, no matter how "good" or "responsible" or "educated" or "successful" they supposedly are!

As perhaps our greatest "founding father", Thomas Jefferson, said in the powerfully-inspired Declaration of Independence, "...ALL men are created EQUAL, and endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness..."! (Emphasis added.) In addition to the correct interpretation(s) of, and obedience to, The Word(s) of God, this is the foundation that our country, and every person within it's borders, is supposed to stand for fully and completely, without exception, and the incontrovertible truth, and highest duty, that We The People are also required to obey in order to be true Americans, and more importantly, true human beings!

If all professed-Americans, and all citizens of planet Earth, do not without exception treat all humankind as equals to and with themselves, and if they treat any person or group of people in any way less than equal to themselves, they not only fail to be true Americans, and/or true citizens of Earth, they violate all that our Maker stands for, make themselves much more evil than the average person, and separate themselves from all true Redemptive Power unless they, with the help and power of God, turn themselves around and without exception treat all people as equals!

Wherefore, I call all men and women everywhere, if they do not do so already, to stand for nothing but true and complete equality for all humankind, and to treat all people as nothing but the equals that they are!


Yet another state-sanctioned murder has been committed today, by the murder of Timothy McVeigh; and this is yet another attempt at making two wrongs into one right, which is an impossibility! For weeks now the word "justice" has been tossed around, claiming murder for murder is allegedly justice, and killing Tim McVeigh is supposedly justice for the lives he allegedly took. But killing McVeigh was ONLY unmitigated vengeance; and President Bush had the gall to claim that it was "justice" rather than "vengeance", proving himself more and more to be an idiot! Oh, the lengths that the majority of people will go to, to rationalize, self-justify and excuse evil! It is disgusting; and the majority of people agree with it! Woe to the collective "us", we so-called Americans who are supposed to stand for nothing but "(y)ou will not kill", the Sixth Commandment! (Exodus 20:13; et alii.) It bears repeating that said Commandment does NOT say, '...except under certain circumstances'!

God said, "You have heard that it has been said, 'An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth: But I say unto you, That you resist not evil: but whoever smites you on your right cheek, turn to him the other (cheek) also'". (Matthew 5:38, 39; and the rest of the chapter.) This verse from God's Word(s) clearly states that murder for murder, vengeance for vengeance, was done away with by Jesus the Christ when he walked this Earth as a human being! He goes on to say in that same chapter that we are to love our enemies; but we cannot love our enemies by murdering them! We are ALL supposed to be "merciful" in order to have a place in heaven; therefore, those who are at all UNmerciful, will not obtain any mercy other than the mercifulness of being completely destroyed for their evil(s), so that evil does not in any way continue any longer! Thank God that very soon He will bring a final end to the death penalty, and that no one will any more be killed for any reason(s) whatsoever! We should pity our country for murdering Timothy McVeigh, and take a total stand against the death penalty, without any exception(s)!

We ALL deserve to die for our evil! There is no one without sin (or evil); and the only people who are not going to be destroyed for their evil, are those who no longer commit any conscious, intentional evil, like adding evil to evil by murdering people for their murder(s)! Vengeance belongs ONLY to God; and no man or woman has any right to play God by determining in any way who lives and who dies! None of us are righteous enough, if we are truly righteous at all! Tim McVeigh is now a martyr, whether a false one or not; "we" have done nothing but add another unmerciful death to the list of people who died in connection with the Oklahoma City Bombing; and we have made Tim into another victim, another victim of one of "America's" great hypocrisies! 'America, cease returning evil for evil; and have the mercy for all others that you expect for yourself! How can you excuse returning injustice for injustice?! That is not AT ALL what the Leader we believe to be the Leader of our great country, God, stands for in any way! Stop being so hypocritically evil, and forgive as you expect to be forgiven!'

Even a Timothy McVeigh can be forgiven!! "Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy"; but those who are not merciful, will not obtain mercy!! (Matthew 5:7.) These are the Words of God, Jesus the Christ!! Wake up and follow His example; and, remember, if the majority of people believe something is right or true, they are more than likely wrong!!

Continued below:


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The subject of the death penalty naturally brings me to another "Pro-Life" controversy, that of abortion; and I cannot fail to address that subject as well as the death penalty. "All men (and women) are created equal". Once they are conceived, they are created; as the process of creation has already begun. The principles upon which this country was founded, in standing for the fact that all men and women are created equal, clearly delineates that unborn fetuses are just as equal as babies, children and adults, and have just as much right to ", liberty and the (eventual) pursuit of happiness" as everyone else; and adults have no right to play God and decide who lives and who dies! Talk about murder: What a great deal of murder of innocent human beings has been committed by way of abortion! It is totally unconscionable and intolerable; there are absolutely no truly justifiable excuses for the taking of human life in this or any other way; and it is going to be most awful in the Day of Judgment before God for those who have in any way contributed to this wholesale slaughter, especially for the doctors who committed the atrocities of removing the already-developing, defenseless human beings from so many wombs!

I will never forget when and where, as a captive and captivated audience, I first read material that was sent to me about how such newly-created human beings are so atrociously removed from the wombs of so many naive or ignorant women! All four or five methods are barbaric, disgusting and deplorable; and, as the description(s) of same should cause all fully responsible and conscientious people who read about them to do, it made me cry rivers of tears and great sadness for both the fetuses and the perpetrators of this, probably the greatest, crime of ignorance! I could not believe that it took me until I was thirty years of age to be awakened from my ignorance on this subject! Where had I been? Living a hermits life in a cave in the middle of nowhere, with absolutely no contact with mankind for the first thirty years of my life? No! I had ignorantly and inexcusably avoided and ignored the subject for at least fifteen of those years! But, as painful as it was to face the Truth on the subject, I was exceedingly glad that I was awakened to the perverse unmercifulness of abortion; and I will always be indebted to the organization and it's material which were the channel for my enlightenment on the subject!

There is no greater disgrace on the human race than our unmitigated slaughter of so many innocents! God will have no mercy for those who have not completely stopped being a part of this carnage, nor for those who, when they had a chance to be counted against it, did or said nothing in defense of the defenseless! Please don't continue to bury your head(s) in the sand; read the descriptions of this Hitler-esque atrocity; and, as long as you still have a conscience, you will not be able to keep yourself from being moved to indignation by the grossness of this inhumanity, and to take a stand against it! Please join the ever-swelling ranks of those who are non-violently opposed to abortion, and exercise your right(s) to freedom of speech and peaceful protest against this perversity!

(Added to the site on 6-19-01)

We live in a most perverse time. Really, the world has been perverse for six thousand years; but, with the advent of so-called advances in technology and so on, it is even more perverse than it has ever been. For decades now, hell, for over a hundred years, mankind has been thinking up greater and greater ways to kill eachother; and now, with the restoration of the federal death penalty after no federal executions for thirty-six years, the United States is preparing to kill people for what they believe. Very soon, believe it, we will not be free to believe as we choose to believe; and we will not even be free to believe in true liberty. We are fast approaching an extremely dark time when truly innocent peoples' beliefs will be blamed for the calamities that will very soon befall the Earth, much worse calamities than we have yet seen or experienced. We haven't seen anything yet; and we will very soon see and experience the absolute worst that could happen sooner than soon. Remember Noah? He was not believed either, and was thought to be a raving madman and alarmist, "when the flood came and took them ALL (millions of people) away" to their deaths because they would not prepare to be only on the side of right, and prepared for that great global flood that destroyed all but eight people. So today, all but a small fraction of the total population of the Earth are going to survive the final conflagration; but you CAN be on the side of right!

All of the great eccentrics, Noah, the Prophets, Moses, Jesus, the Apostles, many of Jesus' disciples, Martin Luther and the other Protestant reformers, Francis of Assisi, Mahatma Ghandi, Albert Einstein, Martin Luther King, Jr., etcetera, were thought to be alarmists and insane by many people at one time or another in their, if not their entire, lives. They tried to warn their "stiff-necked" generations, and were rewarded with scoffing, cursing, stoning, ridicule, being unjustly and falsely discredited, and even with being murdered for it. So our "generation", even the professed-Christians, by and large do not believe the warnings of what is soon to befall us. It is exceedingly difficult, much more difficult than going along and fitting in, to stand only for what is right, good and true. Most people don't even believe they can do it, or that it is even possible; and, without the complete and total transformation of our characters by God, it is not; but "with God all things are possible". Even members of our perverted generation can become totally new people, true human beings, the people that we were created to be in the first place. They have to want "it" and nothing else; but most people don't want it. If they want religion at all, they want it on their own terms, not God's, and an "easy" way into heaven that does not exist at all. It is nothing new. "There is nothing new under the sun". They don't want to let go of their cherished evil(s), and want to hold onto their lust(s) and their greed.

Most people judge and gossip about the wrong things. They only look upon the surface or appearance of things and the way(s) other people are, and start false rumors about or condemn others only for what they think they see about them, when they are more often wrong than right, particularly about those people and things they don't understand, the "eccentrics", or those who stand up for what is right, and against what is wrong, corrupt and evil in this world, and the way(s) things appear to be. They convince themselves that the really bad people aren't so bad, that the good people are bad, and that really evil events happening around them, which are leading to the absolute worst chaos, supposedly won't get so bad. The "ostrich syndrome" continues to worsen at pandemic proportions, while "the powers that be", sometimes unbeknownst even to themselves of the evil(s) their actions are leading to, are bringing about the biggest and most harmful conflagration that the world has ever seen! They don't look for, see, or believe the truly important "cause(s) and effect(s)", and ultimate evil(s) their actions, and inactions, are leading to; and they are the worst 'blind leaders of the blind', leading the ignorant down to the final, rapid events and destruction!

Extremely soon, the "gun-toters", the "law enforcement authorities", and the enforcers of government-mandated religion, will track down, unjustly arrest, convict, imprison, torture, and murder those who truly stand for Christianity and the Truth, all in the name of God and truth that it will truly be the furthest thing from! But we don't believe it can happen in "America"! 'Oh, no, you're crazy, it could never happen here'! And those that blame those who stand for nothing but one-hundred percent Truth for the calamities befalling them, will actually be the cause(s) of those "plagues"! Though you probably won't listen to me, I am warning you that you must not waste any more time in placing yourselves, not on the side of false-Christianity, but only on the side of the very narrow "...Way, the Truth, and the Life...", without which there is no other true Hope! Pull your heads out of the sand, truly open your eyes, shed all hypocrisy and falsehoods, and trust only in God and His Truth(s), or you will very soon be forever destroyed for being a part of the final evil horde!

If you are not fully and completely against ALL evil(s), you are for it (or them) in one way or another!

Thank you for visiting, reading and listening to my site with
your true hearts, not with wrongly-judgmental minds.




Postscript: I'm looking for someone to go 50/50 with me and move to either Ecuador, Costa Rica, Belize, Guatemala, or Mexico where we can make a very low income go much further with a lower cost, and higher standard, of living (than living in the States on such a low income). This includes an only income of Social Security Disability (SSDI) and/or Retirement benefits. The Social Security Administration most definitely DOES allow SSDI and/or Retirement benefits, but not Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits, to be sent to recipients in most other countries! There are many books about moving and living abroad available at the public library and/or at . Naturally, I realize we would probably have to spend some time getting to know eachother, and finding out if we're compatible, before moving abroad together. We could even have our own separate "spaces" by choosing to rent or purchase a house or apartment with separate quarters, and still save considerable money in monthly costs compared to living in the States on the same income. If you might be interested, want to ask me some questions, and/or want to discuss it, please e-mail me at the address below.


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Postscript: I'm looking for someone to go 50/50 with me and move to either Ecuador, Costa Rica, Belize, Guatemala, or Mexico where we can make a very low income go much further with a lower cost, and higher standard, of living (than living in the States on such a low income). This includes an only income of Social Security Disability (SSDI) and/or Retirement benefits. The Social Security Administration most definitely DOES allow SSDI and/or Retirement benefits, but not Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits, to be sent to recipients in most other countries! There are many books about moving and living abroad available at the public library and/or at . Naturally, I realize we would probably have to spend some time getting to know eachother, and finding out if we're compatible, before moving abroad together. We could even have our own separate "spaces" by choosing to rent or purchase a house or apartment with separate quarters, and still save considerable money in monthly costs compared to living in the States on the same income. If you might be interested, want to ask me some questions, and/or want to discuss it, please e-mail me at the address below.

Thank you for your interest; and I hope you truly enjoyed your visit. Please come back soon and visit my site.

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