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Prescript: I'm looking for someone to go 50/50 with me and move to either Ecuador, Costa Rica, Belize, Guatemala, or Mexico where we can make a very low income go much further with a lower cost, and higher standard, of living (than living in the States on such a low income). This includes an only income of Social Security Disability (SSDI) and/or Retirement benefits. The Social Security Administration most definitely DOES allow SSDI and/or Retirement benefits, but not Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits, to be sent to recipients in most other countries! There are many books about moving and living abroad available at the public library and/or at . Naturally, I realize we would probably have to spend some time getting to know eachother, and finding out if we're compatible, before moving abroad together. We could even have our own separate "spaces" by choosing to rent or purchase a house or apartment with separate quarters, and still save considerable money in monthly costs compared to living in the States on the same income. If you might be interested, want to ask me some questions, and/or want to discuss it, please e-mail me at the address below.

(Click on the link to go to that part of the page):

Death In The Air, Globalism, Terrorism And Toxic Warfare,
Chapter 5, "Contaminations and Cover Ups"
(Part of Another Chapter from the Great Book by Dr. Horowitz)

Response To "President" Bush's 1-29-03
"State Of The Union Address"

Dear Sascha, A Letter To A Friend

Addressing Ignorance, Part 2

Addressing Ignorance, Part 3

American Ambassadors Or "American Am-Bastards"?

The Epidemic Of Pro-Imperialism In The
United States Of "America"


Globalism, Terrorism and Toxic Warfare
by Leonard G. Horowitz, D.M.D., M.A., M.P.H.
(Harvard Graduate, Author, Investigator, and
International Authority in Behavioral Science
and True Public Health Education)
Copyright © by Leonard G. Horowitz, 2001.
All rights reserved.
[Written prior to 9-11-01, although it is predictive of
the events that occurred on the latter date, and now has
an Epilogue (though it is not in the Table of Content as
of this inclusion), which specifically addresses 9-11-01.]

Chapter 5."
"Contaminations and Cover-ups"
(Pages 65-74.)

"The presence of these impurities had been
kept secret . . ."

Samuel Epstein, M.D., Ph.D.
U.S. Congressional hearing in 1990

"The contaminations and cover-ups in public health methods and materials perceived by citizens to be pure is a sordid chapter in American history. The focus of this chapter, bearing on aerosol pesticide sprayings, and of Chapter 14 concerning toxic vaccine injections, provides two glaring examples of how public health practices, unproven by science, if not heavily condemned by it, have been carried out in the name of "prevention." Both examples reflect mass murder in the name of medical science. Sloppy science and/or bureaucratic-political expediency cannot alone account for the mounting morbidity and mortality resulting from these programs. Rather, a covert Malthusian eco-genocide is strongly suggested as evidenced by the documentation and discussions in the forthcoming chapters, especially chapters fifteen through eighteen (of the instant book). Undoubtedly, multinational corporations are making vast fortunes by delivering such lethal products to world markets that puppet politicians readily condone if not legislate. Something insidious appears in the depth and rational interpretation of these data. Professionally perpetrated genocide best explains contemporary public health policy outcomes as well as many of our current and coming plagues....."

[Note by me: This is just a "taste" of the beginning of this chapter. Please get a hold of a copy of the book and read it in its entirety for yourself. Thank you.]


(Written on 20 April 2003 - Added to the Site on 22 April 2003)

In "'President'-by-Coup" George W. Bush's 2003 "State of the Union" speech, he claims, "Our Union is strong...."; but the Union is NOT strong when human rights and civil liberties are being abrogated right and left, in violation of both the U.S. Constitution and True Democracy, and "first-strike", "preemptive" wars for empire are being waged against virtually defenseless nations for the sake(s) of the corporate-military-industrial-government complex! It proves that Bush is lying through his teeth more than ever, and that the vast majority of "Americans" are believing those lies because of the typical rhetoric that keeps emanating from the present, "non-democracy", White House these days! Therefore, what hope do we Truly have that True Democracy is going to prevail in this administration?! The answer is, NONE!! And I cannot over-repeat that it behooves ALL True-Americans to stand up against it!!

Bush states that his previous tax cuts were "the largest tax relief in history"; but it begs the question, who do those, and his presently-proposed, "tax relief" actions really benefit?! The answer is, THE RICH, of course!! The average "American" citizen got, and/or will get, a few hundred dollars in tax "relief" at best, while far too many Americans languish in disease, poverty, homelessness, unemployment, and poor education, with much of the social relief programs being drastically cut to support Bush and Company's imperialistic war-machine and the rich "administrators" in the White House, which is casting the entire world into fear, disgust, hatred, vindictiveness, and lack of safety and peace!!

Virtually the only people in the entire world who support the United States present bid for world domination, except for some other oppressive governments, are those, including about seventy-percent of "Americans", who don't truly understand what is really going on, and what it is leading to! The majority of individual, non-elitist citizens all over the globe are against the foreign policies and actions of the United States, and a huge percentage of those worldwide who are against it are stridently protesting against it, in a peaceful, non-violent fashion, in numbers that are unprecedented in world history, while the United States arrogantly ignores this and proceeds to "discriminatorily" and criminally murder innocent sovereign people(s) the world-over!

Bush talked about relief for senior citizens in the U.S.; but, yet again, he said nothing about relief for the millions of disabled Americans and veterans! The disabled and veterans in the United States are constantly left out, inadequately cared for, are expected to survive on below-poverty-line government insurance and/or V.A. veterans pensions, and are having their benefits drastically cut in the names of "Freedom" and ever-increasing military and corporate profits from the U.S. government, at the expense of the suffering American people who are the vast majority of the U.S. populace, suffering in the poverty, disease, etcetera, that I named above! Where is the relief for the veterans and the disabled, the ones who are not seniors, and are probably in a much greater majority than the seniors?! Where is their all-powerful lobby and voice(s) in the Senate and the Congress; and when will they receive the relief that they should be receiving just as much of as senior citizens in a country that is supposed to be based on equal rights?! The Truth is, before or after the present administration in the White House, they probably never truly will!! And senior citizens, as well as veterans, are NOT receiving the relief benefits that they should be receiving, and they probably never truly will, either!!

In watching and listening to Bush's January 2003 "State of the Union Address" on P.B.S. (the "American" Public Broadcasting System [PBS]), it was striking that PBS, or whatever mainstream media outlet that provided the camera coverage to PBS, intentionally caused their cameras to highlight the Republicans' side of isle during the applause, barely if at all showing the Democrats' side of the isle, in order to largely avoid showing that during much of the applause and/or standing-ovations, the Democrats didn't applaud or stand at all! Yet now the Democrats have lost virtually all of their backbone and are blindly supporting "Bush and company", and granting him and the Executive Branch of government power(s) that it is a violation of the United States Constitution to grant him, namely to allow the President to declare war, when it is only the U.S. Congress that is authorized to do so! First he was not elected, and now he, as one man virtually unanswerable to anyone, can declare war at will, without having to honor this premiere "check and balance" on Presidential abuse of power in the United States!

In his speech he spoke of "American justice", but American justice, particularly that so-called "justice" being carried out by the United States right now, is NOT just! He, a multi-millionaire oil-man, claims that he will seek to bring about the advent of "hydrogen automobiles"; but such is very unlikely to be brought about by him or the likes of him! He then speaks of "the fatherless" due to HIV/AIDS in Africa, and providing U.S. aid to only two-million out of thirty-million victims of HIV/AIDS there, and this while cutting social programs "at home" and thereby failing to sufficiently aid the fatherless here! Then he claims that America stands between enemies and protecting the people of the world, while "bombing into the Stone Age", with so-called "shock and awe" warfare tactics that should better be called "shock and disgust", thousands of innocent men, women, children, and little babies, and maiming thousands of others' for life, in both Afghanistan and Iraq, as well as several other places worldwide!

Bush then goes on to speak "ad nauseum" about disarming other "dangerous" countries, and getting them to turn from their nuclear "threat(s)"; but when are we, the so-called almighty United States, the most dangerous country in the entire world, going to turn from our nuclear DOMINANCE?! Probably never, of our own accord at least; so what right, that isn't hypocritical, do "we" have to keep other sovereign nations from nuclear deterrence, particularly in the face of the extremely unrighteous, hypocritical, dangerous threat that the U.S. poses to them?! Bush claims Iraq hid, moved and sanitized weapons-of-mass-destruction (WMD) sites, but he gave absolutely NO proof WHATSOEVER to back up that claim, nor did Colin Powell, to the United Nations (UN) and the American people, nor has ANY proof WHATSOEVER been truthfully discovered in the process and aftermath of invading, conquering, occupying, and controlling Iraq!

Bush further spoke of the tortures committed by Saddam Hussein's regime; but what about the "tortures" the U.S. government and military have inflicted, and continue to inflict, on innocent, Iraqi, Afghani and other civilians worldwide, through the dropping of thousands of bombs and missiles, many of which were tipped with "Spent-Uranium" that sent radioactive shrapnel into defenseless victims, and that has and will continue to poison their environment with cancer-causing radiation, not to mention the radiation exposure(s) also inflicted on unknowing "American" military victims?! Thousands of these victims on both sides have already died from the radiation exposure from the first Gulf War, as well as chemical and biological weapons exposures from the huge amounts of such weapons of mass destruction (WMD) that we also used on Iraq at that time!! "We" have additionally used many more tons of such WMD on Afghanistan, and on Iraq in the second Gulf War, and many more of same than we used the first time around; so how many thousands of people are yet to die from the above-named exposures from the war on Afghanistan and the second Gulf War?! And then Bush had the nerve to further, blatantly lie in claiming that the U.S. military will spare the innocent in every way they can!!

Bush also claims the United States is "honorable in the use of (its) strength", yet another huge, blatant lie! How can the U.S. be honorable in the use of it's strength when it bombs hospitals, "mows-down" innocent men, women and children, admits that it's missiles are grossly inaccurate and must therefore launch several at the same target in order to more-likely hit the target, and inflicts many thousands of people with radiation exposure(s) and cancer(s), not to mention many other atrocities that the "American" corporate-military-industrial-government media has not reported to us in the names of "National Security" and "sanitizing" the war?! How can the U.S. government and military be honorable in the use of their "strength" when they commit all of this insanity?! There is ABSOLUTELY NO TRUE HONOR WHATSOEVER in such insanity; and there NEVER CAN BE ANY TRUE HONOR WHATSOEVER in such insanity!! Yet the majority of the "American" people are duped into believing these disgusting lies, and into supporting an insane, primarilly war-oriented, government!!

Bush goes on to falsely claim "(t)his nation seeks for peace....", and makes it more than clear that he is one of the worst of many warmongers of U.S. foreign policy(ies) and action(s) that insanely equate(s) "our" invasion, conquering and occupation of sovereign countries, and the slaughter of thousands of innocent people, with "peace"! He further lies in stating that "(w)e strive for peace....", in the process of carrying out illegal "preemptive", "first-strike" wars in violation of International Law(s)! And he then adds insult to injury by also fraudulently claiming, "America is a strong country, and uses restraint in the use of it's strength...."! But "America" is NOT a strong country when it is in so many ways violating it's own principles of democracy to a such highly-extreme degree!

Bush speaks proudly of the killing(s) of "our enemies"; and, to him and most "Americans", killing is "justice"; but they ALL make "America" weaker by their arrogance, hatred, vengefulness, and killing! Bush then lies yet again by claiming that "(f)ree people will set the course of history"; but "America" and "Americans" are NOT free while they commit unbridled violence against "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness", and human rights violations, at home and abroad! "Americans", and all people, are ONLY Truly Free when they do NOT exercise such unGodly and evil violence against True Freedom, Democracy, Peace, and Justice; and they will NEVER be Truly Free as long as they support and carry out such violations of human and civil rights!

Bush continues by stating, "We call on the United Nations to fulfill it's Charter...."; but the U.S. government again and again violates the U.N. Charter! He virtually admits that contradiction by then saying, "The course of this nation does not depend on the decision of others'" (speaking primarily of the United Nations), further proving his arrogance against, and contempt for, International Law(s)! And he has the nerve to "call on" the U.N. to follow it's own laws, when he and all of the rest of the "war-hawks" refuse to follow their own laws OR the laws of the United Nations! Then he has the further temerity to claim Saddam Hussein "shows utter contempt for the United Nations", when the U.S. government itself shows utter contempt for the U.N. and the Iraqi people by causing the deaths of thousands of them and others' in the name of "freeing" them!

Surely, the United Nations is no angel either, having been responsible, with the then-consent of the United States, given whenever the U.N. does what the U.S. government wants, for the million and a half deaths of the Iraqi people by starvation and disease as a result of the economic sanctions against, and the embargo of food to, Iraq for the previous twelve years! The United Nations also did the bidding of the United States by approving the first war on Iraq in 1991, and the attack on Afghanistan that began in 2001; but, thank God, though the U.S. government and military went ahead and did it anyway, the U.N. refused to approve this latest "first-strike", "preemptive" war against Iraq, because such wars are a violation of the United Nations Charter! Yet what is the U.N. doing, that has "teeth", about what the U.S. has unilaterally done in violation of International Law(s), NOTHING?!

In addition, Bush states, "The only reasons Saddam Hussein could have for seeking to possess nuclear weapons is to dominate, intimidate or attack...."; but that is exactly why the United States possesses more of them than any other country in the world! In one of the worst hypocritical double-standards in this world, it is supposedly okay for the U.S. to dominate the world with WMD (weapons of mass destruction); but it is supposedly not okay for other sovereign nations to possess them for deterrence as "we" do! And, it is supposedly okay for the United States to preemptively attack those other nations; but it is supposedly not okay for those nations to preemptively attack us! What arrogance and folly that will NEVER be accepted or completely destroyed, that makes "America" and "Americans" much less safe from terrorism, and that will probably make us suffer greater atrocities at home! How many thousands of needless deaths will happen at home and abroad before most Americans stand up against it and put a stop to it, by peaceful means, not by violence; because it certainly appears that most "Americans" will always support and carry out such travesties and injustice?!

The U.S. can supposedly bring horrors upon the rest of the world with impunity, but will supposedly not allow similar horrors to be brought upon ourselves, though "we" already have! Bush is now, more heavily than ever before, by any President before him, playing upon the fears of "Americans" to get their support for the "endless war" that Donald Rumsfeld said "America" will now long be involved in! If the United States even threatened to attack North Korea the way "we" have now threatened and conquered Iraq, "we" would bring nuclear holocaust upon "ourselves"! Iraq is believed by the U.S. corporate-military-industrial-government complex to be a nation "we" can get away with attacking and conquering; but there will probably be terrible repercussions for "America" at home, and the deaths of many more Americans, all because of the arrogance of an axis of extremely evil so-called "Americans" who in truth have little, if any, conscience about the deaths of so many innocent people, in the name of their corporate greed, not freedom, and not in truly protecting "America"! They only know how to line their own pockets; and the sacrifice of thousands of innocent lives is acceptable to them in order to do so! How can "we" allow such psychotic people to lead us; and how can we continually allow them to murder so many innocent people in our name(s)?!

In order to "....confound the designs of evil men"...., as Bush further stated, he and his cohorts in crime would have to confound themselves and their own evil designs! They would first have to stop themselves from at all continuing to perpetrate their own evil designs at the very-extreme expense of both the U.S. and the world; and they would have to set the example to the world of disarmament and peace, concurrent with the PEACEFUL disarmament of the rest of the world; otherwise, their hypocrisy(ies) only serve to continue to promote and extend greater and greater arming of many of the world's countries, and the promotion and extension of greater and greater threats and realities of violence, death and self-destruction the world-over!

The great political scientist, historian and linguist, Noam Chomsky, predicted twenty-years ago that the United States and Israeli governments' war-policies would bring on "Armageddon" (in THE FATEFUL TRIANGLE, The U.S., Israel and the Palestinians [1983]), a prediction that Bush and company, and the corporate-military-industrial-government complex is likely to fulfill if they continue on the path that they are presently headed on! But we True American Patriots must hope, pray and "(b)e the change (we) wish to see in the world" (Mahatma Gandhi)!

War for alleged "peace" is an insane lie; but one of Bush's "crowning" lies has to be that "America" fights reluctantly! This, at least in-part, used to be the case until World War II; but ever since then the United States has been involved in one war after another with virtually no, if any, break! And another of Bush's crowning lies, and probably his ultimate one, must be his claim that the U.S. "exercises power without conquest"; when, about a month after that, the U.S. government and military literally conquered Iraq! Bush's lies go on and on and on; and the majority of "Americans" believe them without ANY proof, especially when they are couched in hypocritical religious rhetoric as his speech was ended with! But thank God that a growing number of a great many Americans, and millions of other citizens of the world, are not so gullible, and are not falling for his lies!

MS-NBC and several of the other television networks, and most "Americans", believe the President is supposedly every Americans' "Commander-in-Chief"; but the President is ONLY the Commander-in-Chief of THE MILITARY, NOT OF "THE PEOPLE"; and we must NOT bow to him! After Bush's speech the "talking-heads" and so-called "pundits" of the networks correctly stated that there were not enough specifics in his speech! But when Gary Locke and the Democrats gave their public response to Bush's speech, they too failed to speak of protecting disabled people as well as senior citizens! No wonder most of "America's" doctors don't like the majority of poor and disabled patients, when Medicare pays so little of skyrocketing health care costs! All in all, "President-by-Coup" Bush's "State of the Union Address" made it abundantly clear that he is a President "of the (rich), by the (rich), for the (rich)", NOT for the majority of impoverished and suffering Americans, and that he doesn't really care about Americans, the Iraqis, OR the other oppressed people(s) of the world! He also made it excessively clear that all he really cares about is making as much profit(s) for the rich as he can, and that he will do virtually ANYTHING to do so!

How do "Americans" again and again tolerate U.S. Presidents with war agendas, tolerate so many years of the way(s) U.S. foreign policy is, and tolerate the "gutting and cutting" of social programs, at the expense of so many innocent lives?! What is it going to take, a nuclear attack on U.S. soil, before "Americans" wake up, take their government back, and Truly Make It A Country "of the People, by the People, for the People"?! Require and obtain the Truth from your government, People, or don't believe it, support it or love it, even if it claims to be serving God and carrying out His will!! Don't believe ANY lies or false claims!! You CAN love your country IMMENSELY without loving your government!! Don't bow down to any man, law(s) or government, but only to God, especially if to do so you have to violate God's Higher Law(s): "For it is written...." "Thus says the Lord...." "....You will worship the Lord your God, and Him ONLY will you serve (or bow down to)"!! [Deuteronomy 6:13 (Matthew 4:10; Luke 4:8). Emphasis added by me.]

[Copyright (c) 2003 in the U.S.A. and Internationally by S. Wolf Britain. All rights are reserved.]



Hi to Claudia and to your families' and friends' in Germany and everywhere! Thank you for your postcard that I received today! Though I am not happy overall because of the thousands of innocent people being murdered by the U.S. government, I am happy to hear from you again!

Hope has NOT died, Sascha! It may appear that the anti-war movement has failed, but it has NOT. The largest protests in history worldwide have cemented the resolve of the millions of people who are against the U.S. government's hegemony and lust for empirical conquest; and the protests are going to continue, because those millions of people who know what is really going on are not fooled, even by the appearance of Iraqis who are claiming they are supposedly thankful for "Bush and company's" war machine and the murderous overthrow of a sovereign nation. The war to gain more of the hearts and minds of people the world-over, especially in "America", is far from over; and, as long the likes of Bush and his henchmen are continuing to take over many weaker nations, and their resources, for the profit of the corporate-military-industrial complex, the dissidents will continue to fight for True Freedom and Democracy, and against these profiteering wars in the names of false, so-called "democracy" and "freedom"!

I am so glad that you went to your first anti-war protest; and I hope that it will only be the first of many, for the sake of the entire world! As you no doubt know, the Italian government is mostly in favor of this evil war against Iraq; but the vast majority of Italian citizens are completely against it, since it did not have the prior approval of the U.N.! The same goes for Spain, too! I am so proud of the German government, and the governments of France and Russia as well, for standing up against it! You should be very proud of the German government for doing this; and I know you probably are! As usual, the U.N. has gotten awfully quiet concerning the U.S. government's violation of International Law(s); and, if they don't approve the aggression against Iraq after-the-fact, they may "make noise(s)" that the U.S. has committed an illegal "preemptive", "first-strike" war against Iraq; but the U.S. government will not be fully held responsible for same, and will get away with it yet again, with immunity and impunity! I am very disgusted with the U.S. and this world; and now I realize that it is even worse, and more evil, than I thought it was before this unprecedented, at least out in the open, act of aggression. Most so-called "Americans" are completely blind to what is really going on; but thank God for the millions of True American Patriots who are standing up against it!

I never thought I would say this, because I am so anti-military, but I am also very proud of the thousands of U.S. veterans who are against the war in Iraq, and who are proudly marching along side peace protesters here in several of the protests all over the country! Even they know this war is wrong; and it has taken great courage for them to protest against it! Even "conservative" Americans are marching against it! The turnout of so many people from so many different ideologies and "walks of life" is Truly Amazing; and I am so very proud of ALL of these True American Patriots!

I Truly wish there was some way I could financially afford to get out of the U.S.! I do NOT want to live under this evil government anymore; because, if I continue to live in the U.S., I am at least indirectly supporting, and complicit in, it's evil policies and act(ion)s just by living here; and, if I could, I would gladly leave it NOW, before the U.S. government does not let the dissidents travel, and locks us all up in prison(s), which they are trying to do right now! I should have left six months ago, even if I would have had to go hungry wherever I was! There does not appear to be any way that I can financially afford to get out of here; but, if I legally and miraculously came into some money somehow, I would leave immediately!

I love my country VERY MUCH; but I do NOT, and NOBODY should, love my (or their) government, or any government for that matter! Governments', by their very existence and nature, are very corrupt and evil, and should NOT be blindly trusted and supported in ANY WAY(S) WHATSOEVER, especially when they commit gross acts of evil like the U.S. government is committing at the present time, and has commited for decade upon decade!

Please do not stop now, non-violently fighting for the Truth, and against all of the lies and murderous actions of the U.S. government and it's allies; and do more to non-violently fight against it as you are able, as I will continue to try to do as well! Thank you again for writing me and sending me another postcard, and my love and care to all of you and your's.

As you know, I am always your True-friend ONLY for True Love, Peace, Liberty, Democracy, Liberation, Equality, and Justice, FOR ALL!

Your forever-friend, Wolfgang! :( :)

[Copyright (c) 2003 in the U.S.A. and Internationally by S. Wolf Britain. All rights are reserved.]

Continued below:


E-Mail Me!



[ Continuation of "Addressing Ignorance, Part One"
from/on my "More Comments, Part 5" page ]
(Instant letter written on or about 4-1-03)

On the contrary, I am NOT eating my words right now; because I know without a doubt that I'm on the side of right without having been brainwashed with the lies of the U.S. government! The U.N. just proved on March 7th that General / Secretary of State / Warmonger / War-Hawk Colin Powell provided forged so-called "proof" to the U.N. of Saddam having restarted his nuclear weapons program! You, like most people, listen to and watch too much of the conservative, mainstream media like CNN and FOX, as well as the other major networks, which are run by the military-industrial complex, and trust that they and the U.S. government are supposedly and usually telling ("you") the truth, which they usually are NOT!

This is a rhetorical question, so please don't try to answer it in writing to me, but how many times does it have to be categorically proven to "you" that, especially when it comes to a Republican administration wanting a war, as usual, they lie through their teeth in order to convince the majority of "sheep", so-called "Americans", to support such a war, before you realize that NO government can be trusted?! We are supposed to love our COUNTRY, which I DO; but no citizen is supposed to love their government! By their very existence, governments' are inherently corrupt, particularly the bigger and more out of control they are, like the U.S. government is at the present time, and has been for far too long!

Bush is lying to the American people "right and left", claiming Saddam Hussein and Iraq are a major threat to "us", when for the past twelve years, minus the four from 1998 to 1992 that the weapons inspectors were not there, practically everything they had has been destroyed; and, to show you I'm not "in love with" the U.N. either, their and the U.S. government's sanctions are responsible for the deaths of a million and a half innocent Iraqi civilians, half a million of which were children! And, on top of that, the U.S. government and it's allies have been bombing the "No-Fly Zones", also murdering many more innocent Iraqis, almost every day for the past eleven years! So, what fantasy world do you live in anyway?!

Without mentioning your name or violating your privacy, I posted my last message to you on my website weeks ago. I'll bet you haven't read any of my recommended reading; because people like you don't want your fantasy world to be disturbed, and you want to keep on believing in and living lies! You believe that in order to love your country, you've got to love your evil, lying government; and "you", therefore, have a very false so-called "patriotism" that condones and supports the murder(s) of millions of innocent people by the U.S. government for over 100 years now! People like you further think millions of people now protesting a war against Iraq (6-million on February 15th---with over 1-million in London alone) are allegedly "idiots"; but millions of Truly Sensible people can't be that wrong! It is the conservatives, and those who blindly love and support their governments', who are the idiots! But, a really interesting and important fact is, the majority of the populations' of England, Spain and Italy, even though their governments' support it, are against such a war without U.N. approval, as well as the majorities of the populations of Germany, France, etc.! And the only reason the usual 60 to 70 percent of the "American" population is in support of the war is because of the blitzkrieg of U.S. government and mainstream media propaganda lies that Saddam is allegedly this huge threat that he is NOT, which is scaring the majority of the American populace "to death"!

Now, no doubt you'll throw back in my face that my own website quotes one of my favorite quotes that "(t)he majority is usually wrong(!)"; but I'm talking about, and so was Heinlein, the ignorant majority, not the non-ignorant "majorities" I spoke of above who are against a further Iraq war! In England and Europe they get much more of the Truth from their media than we do in the U.S.! Just watch and listen to the B.B.C. on P.B.S. sometime to find that out! And they have a much more objective viewpoint of the U.S. government, and are NOT fooled by the rhetoric and propaganda lies, especially of the Republican administration! They also "see through", and know from years of observational experience, the fact(s) that the U.S. government's true aims are to be THE imperial conqueror of all of the "weak" countries of the world like Iraq! Think about it, Man! Why aren't "we" threatening and attacking North Korea right now, since they are a MUCH BIGGER threat? Because, if we did, our country would likely be "nuked"; so we go after (a) weak country(ies) that in truth we know do NOT have the capability(ies), because we destroyed it/them, to do such severe harm to "us"! True Democratic governments do NOT carry out and fulfill imperial, colonial agendas and goals; therefore, the U.S. government is NOT a True Democracy!

Yes, the U.S. is the best place to live in some sense(s); but in another sense it is one of the worst places to live because those who live in the U.S. are then, indirectly at least, a complicit part of the most hypocritical and destructive government on the face of the Earth. And, lest you throw that typical propaganda at me of, "America, love it or leave it(!)", I AM trying to "get out" of this country so I no longer IN ANY WAY support it's evil, lying, murderous policies, agendas and actions! That saying should read, 'America, love it AND leave it'!

One of the U.S. government's own military general's just ADMITTED a couple of weeks ago that the American people are, and supposedly need to be, "conditioned", meaning 'brainwashed'! Quit letting evil people condition and/or brainwash "you"! Try, if it's not too late (though it probably is), to use your own head and think for yourself, instead of blindly believing the lies that you are being "spoon fed"! Granted, if we become part of the minority who ONLY stands up for what's right, we will be persecuted; but it is better to be persecuted than to go along with large-scale murder; so get off your lazy butt and learn to stand ONLY for what is True and Right!!

Again, ONLY for True Love, Peace, Liberty, Democracy, Liberation, Equality, and Justice, FOR ALL,

S. Wolf Britain, A True Patriot

[Copyright (c) 2003 in the U.S.A. and Internationally by S. Wolf Britain. All rights are reserved.]

(Written on or about 4-1-03)

I'm not the one who needs to wake up! And I don't need or have to justify myself to ANYONE; but I'm going to explain the following to you because you are so wrong:

First, many good Americans, who love their country very much like I do, and many who even love their evil government because they're misguided like you, are living abroad and receiving Social Security, either Disability (SSDI) and/or Retirement, BECAUSE SOCIAL SECURITY ALLOWS RECIPIENTS TO RECEIVE IT IN MOST OTHER COUNTRIES; and I have wanted to move out of the U.S. for several years before I became as "left" as I am now, having finally, completely woken up. Do you think I'd want to move abroad if Social Security didn't allow it? I wouldn't be able to; and, as it is, I'm not able to right now because my SSDI is so low! I would not be looking for someone to go 50/50 and move abroad with me if my income wasn't so low.

Second, Americans can live abroad and still love their country! It's much too expensive to live here on very low Social Security incomes; and it's much less expensive to live in about a half dozen countries abroad because their cost-of-living's are much lower than the U.S. Because "expatriates", as those living abroad from their home countries are called, want to have a higher standard of living than they would have in their home countries, does NOT mean they have abandoned their countries of origin! But I have come to the point where I've realized (and, no doubt, you will not understand this) that I no longer want to support the evils my government is committing by my living here, and that perhaps I can do more good from "without" rather than from "within".

Third, what you indoctrinated and conditioned, so-called Americans don't understand, who falsely believe that the U.S. government can't do any wrong, or that their wrongs are supposedly okay or acceptable, is that IT IS NOT DEMOCRATIC TO MAKE "FIRST-STRIKE", "PREEMPTIVE" ATTACKS OF, AND WARS ON, SOVEREIGN COUNTRIES! To call such attacks and wars "democratic", or as bringing democracy to those "we" are supposedly liberating, while we murder and maim thousands of innocent men, women, childen, and little babies in the process, is absolutely ridiculous! And to call it "Operation Iraqi Freedom" is one of the greatest lies ever perpetrated, and is ludricrous, while we are slaughtering and maiming those thousands of innocent people! You can't bring freedom to dead people! And you "brain-dead" people don't understand True Democracy and Freedom! You think we, those on the "left", are the idiots; but you on the "right" are the ones who are the idiots! So we, the True Patriots, are not the ones who need to wake up! You false patriots need to wake up and stop believing the lies you're being fed by the "right"!

Blindly following your or "my" government is not the responsibility of any person to do! The responsibility and DUTY of True Americans is to dissent against the evils of their government! I know most of you ignorant people think the Declaration of Independence was only something you needed to learn about in Junior High School, and that it supposedly doesn't have any real relevance anymore except about past history, but you ought to read it again and again; because it makes very clear that it is every citizens duty to "throw off" despotism, such as what Bush and Company are perpetrating upon "Americans", and "provide new guards for their future security"! If we don't, we're soon going to have no True Freedom left in the U.S.!

But you blind, brainwashed people can't see the Truth! Most of you are so far gone into blind following of "anti-democracy" in the guise of "democracy", that there is little or no hope of reaching you and of your waking up; but, because I Truly Care about and accept, in the sense of not being a bigot WHATSOEVER, all people regardless of their race, creed, color, religion, disabilities, etcetera, I try to help you and people like you, who are the real ones who need to wake up, to do just that, wake up!

I, and all of the people who are Truly Awake like myself, DO SEE who the real enemies are! They are the evil hypocrites and psychotics like Bush and Company who are seeking for multinational corporate interests to rule the world and control sovereign countries resources for multi-billion dollar profits to go to them and the other elitists of their kind, and not to the majority of poor people in the U.S. and the rest of the world! They call it "democracy", but it is the furthest thing from democracy; and you followers and enablers of them who are using you, and consider ALL of you completely expendable once they're finished needing and using you, don't see it! You're puppets and pawns being exploited by these truly satanic people!

So, here's to hoping you, and most people like you, Truly Wake Up and stop being blind followers of the blind before it is forever too late!

Once More, ONLY for True Love, Peace, Liberty, Democracy, Liberation, Equality, and Justice, FOR ALL,

S. Wolf Britain, A True Patriot

[Copyright (c) 2003 in the U.S.A. and Internationally by S. Wolf Britain. All rights are reserved.]

To Will Thomas (Canadian, International Investigative Journalist):

(Written on or about 3-16-03)

I'm further "moved" by your articles on your website! I'm "moved" to take more (only legal) action(s) against 'the U.S. Administration of Global Imperialism'! I'm "moved" to "get the hell out of Dodge", and move out of this evil country known as the U.S.A.! To tell you the truth, Will, if I wasn't living on an only income of very low Social Security Disability, and I could afford it, I would move out of the United States right now! I can only imagine how someone like yourself who is not an American, "thank your lucky stars", views "we" egocentric "Americans"!

You must see "us" as, because "we" ARE by and large, a truly arrogant and blind nation, with "the blind leaders of the blind" Pied Piper-ing "us" to perdition! Most so-called Americans blindly believe most, if not all, of what their government and the mainstream media tells them is the truth, even though the vast majority of what they're told are lies! You must wonder how "we" can continue to let ourselves be this way, how "we" can live in such a fantasy world, when the signs are everywhere of what the Truth is concerning Presidential and other political corruption, and military-industrial-imperialistic greed!

Most "Americans" think they're better than everyone else: Better than Canadians, Mexicans, other Central Americans, South Americans, Cubans, Brits, Europeans, Jews (who they're "using" for the time being), Iraqis, Russians, the Chinese, Koreans, Vietnamese, Orientals, Africans, blacks, brown-skinned, "yellow"-skinned and "red"-skinned people(s), "Christians" who aren't a part of the "Moral Majority/Religious Right" which is neither, moral or the majority, religious in the True sense or right, and everyone else who isn't "American" and white! But they AREN'T better than ANYONE else!!

I am very tired of this egotism, this sanctimonious, racist self-righteousness, and my being associated with it! I feel I'm complicit in the U.S. government's evils just by my living here, even if I don't support them; and I hate being ashamed of what my country stands for, especially right now; but the only other option I have is to even more indirectly comply with and condone it's evils, and be complicit in them, by remaining, like most so-called Americans, apathetic, cowed, acquiescent to, and even directly supportive of, it's totally unsympathetic and murderous ends! The Truth is, I am one of the very few, compared to the whole, True Americans who loves his country very much, but not his government; and I must exercise my True Patriot(ic) DUTY, as spelled out in the great Declaration of Independence, to "throw off" such government that IS seeking to put "America" under "absolute despotism"! May Truth prevail!!

"America, love it (AND) leave it"! "America, love it (BY) leav(ing) it"! Perhaps, if despotism is what the majority of "Americans" want, those of us True Americans who don't want it, should just get out and let them have it! Wouldn't it be absolutely, incredibly amazing if all of the True Patriots emigrated to other countries and renounced their so-called "American" citizenship, and loved their country by their "statement" of "getting out", and by exerting their influence(s) in various other ways, "from afar", like Thomas Jefferson, one of the United State’s greatest "Founding Fathers", did from France!?!

Thomas Jefferson was appointed as Ambassador to France, no doubt because some if not many wanted to remove his Truly Patriotic influence(s) from having more direct "sway" by his then-continuing to reside "in-country"; but he went, and did not abandon his country; and from afar he continued to powerfully influence "America's" political ideology, policies and actions for the better, in fact for much greater good, which he even more "forcefully" continued upon his return, being an exceedingly great "check and balance" upon corporate "means and ends" in the guise of the then-"Republicans" known as the Federalists, through the powerful influence of the then-"Democrats" known as the Republican Democrats!

So you see, the True Democrats are the True Conservatives, for they "conserve" True care for The People, Truly providing for their needs, without rancor and false delusions of grandeur, and violent conquest over others; and the true Republicans are the true Liberals (sic), making Howard Zinn very right that the so-called conservatives are the liberals, for the latter are liberally monstrous, liberally military-industrial-complex oriented, liberally into war-making, liberally corporate-self-centered, liberally anti- Social Services, liberally without care for and against the masses of The People, liberally murderous, and liberally tyrannous, truly-treasonous, autocratic, authoritarian, dictatorial, domination-istic (sic), imperialistic, and terrorist-ic (sic)! Not that the so-called liberals of the U.S. government haven't, or the present-day Democratic Party hasn't, become and isn't just as corrupt in it's own ways! All of these wrongs must be overcome for the sake of both "American"- and world- society as a whole! The U.S. government, though it thinks it is, is NOT "a law unto itself"!!

"America" can be an ambassador for great good or for great evil; and the U.S. government is at present being the worst ambassador of "bad-will" the world-over, an “Am-bastard” if you will, that it has ever been in it's entire history. But True Americans CAN and MUST be ambassadors ONLY for Good, in any and every way(s) they can, particularly and especially in standing up to and against the evils of their government, in every and any NON-VIOLENT way(s) that they can!

Therefore, True Americans must not be complicit in the evils of the United States government by continuing to reside in the U.S. and being a "sharer" in it's ill-gotten "gains"! True Americans must make one huge, ultimate "protest" by refusing to be so much a direct part of such an evil government, and "move out" without abandoning their country! This is not only possible, it is a necessity! I for one hope to emigrate as soon as I possibly can; and I pray that I will be enabled to do so, God willing, much sooner than later, before it is too late!! During circumstances such as this, people sometimes cannot overcome great evil(s) by working from within, and must non-violently overcome them by denouncing and disconnecting themselves from any and all allegiance to such monumental evil(s), and work for NOTHING BUT True Love, Peace, Liberty, Democracy, Liberation, Equality, and Justice, FOR ALL, from without, by 'dodging the heck out of hell', or dodging out of what is very soon to be hell on Earth, if hasn't already begun to be, which I believe it has!

Your's ONLY for ALL of the immediately-foregoing,

S. Wolf Britain, A True Patriot

[Copyright (c) 2003 in the U.S.A. and Internationally by S. Wolf Britain. All rights are reserved.]

To A(nother) Friend:

(Written on or about 1 April 2003)

I have a theory you might be interested in; and I'll say right off that the only evidence I have that it is very likely true is the CIA connection(s) to the anthrax mailings and the overall foreign policy actions of the Bush administration that clearly and extremely evidence(s) such corruption(s). My theory is that the "new" disease epidemic and/or pandemic that is occurring now, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (S.A.R.S.), is a viral infection that was probably planted abroad by the CIA (starting in China, and then traveling in infected persons to Hong Kong, Singapore, Canada, and the U.S., etcetera) so that the majority of Americans will be in even greater fear than they already are and will blame the "terrorists", in order for "our" government to gain their support to "justify" more "first-strike" wars against certain countries, like Iran, which are completely contrary to what the United States is supposed to, AND ONLY, stand for to be a True Democracy! It's just much too convenient that "this" epidemic is occurring now! And God forbid that "we" attack North Korea; because they will very likely nuke us, and/or attack us chemically or biologically, in the process! Most of what is happening domestically and internationally today is manmade absolute insanity that is only going to get worse!

Some people doubt that such disease theories are likely to be fact because, for example, they say that influenza viruses have existed for centuries and originated out of China as well. But, due to the fact that "germ warfare" research, and the production of biological weapons, have existed almost as long as the "bugs" themselves, it is very likely that most, if not all, of them were originally "man-made", and mutated to form additional strains. Many, if not all, lethal diseases either crossed from animals to man or from man to animals, and many have mutated while in those "hosts". In the case of crossing from man to animals, they often then cross back to man; but it is very unlikely that nature originally produced all or most of them to start with. In the process of tampering with nature, which mankind has been doing for thousands of years, they have been sowing the "seeds" of their own destruction, and have wiped out millions of people and other species, for just as long; and the United States government is the largest producer, provider and stockpiler of biological weapons! "There is NOTHING new under the sun"!

The U.S. government has admitted that it has sprayed U.S. cities, and millions of unsuspecting citizens, with biological weapons testing material(s) in the 1950's through 1970's that were kept secret from the American people at that time, which of course they now claim were supposedly benign; but many people have developed serious illness(es) as a result of exposure(s) to the biological and/or other material(s) inflicted on them by those "sprayings"! There is a great deal of government-written evidence proving these facts! Look at the "Chem-Trail" spraying program(s) in the U.S. and worldwide NOW, which thousands of people all over the world are attesting to the actual occurrence(s) of, and serious illness responses to same, again over the entire globe, many exposures to which have caused long-term disease that was NOT caused from other sources, and that of course the U.S. government denies that any such program(s) are occurring, even in the face of the considerable amount of evidence proving that it IS, or that such programs ARE, indeed, occurring!

Also look at the government pesticide spraying programs, which cause severe cancer-causing exposures to highly dangerous chemicals and their byproducts, that are being almost constantly sprayed on unsuspecting populations to allegedly combat insect and disease threats that do NOT exist, or are NOT the threat(s) to "public health" that the government claims! The cancer-causing chemical exposures are a MUCH worse threat than the so-called insect-disease threat; and the former HAVE already killed thousands of people from cancer(s), and have caused birth defects in thousands of the offspring of people exposed, in "America" and all over the world! Conspiracies such as this HAVE BEEN carried out by the U.S. and other governments for decades, and ARE being carried out by the U.S. government right now!

OF COURSE supreme "government" conspiracies are occurring and are yet to occur as they have been carried out by the U.S. government for decades, and are only going to increase and get much worse in this time of much more extreme government lawlessness in the United States and abroad; so no one should doubt that such conspiracies exist or be surprised by them! The U.S. government has several very secretive organizations, and some new, very unconstitutional laws; and once a government, any government, perpetrates such secrecy and violations against it's own Constitution and citizens, that government is no longer a democracy, if it ever truly was! The ONLY hope for such a government is to Truly and COMPLETELY abolish all such "top secret" or so-called "national security" organizations, and laws like the so-called U.S. "Patriot" Acts I and II, which it is very unlikely that it will do! The countries with such governments are NOT democracies; and, though they may have more of the appearance of "freedom" than some other countries, they are NOT Truly Free, but are doomed to bring about their own destruction in a relatively short period of time. History has confirmed time and time again that such despotic, corrupt governments "self-destruct", are destroyed by their own citizens or other governments, or are driven out!

But, unfortunately, the United States government has in its favor that it is very effectively indoctrinating and conditioning the majority of the U.S. citizenry that such policies and actions are supposedly acceptable, making clear, to some at least, that more "Americans" need to be awakened to what is Truly right and wrong, acceptable and unacceptable, what is the true purpose(s) of such tyranny and despotism, and to the absolute tyranny and despotism that it has led to, the cessation of civil liberties, at the present time, which is only going to get worse and worse if more and more Americans don't stand up against it to save their country and their freedoms!

By pointing out the conspiracies that are occurring, or are very likely occurring, many "Americans" think that dissidents like myself are insensitive to events such as 9-11-01, the death(s) that occurred on that day, and should not speak or write the Truth about what is really going on in "our" government; but I want to make as clear as I possibly can that I am exceedingly moved by the losses of the thousands of people who lost family members and friends on that day, and my inadequate condolences, both now, and those which I have inside me, go out to them continuously; and I am very, very sorry for what they have gone through. Yet, even with all of that, I am ever-mindful, and have the duty to remind the grieving and everyone else, that vengeance belongs to God, not to mankind (Romans 12:19). "We" must not strike out the way we are; for "we" are going to commit many atrocities just as bad as, if not worse than, 9-11-01! Top retired military officials are even saying, "What is becoming of our country(?!)"; and THEY are literally protesting against it too, marching in Peace Demonstrations, along with hundreds, if not thousands, of veterans against the present war(s) of aggression! Even retired Rear Admiral Gene LaRocque has said, "Dissent is patriotic during (both) peace AND war. Please stick with it"! (Emphasis added by me.)

Too many "Americans" also falsely think that dissidents are themselves terrorists and/or a threat to the security, safety and freedom(s) of the United States and their fellow-"Americans"; but the vast majority of dissidents are neither a threat to security, unless it is a threat to the fantasy-securities of the majority of ignorant "Americans", or a threat to the safety and freedom(s) of the U.S. and their fellow-"Americans". On the contrary, dissidents are a "check and balance" on excessive government and government abuses, and protect the liberties of "America" and all Americans! In a True Democracy, it is both a right and a DUTY to dissent against threats to and violations of that Democracy! Most "Americans" just don't "get it", and wrongly think that if they don't understand something like dissent, that supposedly makes it wrong; but it is they who are wrong, due to a very false indoctrination and conditioning to misunderstand what is and is not true patriotism; and they falsely believe that indiscriminate support and love of their government is the only true patriotism, and that all those who dissent are supposedly not patriots! Yet their "understanding" couldn't be any more backwards! We must love our country without loving and blindly supporting our government; and the dissidents are the ones Truly loving, and trying to protect the liberty(ies) of, their country as it is their, and ALL Americans, DUTY to do! The blind trust and support of the United States government, it's troops and the U.S. mainstream media by most "Americans", is claimed to be their "duty"; but it is NOT their duty to do so; and they must awaken to this fact, or the U.S. is doomed to become a totalitarian police-state!

It is the blind trust and support of the U.S. government, the troops and the mainstream media that is the idiocy, not the dissidents and the protests against the imperialism of the United States government; but I believe that even the majority of dissidents don't realize how grave the situation in the U.S. is right now, and how serious the threats to liberty are; for the government is on the threshold of suspending civil rights and locking up all of the dissidents that the authorities can get a hold of! The authorities know that we are a serious threat to their stranglehold on "reality", and fascist control over the people; and they know they may likely not be able to hold on to their "power" if they don't remove our strength! What kind of "democracy" is this?! It is no democracy at all; and we must "wrestle" the government out of their control BEFORE they lock us all up and throw away liberty(ies) and freedom(s)!

What is going on right now is exactly what I stated above and elsewhere is going to happen! The U.S. government and military, and the many supporters thereof, are making themselves, not just as bad as the alleged terrorists who attacked the U.S. on 9-11-01, if indeed they were the ones who did so (not automatically believing most things "our" government and the mainstream media tells us like most "Americans" do), but MUCH WORSE than the alleged terrorists, by being terrorists themselves! IT IS COMPLETELY INEXCUSABLE! And I, having some conscience left, am extremely sickened by what is now going on, as millions of other Americans are as well; and we are not going to sit still while the obliteration of True Democracy is occurring with immunity and impunity by those sworn to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States from enemies "BOTH foreign AND DOMESTIC"! (Emphasis added by the author, me.) Right now, we are more surrounded by domestic enemies than we are foreign ones'; although, the U.S. government is creating hundreds, if not thousands, of more "international terrorist" enemies right now by it's overt acts of aggression, making the United States the most "evil", dangerous country in the world at the present time, and making the United States and the world much more dangerous places for Americans to live in! So I echo, what are we doing to our country?! And what are we doing to our country and the entire world by the unjustified actions that we are carrying out worldwide?!

True Americans MUST non-violently wrestle the present, and worst, "axis of evil" government in the U.S. (presently run by four sociopathic psychotics: Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, and Ashcroft) from the jaws of destruction RIGHT NOW, as WE ARE trying to do, before it is forever too late, and this true axis of evil murders thousands of more innocent people in the name of “Freedom”, committing many extremely-unconscionable crimes against humanity and international human rights, and making the Euphrates River run red with civilian blood! For the sake of True Freedom, this must NOT be allowed to continue; and human rights activists MUST rise up, and ARE rising up, against it in greater and greater numbers, exceeding millions of people both in the U.S. and worldwide, to "throw off" such tyranny! This is what the Declaration of Independence instructs us that we are supposed to do!

It recently came to my attention that G.W. Bush is using the brainwashing tactics of Hitler and the Nazis by repeating at least three times in each of his speeches many lies as if they are facts, such that most "Americans" are believing those lies as if they are facts, and are, just as Bush and company want and expect them to do, blindly reacting to those lies with revenge in their hearts, minds and actions by supporting, if not actually taking part in [such as serving in the military and (supporting the) murdering (of) many innocent civilians in Iraq], the inexcusable, blind vindictiveness, with gross atrocities, against innocent PEOPLE who did NOT attack us or have ANYTHING to do with 9-11-01!

As a result of all of the foregoing, the majority of "Americans" are blindly following their government as the Germans did Hitler in the 1930's and 40's, and are following an un-elected "'President'-by-Coup" who is extremely unintelligent and ignorant, who is brain damaged by alcohol and drug abuse, and who is a prime mover in a huge globalist conspiracy for the military-industrial complex and the U.S. government to conquer and control the whole world, in order to create a "U.S. Empire" worldwide! True Americans are not supposed to blindly follow ANY government, including and especially their own, and will NOT do so! They Greatly and Truly Love their country; and, as we have been warned not to do for centuries by many great Messiahs, patriarchs, prophets, scholars, and human rights activists, they do not blindly support their government; because governments are by their very existence and nature liars and extremely corrupt, and are lawless except for extremely unrighteous, anti-freedom and murderous "laws"; and I am very tired of all of these people who "buy into" most, if not all, of the lies!

True Americans MUST seek to counteract "the epidemic going pandemic" of "preemptive", tyrannous, global, imperial conquest by the U.S. government, and the abrogation(s) of our civil liberties by same; and, thank God, WE ARE, by standing up for the Truth in any and all peaceful and non-violent way(s) that we can, and by standing up against the pandemic lies of an extremely tyrannical military-industrial U.S. government gone, closely-bordering on totally, insane, making more and more threats against democracy and freedom to exist within our own borders than there are abroad, in the guise of "our own" elected AND UNELECTED "representatives" and tyrants, and their rampant genocidal policies and warmaking! To top it all off, these tyrants claim to be Christians while ignoring the Sixth Commandment, "You will NOT kill...." under ANY circumstances; and this is the ultimate hypocrisy and insult to God!

The True-American, Mindy Kleinburg's of this world [one of the wives of a deceased loved-one who died in the destruction of the World Trade Center Towers, who spoke the Real Truth to the September 11th Commission on April 1, 2003 (as seen on C-Span at 12:00 midnight on April 2, 2003), about many of the questions concerning the highly-extreme corruptions, and inadequate response(s) of our government to the alleged-terrorists who allegedly hijacked the planes on 9-11-01, as the latter entered and moved freely about our country, knowing they were alleged potential terrorists, and the presently-occurring cover-up of same], are counteracting the evil(s) and are the True Heroes! Now, may this Commission not further the cover-up, and Truly get to the bottom, AND THE TOP, of who is responsible for, or at bare minimum who allowed, the 9-11-01 attacks in order to bring about war, much like President Roosevelt allowed the attack on Pearl Harbor in order to bring about the war against Japan! We must remember that history repeats itself over and over again, and that NO government is to be trusted, especially one that is completely out of control like the U.S. government is at the present time, and like NEVER before; and we must not be fooled by the government and the mainstream media propaganda presently "washing" over us!

May the Real, Whole Truth, and Sanity, Truly Prevail, Completely Come to the Light of Day, and Completely Overcome the insanity, though it probably won't! I have no illusions about what is going to happen; but that must not make us apathetic and inactive in our Duty to without fail, unflinchingly seek after the Whole, Real Truth no matter what befalls us for doing so; otherwise, we are complicit in the evils that are committed in the violation(s) of Truth and True Freedom! Standing up for NOTHING BUT the Truth is the Most Truly Patriotic thing we can do; and the True Americans WILL do so, AND ARE doing so, braving many additional threats to their freedom(s), and to their very lives, at the hands of the corrupt and lawless, by and large evil, unfortunately "necessary evil", "law enforcement authorities" who are sworn to "protect and serve" us, but who are mostly terrorists, murderers, "testi-liars", and/or who violate human rights and civil liberties every day, and get away with it virtually every time! Anyone who trusts "law enforcement" authorities doesn't know what's really going on!

As a "Public Defender", better called a "Public Pretender" as most of them are, said to me once, the police "are not there to help you"; and, though he was a worthless defense lawyer except to help the State convict most people that he "represented", he couldn't have been more right about that! And thinking about that subject made me wonder, though it doesn't appear that anyone else is asking this question like they should be, how many of the large number of Americans the federal government has "secretly" incarcerated, in that the government refuses to give out any specifics about why they are imprisoned, to bring any public charges against them, to divulge where they are incarcerated, etc., have been murdered by the authorities and thereby made to PERMANENTLY "disappear"?! We The People should be "shouting from the rooftops" against these sorts of "Police-State" actions; but, what are most of "us" doing about it, nothing!! "We" are allowing it to happen, in the so-called "greatest democracy on Earth"!! What the United States and the world are coming to is absolute totalitarianism!!

The "powers that be" have been working towards bringing about the present state of affairs for decades, if not hundreds of years. Their goal has therefore long been to undermine and eventually overthrow freedom in the United States, the latter of which they are now largely succeeding in doing. May the dissidents, and those others' who ARE speaking out against "our" corrupt and lawless "leaders", and trying to take action(s) to do something about, and to stop, their lawlessness, be successful in "overcom(ing the) evil with (the great) good" THEY ARE doing!

Your's for "....the whole (T)ruth, and nothing but the (T)ruth, so help us God"!

S. Wolf Britain, A True Patriot
Equal, Human, Civil, Legal, Disability, Patient, Transportation, Parental, Housing, Tenant, and Liberty Rights Advocate; Independent Legal Assistant; Personal Computer Specialist; Writer; and Poet; Sui Juris/Pro Esse Suo/Pro Se

[Copyright (c) 2003 in the U.S.A. and Internationally by S. Wolf Britain. All rights are reserved.]

CC: Will(iam) Thomas, International Investigative Reporter, Lifeboat News Service, British Columbia, Canada,




Postscript: I'm looking for someone to go 50/50 with me and move to either Ecuador, Costa Rica, Belize, Guatemala, or Mexico where we can make a very low income go much further with a lower cost, and higher standard, of living (than living in the States on such a low income). This includes an only income of Social Security Disability (SSDI) and/or Retirement benefits. The Social Security Administration most definitely DOES allow SSDI and/or Retirement benefits, but not Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits, to be sent to recipients in most other countries! There are many books about moving and living abroad available at the public library and/or at . Naturally, I realize we would probably have to spend some time getting to know eachother, and finding out if we're compatible, before moving abroad together. We could even have our own separate "spaces" by choosing to rent or purchase a house or apartment with separate quarters, and still save considerable money in monthly costs compared to living in the States on the same income. If you might be interested, want to ask me some questions, and/or want to discuss it, please e-mail me at the address below.


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Postscript: I'm looking for someone to go 50/50 with me and move to either Ecuador, Costa Rica, Belize, Guatemala, or Mexico where we can make a very low income go much further with a lower cost, and higher standard, of living (than living in the States on such a low income). This includes an only income of Social Security Disability (SSDI) and/or Retirement benefits. The Social Security Administration most definitely DOES allow SSDI and/or Retirement benefits, but not Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits, to be sent to recipients in most other countries! There are many books about moving and living abroad available at the public library and/or at . Naturally, I realize we would probably have to spend some time getting to know eachother, and finding out if we're compatible, before moving abroad together. We could even have our own separate "spaces" by choosing to rent or purchase a house or apartment with separate quarters, and still save considerable money in monthly costs compared to living in the States on the same income. If you might be interested, want to ask me some questions, and/or want to discuss it, please e-mail me at the address below.

Thank you for your interest; and I hope you truly enjoyed your visit. Please come back soon and visit my site.

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