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Unless Otherwise Noted, All Material Copyright © 1998-2004 in the U.S.A. and Internationally by Wolf Britain. All Rights Reserved.

Prescript: I'm looking for someone to go 50/50 with me and move to either Ecuador, Costa Rica, Belize, Guatemala, or Mexico where we can make a very low income go much further with a lower cost, and higher standard, of living (than living in the States on such a low income). This includes an only income of Social Security Disability (SSDI) and/or Retirement benefits. The Social Security Administration most definitely DOES allow SSDI and/or Retirement benefits, but not Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits, to be sent to recipients in most other countries! There are many books about moving and living abroad available at the public library and/or at . Naturally, I realize we would probably have to spend some time getting to know eachother, and finding out if we're compatible, before moving abroad together. We could even have our own separate "spaces" by choosing to rent or purchase a house or apartment with separate quarters, and still save considerable money in monthly costs compared to living in the States on the same income. If you might be interested, want to ask me some questions, and/or want to discuss it, please e-mail me at the address below.

(Click on the link to go to that part of the page):

Dr. Isaac Asimov
(Some Quotes of the Great Scientist)

Dr. Isaac Asimov and Robert A. Heinlein
(More Quotes of the Great Authors)

"The Rebel Jesus"
(Part of a Song by Jackson Browne)

"The Next Voice You Hear"
(A Song by Jackson Browne)

"Love Needs A Heart"
(A Song by Jackson Browne)

"Creaking Of A Broken Bough"
(A Poem by Hermann Hesse)

"A Verse"
(A Poem by Henrik Ibsen)

Thomas Jefferson
(A Quote of the Great Statesman)


(Some Quotes of the Great Scientist)
[Copyright (c) in the U.S.A. and
Internationally by Dr. Isaac Asimov,
his estate and/or the publishers.
All rights are reserved.]

"All humanity could share a common insanity and be immersed in a common illusion while living in a common chaos." --Dr. Isaac Asimov in the book, Foundation's Edge, page 283.

"He was at home nowhere, an orphan everywhere. ...Before he wasted time bemoaning his fate, he must find Earth. If he survived the search, there would then be time enough to sit down and weep. He might have even better reason for it then." --Dr. Isaac Asimov in the book, Foundation and Earth, page 16.

"An Isolate--an individual in isolation--might tell lies. He is limited, and he is fearful because he is limited." --Dr. Isaac Asimov in the book, Foundation and Earth, page 21.

"... (I)f criminals are the price we pay for rebels, heretics and geniuses, I'm willing to pay it. I demand the price be paid... You can't have geniuses and saints without having people far outside the norm..." --Dr. Isaac Asimov in the book, Foundation and Earth, page 29.

"... (Y)ou sound very much as though you're describing (an) addiction (to) that of some ... drug that admits you to joy in the short term at the price of leaving you permanently in horror in the long term. Not for me! I am reluctant to sell my individuality for some brief feeling of joy. ...(H)ow long will you have (your individuality) if you keep it up...? You'll beg for more and more of your drug until, eventually, your brain will be damaged. ...(D)on't do this anymore. You've lived for (forty-seven) years with your own kind of pleasure and joy, and your brain is adapted to withstanding that. Don't be snapped up by...(an) unusual vice. There is a price to pay for it; if not immediately, then eventually." --Dr. Isaac Asimov in the book, Foundation and Earth, page 37.

[Notes by me: Dr. Asimov realized, as is shown by the ending of Foundation and Earth, that genetic engineering as a whole, and the cloning of people particularly, are extremely dangerous, and that their "progress" proceeds from some evil source, or a source that evil designs against humanity; and, therefore, he also realized that they should not be allowed to continue their evil course of manipulating, and towards changing, the nature of humankind.]

"...Every government must do its work by collecting wealth in one form or another. The only two ways in which such (money) can be obtained are, first, by robbing a neighbor, or second, persuading a government's own citizens to grant the (money) willingly and peaceably.

"...(T)here is no possibility of robbing a neighbor, except as the result of an occasional rebellion and its repression. This does not happen often enough to support the government--and, if it did, the government would be too unstable to last long, in any case.

"...Therefore, (money) must be raised by asking the citizens to hand over part of their wealth for government use. Presumably, since the government will then work efficiently, the citizens can better spend their (money) in this way than to hoard it--each man to himself--while living in a dangerous and chaotic anarchy.

"However, though the request is reasonable and the citizenry is better off paying taxes as their price for maintaining a stable and efficient government, they are nevertheless reluctant to do so. In order to overcome this reluctance, governments must make it appear that they are not taking too (much money), and that they are considering each citizen's rights and benefits. In other words, they must lower the percentage taken out of low incomes; they must allow deductions of various kinds to be made before the tax is assessed, and so on.

"As time goes on, the tax situation inevitably grows more and more complex as different (States), different sectors within each (State), and different economic divisions all demand and require special treatment. The result is that the tax-collecting branch of the government grows in size and complexity and tends to become uncontrollable. The average citizen cannot understand why or how much he is being taxed; what he can get away with and what he can't. The government and the tax agency itself are often in the dark as well.

"What's more, an ever-larger fraction of the funds collected must be put into running the overelaborate tax agency--maintaining records, pursuing tax delinquents--so the amount of (money) available for good and useful purposes declines despite anything we can do.

"In the end, the tax situation becomes overwhelming. It inspires discontent and rebellion. The history books tend to ascribe these things to greedy businessmen, to corrupt politicians, to brutal warriors, to ambitious (government representatives)--but these are just the individuals who take advantage of the tax overgrowth." --Dr. Isaac Asimov in the book, Forward the Foundation, pages 253 to 254.

[Notes by me: When the government uses some of the taxes it collects, for the purpose of helping the poor, many of the tax paying citizens resent and begrudge the money they pay in taxes being used to assist the poor, and complain. Yet, for what other primary purpose was mankind placed on this Earth but to help their fellow human beings, in particular the poor, senior citizens and the disabled? It is the ultimate in selfishness to wish to withhold such assistance. Thank God, or Goodness, whichever you prefer, for His blessed help for such persons from whatever source!]

"...(I)t is possible that many potential mentalics died. (Some biological weapon) was (or weapons were) created by humans... to handicap other human societies to which they were politically opposed (and factions within our own society). Like many attempts at biological warfare, it backfired--it became pandemic, and perhaps, coincidentally, perhaps not, allowed the (government) to exist with little intellectual turmoil for (decades). Though nearly all children get ill, about a fourth of them--those with a mental potential above a certain level--is more seriously affected. Curiosity and intellectual ability are blunted just enough to level out social development. The majority do not experience a loss of mental skill--perhaps because their skills are general, and they are never given to bouts of genius." --Greg Bear for Dr. Isaac Asimov in the book, Foundation's Chaos, part two of the Second Foundation Trilogy, page 219.

"Almost equally dangerous is the Gospel of Uniformity. The differences between the nations and races of mankind are required to preserve the conditions under which higher development is possible. One main factor in the upward trend of animal life has been the power of wandering... Physical wandering is still important, but greater still is the power of man's spiritual adventures---adventures of thought, adventures of passionate feeling, adventures of aesthetic experience. A diversification among human communities is essential for the provision of inventive material for the Odyssey of the human spirit. Other nations of different habits are not enemies; they are godsends." --From Alfred North Whitehead's book, Science and the Modern World, 1925, quoted in David Brin's book for Dr. Isaac Asimov, Foundation's Triumph, part three of the Second Foundation Trilogy, page 223.

"It's easy to see that he could easily compensate to himself for this failure to be accepted by his social milieu by taking refuge in the thought that other human beings are inferior to himself. Which is, of course, true, as far as mentality is concerned. There are, of course, many, many facets to the human personality and in not all of them is he superior. No one is. Others, then, who are more prone to see merely what is inferior, just as he himself is, would not accept his affected pre-eminence of position. They would think him (odd), even laughable, which would make it even more important to (him) to prove how miserable and inferior the human species was. How could he better do that then to show that mankind was simply a form of bacteria (in a sense) to other superior creatures which experiment upon them. And then his impulses to suicide would be a wild desire to break away completely from being a man at all, to stop his identification with the miserable species (known as mankind)..." --Dr. Isaac Asimov in the short story, "Breeds there a man...?", in the book, Robot Dreams, page 66.

"That is why the only change I ever make (is for you to change your name), for several reasons. Number one, it is a simple change. After all, if I make a great change or many changes, so many new variables enter that I can no longer interpret the result. My machine is still crude. Number two, it is a reasonable change. I can't change your height, can I, or the color of your eyes, even your temperament. Number three, it is a significant change. Names mean a lot to people. Finally, number four, it is a common change that is done every day by various people." --Dr. Isaac Asimov in the short story, "Spell My Name With An S", in the book, Robot Dreams, page 253. (Emphasis added.)

"...Memory is not improved by devising a way for the brain to store information more efficiently. All our studies show that the brain stores almost unlimited numbers of items perfectly and permanently. The difficulty lies in recall. How many times have you had a name at the tip of your tongue and couldn't get it? How many times have you failed to come up with something you knew you knew, and then did come up with it two hours later when you were thinking about something else? --Dr. Isaac Asimov in the short story, "Lest We Remember", in the book, Robot Dreams, page 329. (Emphasis added.)

Continued below:


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(More Quotes of the Great Authors)
[Copyright (c) in the U.S.A. and
Internationally by Dr. Isaac Asimov
and Robert A. Heinlein, their
estates and/or the publishers.
All rights are reserved.]

"It was fashionable for modern political writers to look back with a smug disapproval at the "fiscalism" of Medieval times, when economy was based on money. The competitive struggle for existence, they said, was brutal. No truly complex society could be maintained because of the strains introduced by the eternal "fight-for-the-buck." (Scholars had varying interpretations of the word "buck," but there was no dispute over the meaning as a whole.)" --Dr. Isaac Asimov in the book, The Caves of Steel (the first of the robot novels), page 85. [Emphasis in parenthesis "( )", in this case, added by Dr. Asimov.]

"...(P)eople sometimes mistake their own shortcomings for those of society and want to fix the Cities because they don't know how to fix themselves." --Dr. Isaac Asimov in the novel, The Caves of Steel, page 148.

"...We, all of us, feel inferior...and hate it. We've got to feel superior somehow, somewhere, to make up for it, and it kills us that we can't at least feel superior... (Others) seem to be better than us--only they're not. That's the damned irony of it." --Dr. Isaac Asimov in the novel, The Caves of Steel, page 165.

"...He was an ideal man, almost an abstraction. Who could feel love, or even liking, for such a man? A man without weaknesses serves only to make everyone else conscious of his own imperfections. A primitive poet named Tennyson once wrote: 'He is all fault who has no fault at all.'" --Dr. Isaac Asimov in the book, The Naked Sun (second of the robot novels), page. 383.

"He had (said) the Cities were wombs, and so they were. And what was the first thing a man must do before he can be a man? He must be born. He must leave the womb. And once left, it could not be re-entered... (He) had left the City and could not re-enter. The City was no longer his; the Caves of Steel were alien. This had to be." --Dr. Isaac Asimov in the novel, The Naked Sun, page 404.

"...Mighty little force is needed to control a man whose mind has been hoodwinked; contrariwise, no amount of force can control a free man, a man whose mind is free. No, not the rack, not fission bombs, not anything--you can't conquer a free man; the most you can do is kill him." --Robert A. Heinlein, source unknown. [The rest of the emphasis in parenthesis "( )" in all of the previous quotes except for one is added by me.]

[Notes by me: In watching a Deepak Chopra, M.D. video the other night, I discovered something interesting he said that was so true. He said that reality is only what we perceive it to be, that what we consider to be normal reality doesn't really exist, and that when some people separate themselves from the perception of reality, or normality, they often become our sages, psychotics and geniuses. I may not agree that we supposedly have to transcend to our "cosmic self", and, instead, believe that we have to get rid of "self", yet he is very right that what most people consider to be "normal" is not normal at all. But he mixes the very wrong and insidious belief systems of Hinduism and Buddhism, etcetera, with Christianity, and misses that true-Christianity states we must rid ourselves of "self". He fails to see that instead of attaining to our "higher self", we must rejoin with the "Person" known as God and reflect His character.]

Lyrics by Jackson Browne
[Copyright © in the U.S.A. and
Internationally by Jackson Browne.
All rights are reserved.]

" . . . We guard our world with locks and guns
And we guard our fine possessions
And once a year when Christmas comes
We give to our relations
And perhaps we give a little to the poor
If the generosity should seize us
But if anyone of us should interfere
In the business of why there are poor
They get the same as rebel Jesus . . . "

Lyrics by Jackson Browne
[Copyright © in the U.S.A. and
Internationally by Jackson Browne.
All rights are reserved.]

"Gather your deeds and your possessions
Whatever certainty you've known
Forget your heroes
You don't really need those last few lessons
Stand in the open
The next voice you hear will be your own

"Well all right, they knew how they could hurt you
And you let them cut you to the bone
But God forbid
You allow them to rid you of your virtue
Forget their laughter
The next voice you hear will be your own

"The next voice you hear . . .
The next voice you hear will be your own

"Throw down your truth and check your weapons
And don't look to see if you're alone
Just stand your ground
And don't turn around whatever happens
Don't ask directions
The next voice you hear will be your own

"The next voice you hear . . .
The next voice you hear will be your own"

Lyrics by Jackson Browne
[Copyright © in the U.S.A. and
Internationally by Jackson Browne.
All rights are reserved.]

"Baby, the hardest thing I've ever done
Was to walk away from you
Leaving behind the life that we began
I split myself in two

"Proud and alone
Cold as a stone
Rollin' down that hill into the night
I could see the surprise
And the hurt in your eyes
There behind these flashing city lights

"Love needs a heart
And I need to find
If love needs a heart like mine

"Love won't come near me
She don't even hear me
She walks by my vacancy sign

"Love needs a heart
Trusting and blind
I wish that heart was mine

"Proud and alone
Cold as a stone
I'm afraid to believe the things I feel
I can cry with the best
I can laugh with the rest
But I'm never sure when it's real

"It may be the hardest thing I've ever done
But apart, from all that I hope to find
Was the heart that's been lookin' for mine
I hope it finds me in time

"Love needs a heart
And I need to find
If love needs a heart like mine"

by Hermann Hesse [1877-1962]
(from Hours in the Garden,
and Other Poems
Translation copyright © 1979 by
Farrar, Straus and Giroux, Inc.
First Edition, 1979)

"Brittle broken bough,
Hanging (in there) year after year
Dryly its song groans in the wind,
Leafless, stripped of bark,
Bare, blanched, tired of living
Too long, of dying too long, tired.
Its song sounds harsh and stubborn,
Sounds defiant, secretly alarmed
One more summer, one more winter long."

(By Henrik Ibsen [1828-1906]
The Great Norwegian Playright/Poet.
My Translation/Interpretation
added to Site on 1-11-00.)
[Copyright (c) in Norway and
Internationally by Henrik Ibsen
and/or his estate. All rights are
reserved. Translation copyright (c) in
the U.S.A. and Internationally by Wolf
Britain. All rights are reserved.]

"To live is to battle with fiends
In the vaults of heart and mind.
To write is to sit in judgment
Over one's self in response to doomsday."

(A Quote of the Great Stateman,
added to site on 2-22-00.)
[Copyright (c) in the U.S.A. and
Internationally by Thomas Jefferson
and/or his estate.
All rights are reserved.]

"A strict observance of the written laws is doubtless one of the high duties of a good citizen, but it is not the highest. The laws of necessity, of self-preservation, of saving our country when in danger, are a higher obligation. ... To lose our country by a scrupulous adherence to written law, would be to lose the law itself, with life, liberty, property and all those who are enjoying them with us; thus absurdly sacrificing the end to the means." --Thomas Jefferson.

[Notes by me: No doubt the immediately-foregoing quote by Jefferson has been, is, or will be used by "our" unscrupulous government, and/or some of its officials, to claim that what Jefferson is saying was meant to be applied to the government, and that they are supposedly not subject to a strict observance of the written laws at all times; but Jefferson was clearly and ONLY applying these words to INDIVIDUAL CITIZENS who are TRULY attempting to save their govenment, not from perceived harm, but from actual harm such as what the fascist government of the Bush administration is perpetrating in this new century. The ENTIRE United States government, and ALL of "our representatives", ARE subject to a strict observance of the written laws AT ALL TIMES, particularly of the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights, WITHOUT FAIL, which is less and less being lived up to by "our" government, and is being very seriously violated at the present time, more than ever before; and Jefferson NEVER, IN ANY WAY, gave license for that state of affairs! {ALL words by me copyright (c) 2004 in the U.S.A. and Internationally by S. Wolf Britain. All rights are reserved.}]




Postscript: I'm looking for someone to go 50/50 with me and move to either Ecuador, Costa Rica, Belize, Guatemala, or Mexico where we can make a very low income go much further with a lower cost, and higher standard, of living (than living in the States on such a low income). This includes an only income of Social Security Disability (SSDI) and/or Retirement benefits. The Social Security Administration most definitely DOES allow SSDI and/or Retirement benefits, but not Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits, to be sent to recipients in most other countries! There are many books about moving and living abroad available at the public library and/or at . Naturally, I realize we would probably have to spend some time getting to know eachother, and finding out if we're compatible, before moving abroad together. We could even have our own separate "spaces" by choosing to rent or purchase a house or apartment with separate quarters, and still save considerable money in monthly costs compared to living in the States on the same income. If you might be interested, want to ask me some questions, and/or want to discuss it, please e-mail me at the address below.


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Postscript: I'm looking for someone to go 50/50 with me and move to either Ecuador, Costa Rica, Belize, Guatemala, or Mexico where we can make a very low income go much further with a lower cost, and higher standard, of living (than living in the States on such a low income). This includes an only income of Social Security Disability (SSDI) and/or Retirement benefits. The Social Security Administration most definitely DOES allow SSDI and/or Retirement benefits, but not Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits, to be sent to recipients in most other countries! There are many books about moving and living abroad available at the public library and/or at . Naturally, I realize we would probably have to spend some time getting to know eachother, and finding out if we're compatible, before moving abroad together. We could even have our own separate "spaces" by choosing to rent or purchase a house or apartment with separate quarters, and still save considerable money in monthly costs compared to living in the States on the same income. If you might be interested, want to ask me some questions, and/or want to discuss it, please e-mail me at the address below.

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