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Prescript: I'm looking for someone to go 50/50 with me and move to either Ecuador, Costa Rica, Belize, Guatemala, or Mexico where we can make a very low income go much further with a lower cost, and higher standard, of living (than living in the States on such a low income). This includes an only income of Social Security Disability (SSDI) and/or Retirement benefits. The Social Security Administration most definitely DOES allow SSDI and/or Retirement benefits, but not Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits, to be sent to recipients in most other countries! There are many books about moving and living abroad available at the public library and/or at . Naturally, I realize we would probably have to spend some time getting to know eachother, and finding out if we're compatible, before moving abroad together. We could even have our own separate "spaces" by choosing to rent or purchase a house or apartment with separate quarters, and still save considerable money in monthly costs compared to living in the States on the same income. If you might be interested, want to ask me some questions, and/or want to discuss it, please e-mail me at the address below.

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"Death In The Air: Globalism, Terrorism and Toxic Warfare",
Chapter 3, "Pesticide Toxicity", by Dr. Leonard Horowitz

"Death In The Air: Globalism, Terrorism and Toxic Warfare",
Chapter 4, "Public Health Propaganda and Missing Data",
By Dr. Leonard Horowitz


Globalism, Terrorism and Toxic Warfare"

by Leonard G. Horowitz, D.M.D., M.A., M.P.H.
(Harvard Graduate, Author, Investigator, and
International Authority in Behavioral Science
and True Public Health Education)
Copyright © by Leonard G. Horowitz, 2001.
All rights reserved.
[Written prior to 9-11-01, although it is predictive
of the events that occurred on the latter date.]

"Chapter 3."
"Pesticide Toxicity"
(Pages 33-44.)

"In spite of the large-scale use of Malathion
in aerial applications . . . there's been no attempt to
actually measure the exposure and uptake [by human beings]
. . . under representative spray conditions." [Emphasis added.]

Samuel Epstein, M.D., 1994
Member, EPA Pesticide Subcommittee
of the Health Advisory Committee

"Aerial sprayings of neurotoxic pesticides have become commonly accepted practices despite their risks being inadequately considered. Just how safe Anvil, Malathion, and the array of organophosphate insecticides, including Parathion is, is not even a rational question. "There really is no need to discuss it," cancer chemical expert Dr. Melvin Reuber, reported. Data from the 1950s and 1960s prove pesticides to be extremely dangerous. In Japan, for example, over a 17-year period, there were 19,500 cases of phosphate insecticide poisoning, including more than 9,000 deaths. In another small country, Finland, 286 deaths were reported over six years. In Denmark, in the same period, another 273 deaths occurred. "In California between 1957 and 1960," Dr. Reuber recalled, "there were 950 cases of poisoning, . . . including 790 agricultural, 90 industrial and 70 other causes." Though these numbers may seem small, they represent a fraction of the inadequately reported cases. Mass intoxication of thousands of citizens poisoned by gross organophosphate contamination of foods was heralded in India, Singapore, Mexico, Egypt, and elsewhere. Yet, despite the established toxicity to humans, widespread pesticide sprayings continue [including in the United States, on a highly widespread basis nationwide, for alleged disease carrying insect eradication(s)]. [Emphasis added by me.]

"For decades, numerous investigators have called for more research leading to a better understanding of the extent to which insecticides intoxicate people, though more is known about such agents than most chemicals. Organophosphate pesticides, in particular, have been exhaustively studied. "This is not only because of their use as a pesticide," Dr. Reuber admitted, "but because the U.S. government, [and] the military, had keen interest in their uses as nerve gases to be used in war [and as a domestic biological weapon]." [Emphasis added both by author and myself.]

"Having served at the top military biochemical weapons testing laboratory in the U.S.---Fort Detrick---Dr. Reuber noted organophosphate insecticides evolved out of Germany's intense interest in war gases. Though he did not mention I.G. Farben/Rockefeller chemical cartel's part in these developments, or their central role in gassing millions of holocaust victims to death, he did make curious note of America's inheritance of organophosphate "insecticides" from Cyanamid [an I.G. Farben/Rockefeller biological weapons company] in 1946. This, of course, was perfectly timed with the infiltration of America's chemical, pharmaceutical, and scientific communities by "Project Paperclip", scientists who had previously worked for I.G. Farben and the Third Reich. . . . [The Nazi/U.S. government/Farben-Rockefeller program, just after World War 2, that successfully brought 2,000 of the Nazi butcher/biological weapons expert scientists to the United States to work on the major biological weapons testing/eugenics {murder of many racial minority people}/domestic genocide {"population control" slaughter} program in the U.S. {which is by no means limited to the racial minorities} that continues today by way of nationwide and international insecticide spraying, and intentional cancer and other viral and/or bacterial disease infection(s) by various means, including but definitely not limited to vaccination(s)---{See page 7, etc., of the instant book}, which is where the presently epidemic/pandemic "mysterious new" diseases, including Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (A.I.D.S.), Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (M.E.)/Chronic Fatigue and Immune Dysfunction/Deficiency Syndrome (C.F.I.D.S.)/Fibromyalgia (F.M.S.), Multiple-Chemical Sensitivity (M.C.S.), Gulf War Syndrome (G.W.S.), Multiple Sclerosis (M.S.), Post-Polio Syndrome, etc., that are causing millions of people to die horrible painful deaths, came from, thereby intentionally committing genocide and lowering the population---{which Dr. Horowitz will cover, and I quote below .} (All emphasis added by me.)]

"Thereafter, "in a very few years," Dr. Reuber explained, "pesticides became widely used in American agriculture, though from the very beginning," he cautioned, "they were recognized as dangerous to humans."

"Double-Talk Regarding Human Toxicity"

"In 1952, a highly esteemed chemical investigator, DeBoise, wrote, "The high inherent toxicity of the organophosphates and the lack of substantial differences in the toxicity of these compounds from mammals and insects, emphasizes the necessity of obtaining thorough understanding of the effects, which these agents may have on man and domestic animals."

"Despite DeBoise's urgent recommendation, to date, according to Steven Ross, President of the World Research Foundation, the "data gaps" concerning these neurotoxic pesticides have not been filled. One simply gets double talk from the government and industry officials, he said. "We are having a little bit of difficulty here understanding what these people are talking about," Mr. Ross testified during the Los Angeles City Council hearings of 1989 concerning the aerial spraying of Malathion. "The data gaps are filled and they are content [officials say]. But we have from the EPA that there [still] are data gaps. We hear from the state, saying, they believe the data gaps are filled. I then have another EPA letter saying the data gaps are not filled and then [another] letter directly from the governor's office saying, 'There are still data gaps in exactly the areas of our concern,'" which included acute and chronic human toxicity, along with genetic and reproductive disturbances. [Emphasis added both by author and myself.]

"Apparently, according to scientific studies, humans are more susceptible to many pesticides, including [organophosphate] Malathion and Parathion, than experimental animals. [Mice, monkeys, etc.] In 1953, for instance, scientists published a report in the American Journal of Medicine describing the first signs and symptoms of organophosphate poisoning. They included: "headache, nausea, vomiting, squinting, blurred vision, myosis, weakness, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and pallor and skin rashes." [Emphasis entirely added by me.]

"In moderate to severe cases of pesticide poisoning, the signs and symptoms include: breathing problems, "salivation, lacrimation, muscle fatigue, shock, cardiac arrhythmias, coma and death."



"Anecdotally, after living in New Jersey, New York, and metropolitan Boston for most of my life, then moving to the great Northwest, I noticed a great difference in the "tension" levels exhibited by people in these different parts of the country. Was it simple coincidence that the above signs and symptoms of acute neurotoxic effects of pesticide poisoning were routinely exhibited by people from the northeastern part of the United States? Could the jet stream have carried huge amounts of sprayed organophosphates into the northeastern states? According to a U.S. Geological Survey report provided later, this is likely. Is it also possible that the increased unfriendliness and anxiety exhibited generally in that part of the world might be linked to increased exposure to these neurotoxins aside from traffic congestion, fossil fuel emissions, and population density problems? These "date gaps" are not likely to be filled by government or industry any time soon.

"In her compilation of articles and government documents in Malathion: Toxic Time Bomb, author/editor Betsy Russell-Manning discussed case reports of poisoning with Parathion, Mevinphos, and Malathion, which "indicated that 4 to 9 percent of acutely poisoned individuals experienced delayed or persistent neurological and psychiatric effects such as agitation, insomnia, weakness, nervousness, irritability, forgetfulness and confusion, and depression; persistent mental disturbances reported as delirium, combativeness, hallucinations, or psychosis."

"Again, concentrations of pesticides that might be considered safe for healthy persons, might not be so for others. Those with respiratory diseases, such as asthma or emphysema, the very young or the very old, those with cardiovascular diseases, those with skin sensitivity and skin diseases, or with previous exposure to insecticides, were warned by the California Department of Health in 1980 to steer clear of exposures. Those with depressed immune systems, and children prescribed Malathion by public health and school officials, for instance, for the treatment of head lice, were far more likely to become hypersensitive than healthy adults. Also, individuals with mental health problems, particularly those taking additional neuroactive medications may become hypersensitive to pesticides. Dr. Reuber also added liver disease patients, and alcoholics, to this official list of hyper-susceptibles.

"The acute lethal dose, that is, LD50---the dose required to kill half of a test population, human or animal---varies between 1522 to 1945 milligrams per kilogram of body weight (mg/kg). According to Ms. Brenner's report in the Journal of Pesticide Reform, "less than 5 ounces would be fatal to a 70 kilogram human."

"Expanding on the effects of Malathion on the skin and eyes, Brenner wrote:

"Repeated exposure to Malathion has caused allergic responses in humans, guinea pigs, and mice. A single exposure to the skin of a 10 percent Malathion solution induced contact sensitization in almost half of human volunteer subjects, and once sensitized, very weak dilutions of Malathion (1ppm [about the amount of fluoride the U.S. Public Health Service recommends for community water supplies]) would trigger skin reactions. Technical Malathion is mildly irritating to the eyes, can cause temporary visual disturbances, and questions remain regarding its ability to produce external eye irritation." [Emphasis added by author.]

"Chronic Toxicity From Pesticide Exposure"

"Clearly, Malathion, among the most studied pesticides, has never been proven safe for human exposure in any adequate manner. This is likely why government "authorities" turned to the less studied Anvil as a replacement for Malathion during the 1999-2000 WNV [bogus West Nile Virus mosquito eradication] spraying program. In addition to acute toxicity, Malathion exposure has been associated with a variety of long term consequences, chronic diseases, which are central to the debate as to whether or not governments should be allowed to spray citizens, unwillingly, including children. [Emphasis added by me.]

"Malathion's chronic toxicity problems, for example, can be divided into the following areas: carcinogenicity [cancer-causing propensity], mutagenicity or teratogenicity [genetic mutation(s) propensity], birth and other reproductive effects, and immune system effects. . . With all of these, you should keep in mind that "data gaps" persist, particularly in the areas of delayed effects regarding neurotoxicity, inhalation risks, contaminated food consumption, and the breakdown products from organophosphate metabolism. . . [In other words, the government is using seriously harmful chemicals on the civilian population that the latter don't fully know the effects of!] [All emphasis added by me.]

"Miscellaneous Toxic Effects of Malathion"

". . .Studies showed that repeated Malathion exposures produced liver toxicity regardless of the organism's nutritional status. However, malnourished animals, especially those on low protein diets, showed increased of Malathion toxicity and liver damage. "This is due, at least in part, to the malnourished liver's decreased ability to detoxify Malathion," Brenner explained. According to investigators, inadequately fed individuals [with not enough protein in their diets] may be more prone to pesticide toxicity. [Emphasis added by me.]

"Likewise, government officials have been advised to assess a community's nutritional health status before subjecting its people to toxic Malathion exposure(s). Despite the warning, however, this preventative practice has generally escaped attention.

"This concludes a chapter that relays scientific evidence and facts concerning pesticide toxicity, acute and long-term, particularly regarding the most commonly sprayed product, Malathion. In the next chapter [ which I (Wolf Britain) quote below ] I (Dr. Horowitz) will reflect on, in contrast, what people have been told by governing officials, and alleged "public health servants," regarding the practice of spraying neurotoxic pesticides and related chemicals on unwitting populations." [Emphasis added by me.]

[Notes by me: Our environment and our lives are inundated at virtually every turn with dangerous neurotoxins, and other dangerous byproducts of devices that fill our world! The neurotoxins are being sprayed on us from the air; they're in manmade, or man-manipulated, genetically engineered viruses that are infecting us; they're being injected into us in our vaccines; they're in our drug medications; they're in virtually all of our foods that we eat every day and are absorbed into our bodies; they're in the packaging that our foods are sold in which they leach out of and into the foods; they're in the building products of our homes and transportation vehicles including airplanes, ocean-going vessels, buses and automobiles; they're in all of the petrochemicals that power, lubricate and are emitted by our vehicles that we breath in every day and are absorbed into our bodies; they're in all of our electronic and electric devices that we use everyday; they're in our furniture and bedding that we sit on and sleep in; they're in our water; they're in much of our synthetic and "natural" clothing materials; they're created by using microwave ovens to heat our foods; they're in virtually all of the laundry detergents, fabric softeners and bleaches that we wash our clothing in and with, and which don't all wash out of our clothing and come into constant contact with our bodies and are absorbed through our skin; they're in our household cleaners that, if we don't use gloves, are also absorbed through our skin and into our bodies; they're in our toiletries and cosmetics applied to and also absorbed through our skin; they're stimulated to be made much worse, and/or are created, in our bodies by the radiation emanations given off by our television and stereo appliances, microwave transmission towers, radar devices, high-power electromagnetic generators, the radiation from above-ground atomic bomb tests, nuclear power plants and medical x-rays; and, as a result, they're constantly poisoning us, mutating our genetic makeup and making greater and greater numbers of human beings in the United States and all over the world get extremely ill and die!

All of this is an accident, that there are so many varied influences that are inflicting untold harm on us in these so many ways?! No, as Dr. Horowitz proves throughout his books, it is an intentional global conspiracy to attempt to cut the population of the Earth in half; and that is why in all the many decades of so-called "cancer research" for the alleged purpose of finding cures for cancer, said cures have NEVER been found, when in truth cancer research has been conducted ONLY for the express purpose of developing lethal biological weapons that could be, and are being, used on a great many civilian populations, both in the U.S. and abroad, as well as "enemies" in war, to kill off as many of us as the corporate-globalist organizations and people that run the entire world can, in order to try to assure their survival as what they consider to not only be the "fittest", but superior to everyone else!

The above-referenced, extremely evil, people are the ultimate in sociopaths, psychopaths, egocentrics, self-centered, and "normal" people whose god is money and evil! They don't care about anyone but themselves and the rest of their rich global conspirators! They have been conditioning us for over a hundred years, and many generations, to believe that they don't exist, or, so even if we do realize they exist, we feel powerless to do anything about it, so why don't we just accept it and them! But don't let them convince you of any such things! We are NOT powerless unless we are fooled by them and believe it!

Again, we ALL have the DUTY to stand up and be counted against all of these evil peoples' programs of mind-conditioning, deception, poisoning, murder, war-mongering, imprisoning, terrorism, torture, and death; and, each of us in our own "little" ways, CAN make a difference against them; so do what YOU CAN to awaken others to what's really going on, to stop them from succeeding as much as they are in their genocide(s), and to save as many people, and protect as much of the sanctity of life, as YOU CAN! Don't put it off; do it NOW before it is forever too late! Remember, we ARE our brothers' keeper(s); and we ALL have the God-given responsibility(ies) to care for and seek to protect eachother; because that is the True Purpose of Life, and why we were put on this Earth!

As you should by now be able to see, the entire subject addressed here is about much more than Malathion and/or Anvil spraying, which is more than bad enough; but please read the next chapter, below , on how "We, The People" are being further deceived.]

Continued below:


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Globalism, Terrorism and Toxic Warfare"

by Leonard G. Horowitz, D.M.D., M.A., M.P.H.
(Harvard Graduate, Author, Investigator, and
International Authority in Behavioral Science
and True Public Health Education)
Copyright © by Leonard G. Horowitz, 2001.
All rights reserved.
[Written prior to 9-11-01, although it is predictive
of the events that occurred on the latter date.]

"Chapter 4."
"Public Health Propaganda
and Missing Data"
(Pages 47-63.)

"Why shouldn't the state first have the
responsibility to prove that spraying is safe"
It is a simple matter of burden of proof."

Councilman Joel Wachs, 1990
Hearing before the Los Angeles commissioners

"In three previous books I addressed propaganda wars waged against people in America and abroad by public health officials and U.S. government spin-doctors.

"Deadly Innocence (1993) unraveled the mystery of a Florida dentist, David Acer, who [intentionally] infected his patients with HIV/AIDS. Here American government and public health officials reported the dentist was a "nice guy." They alleged he was "unwilling to harm a fly." In contrast, the documented evidence showed that Dr. Acer maintained a classic organized serial killer personality profile, crime scene profile, and developmental history. All variables were virtually identical to thirty-six serial killers studied by the FBI. [Emphasis added by both myself and the author.]

"In Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola---Nature, Accident or Intentional? (1996), I traced the development of viruses, functionally and descriptively identical to HIV and Ebola, to the West Nile region of Northwest Uganda [Africa]. There, military-medical operations and vaccine experiments were ongoing involving biological weapons contractor, Litton Bionetics. Under National Institute of Health (NIH) contracts, Bionetics shipped contaminated monkeys and chimpanzees to New York City where Dr. Maurice Hilleman received them to develop Merck pharmaceutical company vaccines. . . (T)his contract circulated at the NCI [National Cancer Institute(s)] at the time the first GRID/AIDS cases were being diagnosed in New York City. As described therein [in his book], these vaccine experiments focused on the "type-C" cancer retroviruses with simultaneous "coinfections" with herpes viruses such as the Epstein-Barr virus [and Human Herpes Virus-6A, Strain GS] that caused the never before seen leukemia-sarcoma-lymphoma cancer complexes later called GRID and AIDS. The most implicated vaccine trigger for HIV/AIDS was the 1974-1975 experimental hepatitis B vaccine given simultaneously to gay men in New York City and Blacks in Central Africa. Rather than admitting the serious implications of their contaminated vaccine program, government officials, including Litton's "project officer for the National Cancer Institute," Dr. Robert Gallo [the supposed discoverer of HIV/AIDS who actually helped create it for biological weapons production], explained that HIV/AIDS simply came from African monkeys. What they did not tell, and I showed, is what Gallo and his Bionetics colleagues did to those monkeys to produce these unique "type-C" class of retroviruses. [Emphasis added by me.]

"Finally, in Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse (1999), Dr. Joseph Puleo and I exposed the passage of ancient knowledge involving physics, mathematics, genetics, language, music, spirituality, and healing, and the arcana's current use by global leaders of the international chemical/pharmaceutical cartel, in their efforts to survey, manipulate, control, enslave and even kill world populations. The Human Genome Project, they proclaimed, would significantly help promote health in the twenty-first century. What they did not tell is that the Rockefeller-linked Cold Spring Harbor Labs, home to the Human Genome Project, was also deeply invested in HAARP---the electromagnetic transmission bases in Alaska, New York, and elsewhere, that has aimed its frequency generators to control weather and apparently populations as well. This new manner of conducting what I called "bio-spiritual warfare" in that book, and "non-lethal technotronic warfare" in this work [the book you are reading part of now], is detailed in Chapter 12. [Emphasis added by me.]

"Each time I investigated, I discovered and reported the deceptive propaganda used to confound the issues and confuse the public. Each time, fear was used to manipulate and control the mass mind---a form of officially sanctioned "terrorism" [by "our" own government]. Each time, truth was held hostage and citizens were mortally victimized. [Emphasis added by me.]

"In this book, again, with the spraying of pesticides for alleged biological "emergencies", truth is the first casualty of governing agents and agencies. In this brief chapter, I compare fiction with facts while addressing the machinations used by public health officials to defend what is indefensible. Their effective ploys involve three general areas: 1) the misrepresentation of adequacy in scientific data, 2) making false and misleading claims, and 3) bureaucratic "buck-passing. . ."

"Refuting Deceptions"

"Considering each paragraph [of a letter by Dr. Kenneth W. Kizer, M.D., M.P.H., Director of the Department of Health Services sent to California citizens typifying deception while minimizing the risks posed by organophosphate exposures caused by Malathion spraying in the Los Angeles area for alleged Medfly infection, which Dr. Horowitz quoted previously] for its intent and/or deceptive content, Dr. Kizer began his letter addressing the "concern expressed about the health effects" of the program. In other words, if opponent activists had not brought the issues to light, and to the floor of debate, Dr. Kizer would not have written this letter and proceeded without remiss to conduct "business as usual" insofar as spraying large under-educated populations. [Explanation in brackets ("[ ]") added by me.]

"The "nighttime applications," he implied, made the program safer. Not so for the children who play on contaminated fields and lawns the next mornings.

"The applications presented "no significant health hazard to persons living in sprayed areas," he claimed. Obviously, based on the scientific evidence relayed previously [in the last chapter] and later in this chapter, this statement is completely false and misleading. [Emphasis added by me.]

"Paragraph two [of Dr. Kizer's letter] stated that Malathion had been used "throughout the world for decades," implying it must, therefore, be safe. This is reminiscent of cigarette advertisements in medical journals that touted certain brands that sold most. [Emphasis by me.]

""More is known about the health effects . . . than any other similar pesticide," the letter stated. Odd then that EPA and other government officials cited the lack of important data in response to citizens and scientists opposed to the sprayings. Further misleading was the statement that other pesticides had not been studied as much as Malathion, making it, therefore, the choice insecticide for public safety. In fact, regardless of the relative amount of scientific evidence compiled on Malathion, it is virtually all negative and frightfully incriminating.

""Malathion is among the safest insecticides in use." However, according to Fort Detrick cancer researcher, Melvin Reuber, M.D., this statement does not mean it is safe. On a lethal dose relativity scale, Malathion toxicity has been compared by scientists to "two of the deadliest substances known to man"---dioxin and botulism.

"Dr. Kizer emphasized its widespread use "around the home, in gardens, and in orchards" in order to relay a sense of general acceptance rather than the true awareness that American Cyanamid's advertising and marketing efforts during the 1950s and 1960s were highly effective in propelling the toxic chemical into virtually every home in America.

"Moreover, the use of the toxin, at higher concentrations than called for in the Medfly program, for head lice lotions, for instance, did not make either applications safe as Dr. Kizer implied. Dr. Kizer did not mention the deadly effects of both of these practices for certain unfortunate individuals [like the immuno-compromised, chronic illness patients], as discussed previously. [Emphasis added by me.]

"His reference to "significantly higher concentrations" of Malathion being used for "mosquito abatement programs" portended higher mortality and morbidity might be expected from these programs, yet, these were ongoing at the time of this writing for the alleged WNV outbreaks in New York, New Jersey, and New England.

"Nowhere in Dr. Kizer's announcement, did he mention the far more toxic metabolites (breakdown products) of Malathion, or similarly, the extraordinary lethal contaminants resident in technical grade Malathion-bait combinations used for spraying.

"In paragraph three, Dr. Kizer falsely claimed that the "very small doses" applied to each acre of sprayed land, "2.8 ounces (about 1/3 of a cup)," is not dangerous to people or animals. As discussed previously, according to University of California neurobiologist Dr. Jorge Mancillas, formerly with the Salk Institute, Dr. Kizer's claim that the doses applied are too low to cause any harm is flawed for at least two reasons. First, "public health" officials do not monitor what doses people are exposed to, but "at best what amounts are being applied to the ground." Second, using the EPA's established, "No Observable Effect Level," that is, the amount below which no effects are observed is expressed as 0.2 mg per kg of body weight. This means, following Dr. Mancillas’s analysis, there are 1.4 mg of Malathion spread over each square foot of sprayed acreage. Again, in his words, "This means that a 5-pound child (22.7 kgs) would have to be exposed to the Malathion found in 1/3 of a square foot to exceed the EPA's acceptable intake level [of which there in reality is no such thing!], and to the amount of Malathion in 3.5 square feet to have observable [toxic] effects. If you have a child playing in the grass, a sand box, or on a slide, drinking from a public fountain, or elsewhere in a park, or in his home, he can easily be exposed to that amount."

"Further in paragraph three, Dr. Kizer asserted that the sprayed Malathion is bound, thus stabilized, in "a corn syrup bait." It is therefore likely that it may remain toxic for longer periods. Again, as determined by Dr. Sinclair, "the 1989 Bulletin of Environmental Contamination Toxicology stated 25% of the Malathion is still present in contaminated water after two weeks and 10% is still present after 30 days."

"Dr. Kizer did not tell that individuals with economic and/or political incentives to defend pesticides staffed the committee his department had established to field inquiries, and abate the public's concern. Public health and petrochemical industry funds are never spent hiring detractors, or promoting views that conflict with theirs. Thus, Dr. Kizer's claim that, "The committee will provide an open scientific and medical forum," was obviously false, as was his promotion of committee persons as having "relevant expertise." Such committee persons, with their frequently intense bias, might more accurately be called "indoctrinated cult leaders." Thus, one cannot expect rational unbiased discourse to result from such hearings.

"The final paragraph of Dr. Kizer's letter implied a positive risk/benefit ratio had been rationally and responsibly established for the spraying program. The minor risks, inconvenience, or unpleasantness "for some persons," Dr. Kizer claimed, was well offset by the benefits "from a public health perspective." As mentioned in the introduction to this book, this form of coercion violates the primary premise of bonafide public health policy. Legitimate public health policy legislation is supposed to be based on having conducted definitive scientific investigations into both the risks and benefits of the proposed action. Regarding these spraying initiatives, much like vaccination programs that will be discussed later, these studies are nonexistent. As Dr. Mancillas pointed out, officials "are not monitoring what doses people are being exposed to," and therefore never learn what consequences these toxic exposures relay. [How convenient---ignorance is supposedly bliss again!] [Emphasis added by me.]

"Considering Dr. Kizer's concerns, if gardeners and farmers made greater use of pesticides more dangerous than Malathion, then public health authorities should have targeted these people with more effective preventative messages, including the use of less toxic natural pest control alternatives which abound, yet are infrequently part of official discussions. Moreover, public health officials should have pressured dangerous pesticide manufacturers to cease and desist instead of purchasing and defending toxic products, which by the way, according to numerous reports, ha[ve] failed miserably in ridding sprayed regions of Medflies or other targeted pests. [Emphasis by me.]

"Finally, if Dr. Kizer and his colleagues in public health were so concerned about people's malnutrition, then they should have their states' attorneys file lawsuits against pesticide manufacturers, as was done against the tobacco industry, to have them clear their products of toxic ingredients, and fund educational campaigns for prevention through healthy nutrition. Dr. Kizer's claim of concern regarding Californians not eating "enough fruits and vegetables" to prevent heart disease and cancer, can be seen in this light as lethal lip service, if not gross negligence.

"More Expert Testimony"

"In contrast to Dr. Kizer's superficial deceptions, the testimony of Dr. Samuel Epstein before governmental hearings committees is persuasive and revealing. Dr. Epstein is among the foremost experts in the field of chemical toxicity, and a regular scientific heavyweight for citizen advocacy groups at governmental hearings. He is a medical pathologist by training, and a toxicologist at the University of Illinois. Dr. Epstein served as a consultant to several congressional committees, and was instrumental in forwarding efforts by Vietnam War veterans to gain compensation for a broad array of illnesses, including cancers from military exposures to Agent Orange [an herbicide discussed by him as an example of chemical toxicity in relation to pesticide toxicity below]. During the 1990s drives to stop aerial spraying of Malathion in California, Dr. Epstein provided the following testimony that directly contradicted the distortions issued by Dr. Kizer. Attorneys posed the following questions for the people's defense. Dr. Epstein's comments reflected the true state of pesticide science as of 1990. His testimony also documented the research that should be conducted in the public's interest before the spraying of any pesticide or toxic chemical occurs in any populated areas. Dr. Kizer's and other public health officials' superficial allegations of safety must be reconsidered in light of the following more expert assessment. [Emphasis added by me.]

"Finally, and most importantly, Dr. Epstein's professional analysis should be used very assertively in future debates concerning pesticide sprayings including those for the WNV. Permission is granted to reprint any, or all, of this chapter's contents for distribution to concerned citizens or groups, defending against such abusive "public health" practices.

"Dr. Epstein: ". . . The Environmental Protection Agency has specified a very, very wide range of what they call "data gaps." That's areas of deficiency of information, and I will itemize these for you. But with particular reference to one aspect . . . carcinogenicity studies."

"Attorney: "Is at least one element of that process, the issue of what information is needed before a pesticide can be safely used?"

"Dr. Epstein: "Correct."

"Attorney: "Can you share with us what information is necessary before a degree of comfort could be developed that a pesticide can be safely used?"

"Dr. Epstein: "Yes . . . . I should mention that as a member of the EPA Pesticide Subcommittee of the Health Advisory Committee, I play a role in drawing up and delineating some of these requirements.

""First of all is the data efficacy on the pesticide. Obviously it has to be useful.

""Next is the question of the composition of the pesticide. Even though the EPA still does not request disclosure of information on ingredients other than active ingredients, there are general requirements for disclosure of information on the total ingredients in pesticides in[to] so-called 'active ingredients,' [and 'inert' ingredients]. By 'active' we don't mean active as far as nontarget organisms like humans are concerned, but 'active' as far as the pesticides are concerned, as far as the pests. [Emphasis in this, and the following, paragraph(s) added by the author, unless otherwise noted by me.]

""Then there are other ingredients called 'inerts.' Now, 'inerts' aren't [inert. They] are ingredients which are inert in relation to pesticidal activity but which, in fact, can be much more important than the active ingredient from the point of view of effects on humans. [Such] inerts can include asbestos, benzene, carbon tetrachloride, propane oxide, and dioxin. A very wide range of ingredients . . . whose presence in general is not disclosed and who presence in fact is critical because the toxic effects in humans may be far more dependent on those undisclosed ingredients.

""And in the case of Malathion, I would say secret ingredient. And I'll provide the basis for the term 'secret ingredient' at the appropriate stage in this collogues.

""The question of the inerts, namely, the additives, the contaminants, is a matter of paramount public health significance. There has been serious discussion in Congress on the necessity of complete ingredient disclosure.

""Just to give you an example . . . [other than] Malathion, . . . pesticides called Chlordane and Heptachlor, which until recently have been widely used for eradication of termites. Now, . . . when you look at the label, you just Chlordane and Heptachlor. You don't see on the label any reference to 45 other ingredients in this formulation.

""The next is the physiochemical characteristics of the pesticide. What are the vapor pressures? What is the volatility? What is the solubility? What is the stability? What is the stability of the active ingredients? Will, in fact, they persist in the environment? Will they accumulate in the environment, and how is this information derived?

""In addition, what is the stability of the inerts? Again, I'll give you an example. For Herbicide 2,4,5-T, which is 50 percent the component of Agent Orange, 2,4,5-T degrades rapidly in the course of a month in the environment. And after a few months you see pretty little of it; however, there is a contaminant. There's a series of contaminants in 2,4,5-T---Dioxanes, which will persist not for years, but for decades. So the question of stability of the pesticide has to take into account, besides the active ingredient, the so-called inert ingredients.

""I emphasize, again, the word 'inert' relates only to the effect on target species. It has no relevance whatsoever to toxic effects in humans. [Meaning, they may be extremely toxic to humans, yet their risks are not generally considered.]

""Now, the next physiochemical contribution is the binding properties. Does it bind to soil? Does it bind to particulates, and what are the degradation products in the body? Will these pesticides . . . change or degrade into something which is very much more toxic both in the body and in the environment? And that's a highly pertinent question as far as Malathion is concerned, which we'll come to.

""Then the next is the question of the method of application. The method of application is critically important because it has direct bearing on questions of human dosage and uptake. How is it going to be applied? Is it going to be applied aerially? Is it going to be applied by local spray, by certified pest control applicator? Is it going to be just for agricultural products or domestic products? Are there going to be baits and traps?

""Then, in general, one wants to go into the questions, for this pesticide, of the information on the routes of human exposure. Are the routes going to be by skin, by inhalation, by ingestion in our foodstuff? And based on this information, it's possible to develop theoretical information on the uptake or absorption from air and water and food and the . . . dosage, which you or I will get from the use of this. And also what we call metabolism. How this . . . pesticide will behave in the body, . . . its breakdown products, and its contaminants, and its additives. . . . The question of ingredient identity is critical and inerts are critical to the assessment of safety.

""Now, let's move on to more substantial issues, namely, the question of what are the adverse effects, the toxic effects? First of all, as far as toxic issues in general, what information do you need before you can make any comments on the safe use of pesticides?

""You need to know what are the acute effects, effects at high dosage, and you study these in two or three species of rodents and dogs. You find out the dose required to produce fatal effects by different routes, by injection route, by inhalation. You find out dose, the lowest dose, from which you can detect 'LOEL'---the Lowest Observable Effect Level, and 'NOEL'---No Observable Effect Level. And you try to then determine from that the 'ADI.' It's a concept developed by the World Health Organization (WHO)---the Acceptable Daily Intake.

""Now, of course, you also study these things in humans. You base the information on humans on experimental data. You also go into questions of sensitization and allergic effects, and also you take into account any information you have had on accidental poisoning.

""Now, the information on acute toxic effects of pesticides has to be qualified by information on potentiation. Will other pesticides magnify, and potentiate, and increase the effects of that pesticide? Will there be synergistic interactions between this and other pests and other chemicals? . . . .

""Then moving on you look at sub-acute effects. These are effects at lower doses over longer periods of time. You look at chronic effects, long-term exposure both in experiments on the animal and in humans. You look at these, characterize them in relation to the dosage to the organs in the humans and animals, and to how reversible these effects are.

""Now you come to a specific subset of chronic effects, and these include neurotoxic or neurobehavioral effects. These are on the nervous system relating to a wide range of problems which we can discuss, specifically in relation to Malathion [and other pesticide] behavior: abnormal learning, reproductive effects, birth defects, miscarriages, are there any genetic abnormalities which can result in the genetic propagation of adverse genetic diseases?

""And some genetic effects can also be related to cancer. If you produce genetic effects in body cells, . . . this can be associated with carcinogenic effects. If you produce mutations in germ cells of the testes, then you can induce effects which will propagate to the next generation. . . .

""Then after the pesticide has reached commercial use, you do the surveillance and ongoing considerations of safety. Embrace what's happening to the general population.

""And then, all in all, as a final comment on information of which you need before you can safely use a pesticide, there are certain factors which make you extremely stringent and extremely cautious in your requirements for this information. And that is, if the pesticide is going to be used in such a way as large bodies of the human population is going to be exposed.

""If they're going to be exposed in manners which are poorly predictable and for which you don't have adequate dosage---dosimetry data, for particular pesticides, where you have aerial applications, where it's difficult to identify dosage and uptake data and also problems of drift.

""That, in a large nutshell, is the kind of information one needs to have before one can safely talk about the safe use of a pesticide."

"Attorney: "You spoke of the need to have different or additional information if the pesticide is to be used over more heavily populated, than over essentially agricultural areas. . . . Is it correct that prior to . . . the 1990s, . . . Malathion was not used in urbanized areas to anything like the extent that it is today?"

"Dr. Epstein: ". . . Well, in fact, there's been large-scale aerial application of Malathion or organophosphates in Japan since about 1957. And studies in Japan from '57 have clearly demonstrated a wide range of serious optical damage, damage to the eye, which I will review for you at the appropriate stage.

""And as a [result] of this, in the early 1970s, the Japanese government banned aerial application."

"Attorney: "Are you familiar with the literature concerning the exposure to the dosage of aerial Malathion spraying in California in the fruit fly eradication efforts?"

"Dr. Epstein: "I think in general, yes."

"Attorney: "Is it your understanding that at least recently the application has been approximately 2.8 fluid ounces per acre in a Malathion-bait spray that is admitted from helicopters?"

"Dr. Epstein: "My understanding was that it's somewhere between 2.4 and 2.8 ounces per acre. I'm not quite sure which of the two it is, and I calculate that to be about 1.6 milligrams per square foot."

"Attorney: "Why is that important, 1.6?"

"Dr. Epstein: "Well, you know, you and I don't go around in an acre. At least I presume you don't. . . . If you want to talk about your exposure from skin contact, I think it's easier to comprehend it in terms of square foot, than it is to an acre. At least to me. I just find that helpful to think of it in terms of [1.6] milligram[s] per square foot.

""Now it's my understanding that in 1981, when we were dealing with the early eradication programs, and I remain to be corrected in this, that we were talking about 91 percent, [to] 92 percent pure Malathion. Although I really stand to be corrected, now, I believe it's the 95 percent pure [that is currently in use]. So we are talking about 95 percent pure and about 2.4 to 2.8 ounces an acre. And I understand that the current program calls for a minimum of three applications."

"Attorney: ". . . . Now, does Malathion break down into a different, or related, toxin that also is worth inquiring into?"

"Dr. Epstein: "Yes, in fact, when we go into the questions of acute toxicity, I'll point this out. But essentially, when you talk about exposure, you have to take into account three factors. One is the Malathion itself. Two is a breakdown product called "malaoxon" which is much more persistent and very much more toxic than Malathion. And then you have a series of impurities in the Malathion which loosely we can call thioates, T-H-I-O-A-T-E-S, which about eight thioates are present in Malathion. [Emphasis added [by author].]

""And it's my understanding on the basis of documentation that I've seen, that the presence of these impurities had been kept secret from the Department of Health Services (DHS) by the California Department of Food and Agriculture. That is, in spite of the repeated references in 1980 and 1981 documentation by DHS to the need for such information [the information was there, but buried by the CDFA]. But that's another point. [Emphasis by author.]

""So when you're talking about dosage and exposure, you want to know, one, what is the Malathion level at any particular time. What's the malaoxon level, and what are the thioate levels. And you need to have this information in air, in water, in food and in the work place. In correction, I should mention in review of DHS documentation in 1980, there was the belief, the unsubstantiated belief, that exposure to malaoxon is highly significant, and we are dealing with a material which is 25 to 40 times more toxic." [Emphasis added [by author].]

"Attorney: "Well, doctor, let me understand this. The danger, to whatever extent it exists, of exposure limit to being, in effect, struck by this droplet on its way from the helicopter to the ground?"

"Dr. Epstein: "Well, that's one of them. Any one of them [presents risks]. The others include, of course, skin contact . . . on soil but also on impervious surfaces and roads where stuff may land. And also skin contact from swimming pools where the Malathion will be rapidly oxidized to malaoxon by the . . . water. [Emphasis by author.]

""Essentially, when you drop this stuff from helicopters, you're producing a toxic fog---an atmospheric fog of Malathion and malaoxon which is generated from sprayed droplets and mass fallout deposition.

""And the gas phase [of] pesticides is of extreme importance. In fact, you can identify the gas-phase particide in all areas monitored including flagged hospitals [where spraying was not permitted [at the hospitals themselves]], and any attempts to eliminate certain areas from the aerial spray, I can only say, are minimally successful. And in addition, you can demonstrate high pesticide value in shallow stagnant pools, in dry streambeds, etcetera. [Emphasis added by the author and me.]

""Now, I should point out that when you spray the Malathion from the air, in addition to the cutaneous route of exposure [through the skin], that's the route which I believe is the predominant route, there is also very significant exposure by inhalation. And if you compare---if you monitor outdoor air and indoor air, you see that over a three-day period . . . you get a gradual decrease in the air of the toxic fog . . . of [the] Malathion level. But with a sharp increase of malaoxon, which is the derivative, which is 25 to 40 times more toxic. [Emphasis added by me.]

""And you find much higher levels, of course, outdoors than you do indoors, ratio of about eight to one. . . . But I emphasize that the implication . . . from reports . . . namely, the stuff just sits on the ground, and the only problem is if you have contact with it, I would say that's highly misleading. There are data, clear data, which show that there's gas phase Malathion and malaoxon in the area, which is generated from spray droplets and mass fallout deposition.

""I should also point out that this information is consistent with some studies going back to the 1967 studies by Wolf in . . . which he studied exposure levels of people outdoors during aerial sprays and people indoors during aerial sprays. He did analyses of dermal exposure (i.e., skin exposure), and really found substantially high levels.

""Now, . . . I think the evidence shows that the predominance of exposure is cutaneous [through the skin] for Malathion, and we don't have good data on malaoxon, but I presume it's the same for malaoxon. We have no data for thioates. We have no data that I am aware of on the rate of degradation of thioates after spraying. And in general, I would say there are some substantial data gaps on degradation on Malathion, malaoxon, and accolating impurities in water, soil, impervious surfaces, and food, not so much under model conditions, but under representative spray conditions. [Emphasis added by me.]

""There are data which suggest that Malathion is more persistent than has hitherto been considered. Now, one of the major problems in this area is that . . . in spite of the large-scale use of Malathion in aerial applications for the last ten years, there's been no attempt, or if there has been any attempt at these data I've missed it, or they haven't been published; there's been no attempt to actually measure the exposure and uptake of different members of the population under representative conditions.

""These aren't difficult matters. You can take blood or urine and you can measure the level of metabolites. To the best of my knowledge this hasn't been done on any scale. To the best of my knowledge there's been no studies done on the uptake of the accolating impurities. I want to come back to accolating impurities because there are extremely toxic. We're not talking about something there isn't---these accolating thioates, impurities, are the major determinants of toxic adverse effects."

"Dr. Epstein completed this first part of his testimony by saying, "I find it difficult to comprehend why over the course of a year such minimal information on symmetry uptake and exposure seems to be unavailable. . . ."

"Cognitive Dissonance Regarding "Public Health""

"Relating to Dr. Epstein's cognitive dissonance over public health policy makers' apparent negligence in this matter, not long ago, a woman outraged by my statements concerning the generally overlooked lethal contaminations of standard vaccines asked, "How can you make such claims? How can you say the FDA has 'turned a blind eye to as many as 100 simian monkey cancer viruses per dose of Lederle's oral polio vaccine?"

""Because," I replied, "that is the testimony of Dr. W. John Martin, M.D., Ph.D., who tested these vaccines for the FDA between 1976 and 1980, along with the testimony of attorney Walter Kyle, who has litigated related cases."

"Then I added, "Let me ask you a question. You've lived a fairly long and successful life. The outcomes you have produced in your life have all been a result of your conscious choosing, have they not?"

"She replied affirmatively.

""Well then, what makes you think that the outcomes of public health policy, made by rational, highly educated health professionals, have not occurred due to conscious choices made by powerful and successful individuals?"

"She stared at me dumbfounded.

""The fact that we are witnessing an unprecedented increase in cancers, new infectious diseases, and global pandemics that are widely reducing certain populations, is not happening by serendipity," I asserted. "They are happening by conscious choice. You may not want to admit this because your loving parents instilled ethics, morals, and higher values in you. That's why you can't conceive that policy makers are actually getting away with murder, but these data speak of the ongoing atrocity. Global genocide, in the name of 'public health,' is occurring by the conscious choice of partially and/or wholly aware leaders. Most people may be living in denial, but that's a poor excuse when lives are at stake and people are being killed.""

[This matter, and more quotes from this eye-opening book, are to be continued in future pages on this site very soon. Please return here later for the most pertinent parts of same, or get a hold of the book for yourself and read it cover to cover as I have! It is very important that we completely face what is really going on, and stand up against it!]





Postscript: I'm looking for someone to go 50/50 with me and move to either Ecuador, Costa Rica, Belize, Guatemala, or Mexico where we can make a very low income go much further with a lower cost, and higher standard, of living (than living in the States on such a low income). This includes an only income of Social Security Disability (SSDI) and/or Retirement benefits. The Social Security Administration most definitely DOES allow SSDI and/or Retirement benefits, but not Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits, to be sent to recipients in most other countries! There are many books about moving and living abroad available at the public library and/or at . Naturally, I realize we would probably have to spend some time getting to know eachother, and finding out if we're compatible, before moving abroad together. We could even have our own separate "spaces" by choosing to rent or purchase a house or apartment with separate quarters, and still save considerable money in monthly costs compared to living in the States on the same income. If you might be interested, want to ask me some questions, and/or want to discuss it, please e-mail me at the address below.


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Postscript: I'm looking for someone to go 50/50 with me and move to either Ecuador, Costa Rica, Belize, Guatemala, or Mexico where we can make a very low income go much further with a lower cost, and higher standard, of living (than living in the States on such a low income). This includes an only income of Social Security Disability (SSDI) and/or Retirement benefits. The Social Security Administration most definitely DOES allow SSDI and/or Retirement benefits, but not Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits, to be sent to recipients in most other countries! There are many books about moving and living abroad available at the public library and/or at . Naturally, I realize we would probably have to spend some time getting to know eachother, and finding out if we're compatible, before moving abroad together. We could even have our own separate "spaces" by choosing to rent or purchase a house or apartment with separate quarters, and still save considerable money in monthly costs compared to living in the States on the same income. If you might be interested, want to ask me some questions, and/or want to discuss it, please e-mail me at the address below.

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