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Wolf Britain, Poet and Activist

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Prescript: I'm looking for someone to go 50/50 with me and move to either Ecuador, Costa Rica, Belize, Guatemala, or Mexico where we can make a very low income go much further with a lower cost, and higher standard, of living (than living in the States on such a low income). This includes an only income of Social Security Disability (SSDI) and/or Retirement benefits. The Social Security Administration most definitely DOES allow SSDI and/or Retirement benefits, but not Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits, to be sent to recipients in most other countries! There are many books about moving and living abroad available at the public library and/or at . Naturally, I realize we would probably have to spend some time getting to know eachother, and finding out if we're compatible, before moving abroad together. We could even have our own separate "spaces" by choosing to rent or purchase a house or apartment with separate quarters, and still save considerable money in monthly costs compared to living in the States on the same income. If you might be interested, want to ask me some questions, and/or want to discuss it, please e-mail me at the address below.

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"With Justice For None"
(Quotes from the Great Book
by Gerry Spence, Esq.)

"Equality State"

True Hope


I will be introducing some of my poetry, as well as "arguments" on civil rights issues, and my personal experience with tenant rights issues, as time allows. For those who are truly interested, I believe you will find my experience(s) and insight(s) intriguing.

At this point I think it would be an excellent idea for me to include a very short summary of what I stand for, as follows:

I disclaim being an attorney, giving legal advice, and/or in any way representing anyone in legal actions but myself, as practicing law without a license is illegal, and I do not practice law without a license. I simply exercise my right(s) and duty(ies) to stand up for equal, human, civil, legal, disability, patient, transportation, parental, housing, tenant, and liberty rights.

I am now (as of 2-10-03) a member of the following advocacy organizations, among others:

The American Civil Liberties Union

Amnesty International

International A.N.S.W.E.R. (Act Now to Stop War and End Racism) Coalition;;;;


I am not a member of any "militia", or anything like them. I am totally non-violent, and believe that without a doubt the Second Amendments of both the Federal and State Constitutions (or the States' representations of the Second Amendment of the Federal Constitution), have been misinterpreted. [More on this later.]

I am a true individualist as our True founding fathers expected us to be. My "political" and all of my beliefs are my own. I am in no way a "follower". I think completely for myself.

[Copyright (c) 1998-2004 in the U.S.A. and Internationally by S. Wolf Britain. All rights are reserved.]


'To have eventually added what I promised, is better than to not ever have done so at all.' The main thing I want to get across in, and that is the primary purpose of, my web pages, is that true democracy is quickly disintegrating in America. It is a travesty; and I encourage as many people as possible to stand up and be counted against this. The democracy, liberty and freedom(s) that this country started out with, at least in principle, were to seek to guarantee and/or assure that "The People" weren't controlled AT ALL, or as little as possible. That is the definition of a true democracy, and what is claimed that we possess in America today. But what is really sad, and we suffer from to a great degree whether we realize it or not, is that "the powers that be" (politicians, judges, lawyers, and police powers) are controlling "us" more and more, totally against what this country, and a true democracy, is supposed to stand for.

In other words, a truly democratic government is not a true democracy when it controls its people IN ANY WAY to the extent that is occurring today. America controls us "right and left"; and "they're" controlling us in greater and greater degrees, and in more blatant ways, as time goes on. "We, The People" must not stand for this! Otherwise, we will soon not be free at all! Slowly but surely, what has been taking place for over two hundred years, our liberties, and human and civil rights have been more and more whittled away; and it's getting worse and worse. We must lift up our voices, IN A TOTALLY NON-VIOLENT PROTEST, against this highly insidious trend, and at least slow it down, if not stop it altogether. It is our DUTY as citizens of this so-called democracy, and WE MUST NOT FAIL TO FULFILL THAT DUTY.

[Copyright (c) 1998-2004 in the U.S.A. and Internationally by S. Wolf Britain. All rights are reserved.]


The word that best describes the tyranny and oppression that exists in the United States government is "authoritarian". We are now under an authoritarian dictatorship, with many dictators rather than only one, in the U.S. today. It is often so subtle that we don't recognize it; or, if we recognize it, we accept it! One of our government's, and all such governments', greatest ploys is to keep "us", it's citizens, suspicious of, and at odds with, each other on a great many things, especially on race, politics and religion.

Our government encourages us to "look down on", or to be downright bigoted against, certain racial and/or social classes. It is their goal to make it highly improbable that "We, The People" would take united action against the oppression and tyranny that are rampant in our government and society. As Isaac Asimov said in Prelude to Foundation, beginning on page 317, "Everywhere, the people would rather fight each other than make a common stand against the central tyranny(,) and the (government) rules without having to exert force". The question is, 'Is it too late to " . . . build a feeling of solidarity among the people . . ."?' (Ibid., p. 318.) That is what we need to do, to come together and take a concerted stand against the tyranny and oppression which exists to a great degree in America today.

See The Declaration of Independence and, if you read it carefully, you'll see that said document does not only apply to Americans at the time of the American Revolution, the war for independence from and against the British, and that it applies just as much to U.S. citizens of today, and to ALL citizens of the world, as it did in those days. It makes it more than clear that it is ALL Americans', and ALL world-citizens', of today's "inalienable" "DUTY" to stand up against any and all oppression and tyranny that has come to exist in America and the world, WITH COMPLETELY NON-VIOLENT "CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE". (See also Henry David Thoreau's book on same, Mahatma Gandhi's writings on same, and Gerry Spence's books, From Freedom to Slavery and With Justice for None. A short excerpt from the latter is quoted below.)

Please don't make the mistake of including me with violent protesters and/or activists, violent militiamen, "Timothy McVeigh types", and/or terrorists. I AM FOR, AND STAND FOR NOTHING BUT, TOTALLY NON-VIOLENT ACTIVISM AND/OR PROTEST, PERIOD; AND THAT IS "THE WHOLE TRUTH, AND NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH, SO HELP ME GOD"! You will find one of the most important quotes on the subject by Gerry Spence below, and in one of my poems. Let us not be complacent and apathetic, and do little or nothing to stand up, against the tyranny and oppression excessively existent, and on the rise, in this wonderful country of ours! Please choose to be counted against all of same.

[Copyright (c) 1998-2004 in the U.S.A. and Internationally by S. Wolf Britain. All rights are reserved.]


Getting to what I promised I would go into regarding the Second Amendments of the State and/or Federal Constitutions, and the misinterpretation of same, if one studies that Amendment as I have, you'll find that our founding fathers were ONLY supporting the possession of firearms by the majority of the population in cases where their lives and property were in at least semi-permanent danger of being harmed and/or destroyed through an attack against our entire country, as in the case of the attack of the British upon our shores, and then only by the setting up of a TEMPORARY militia. The founding fathers did not mean for any of The People, the citizens of this country, to set up any permanent militia, or for any citizens other than law-enforcement authorities to permanently possess firearms when our "shores" are not being attacked.

Look at the fact that the United States is the one and only country where, per capita, there is the highest level of murder and violent crime(s) through the use of firearms. Per capita, no other country in the entire world has the level of senseless killing and harm by firearms than the U.S. has; and there are absolutely no excuses or acceptable rationalizations for same in any way. The U.S. should be emulating those countries with so much less murder and violence caused by firearms, rather than condoning and legalizing the possession of weapons by non-law enforcement citizens, that are meant only for killing other people. America should stop misinterpreting the Second Amendments of the Federal and State Constitutions, and save many lives thereby, as well as greatly curtailing the level of violence in this country as a whole.

[Copyright (c) 1998-2004 in the U.S.A. and Internationally by S. Wolf Britain. All rights are reserved.]


Finally getting to tenant rights, I'm amazed that some States in this supposedly enlightened country still do not have any, or very little, tenant rights. Like in Wyoming, the "Equality State", where I used to live. In every apartment complex I move into and reside in, I stand up and fight for tenant rights; because, in virtually all of the States, even where there are almost balanced landlord-tenant rights, landlords think they can violate the law with impunity; and, unfortunately, they often can because the system and most landlords are primarily concerned with greed, not with truly having an attitude of wanting to and actually helping their tenants to the degree that they should.

So, not only are more citizens needed to stand up for human and civil rights, more tenants are much-needed to stand up for housing and tenant rights, in order to not allow landlords to "get away with murder", so to speak. Please stand up and be counted in any and all ways that you can; and please don't allow this country to continue to denigrate into further and further oppression, tyranny and authoritarianism! There are light and hope at the "end of the tunnel"; but We, The People must stand up and be counted as we've been called to do for these two hundred plus years. Please be nothing but instruments for the promulgation and furtherance, peacefully and non-violently, of true democracy, freedom and liberty in this great land!

If you have any polite and constructive questions of me, please access "MY GUESTBOOK" and leave any relevant comments and/or questions there. Thank you for your interest. May you answer the call to fully stand up for true freedom and democracy. It is one of the most loving things you can do. Thank you again for your time and consideration.

[Copyright (c) 1998-2004 in the U.S.A. and Internationally by S. Wolf Britain. All rights are reserved.]

Gerry Spence, Esq.
(Chapter, "New Voices,
Leashing the Corporate Cyclops",
Page 296, First Paragraph)
[Copyright © 1989 in the U.S.A. and
Internationally by Gerry Spence.
All rights are reserved.]

"Freedom cannot exist in a muzzled world. Free people must speak to each other and hear each other--they must test and protest and raise hell and shake their leaders by the napes of their necks. Our Founding Fathers gave us the supreme weapon of liberty--free speech--and with the First Amendment, guaranteed us that most sacred of rights. But the people have been silenced. They have been administered a new sedative. There they sit placidly, like patients on the third floor of the state hospital, where the bad ones are locked up--their mouths open, their eyes lifeless and glazed, watching television. . . .

". . . .(M)edia techniques can be used--indeed, I argue that they are--to cause Americans to reject their precious rights.

"As newly freed people, our forefathers not only endowed us with the right but charged us with the duty to openly and lustily debate matters of public concern, to warn eachother of new dangers to our liberty, and to hear each other and avoid the ensnaring traps of new masters.....

"The idea that in a democracy a free people should quietly accept the theft of their voice is, indeed, very radical. Our 'eternal vigilance' must have flickered. Did we not understand what was happening to us? What was ours was transformed into the corporate Cyclops, and then turned against us. . . ."

Continued below:


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As I have said before, I've lived in the so-called "Equality State" of Wyoming; but no State in the entire United States of America has a true state of equality. The people who have the power to bring about and assure that all of our fifty states have true equality, are led and controlled by evil to prevent and keep The People from having true equality; and we should all stand up non-violently against it.

We all allegedly have the legally, constitutionally-protected rights to non-violent civil disobedience in protest against the lack of true equality in any State in this entire supposedly pro-freedom country, and true democracy, of ours. But, if you do, you will be arrested and booked, and have it recorded against your record for the rest of your life that you exercised your supposedly, constitutionally, protected rights to protest. All activists know this, accept the risk, and are often treated to the harsh realities of jail and prisons where their so-called equalities and freedoms are tested to the bitter end. But you must stand up for what's right, in only the right way(s), and non-violently continue to completely stand up and be counted about and against all of the many loopholes in true democracy that exist in this country that is supposed to be the greatest true democracy on Earth, no matter what. But it isn't the greatest democracy on Earth, because either enough of us don't protest sufficiently, or because most of us don't protest at all.

We have to stand and be counted against all tyranny and oppression being perpetrated against us by those evil puppets in positions of political power who use their evil powers of oppression and tyranny against us in order to prevent our successful stand for true democracy and freedom; and we must at least slow down their trend before it is too late, and true freedom and democracy come to the point of not existing at all. Is this what You, The People want to complacently allow to happen? Cry aloud now, and spare not carrying on protesting to the point short of violent protest, which accomplishes no good because those activists will simply be jailed and/or killed without mercy, and what they sought to accomplish will fail and speed up rather than slow down the trends of tyranny and oppression.

Every true activist already knows some of these things; but they, you, need to stringently fight for true freedom and equality in the correct "civil disobedience" ways, not with any violence or resistance of any kind that justifies oppression and tyranny. Fight non-violently for true democracy and freedom as much as your time, energy and strength will allow. Do it with all of your might as often as you possibly can. It makes a difference by slowing down the trends of evil power-brokers getting greater and swifter inroads into undermining and doing away with our human rights and civil liberties. These self-righteous people, who are convinced that they are in the right, the bearers of the holy grail and the salvation of our country and the world, are so deceived and evil that they must be slowed down, if not stopped, through the strength in numbers of more and more citizens protesting against their evils.

We, The People must stop being apathetic and complacent. We must stand up and be counted NOW. There is truly no time to waste; and we CAN make a real difference; but we've got to stop wasting any more time. Complete tyranny and oppression are fast approaching; and our so-called government "protectors" and/or "representatives" are quickly and insidiously doing away with civil liberties and human rights in the name of anti-terrorism. They have used acts of terrorism which they themselves perpetrated, and made look like they were committed by fanatical domestic and international terrorists, as the excuses for taking away our civil law freedoms from excessive government oppression, tyranny and control of the people. Very soon there will be no true freedom(s), except for the rich and those who support the tyrannical, oppressive government; but we can and must slow it down by standing against it in real ways.

Don't be so easily fooled into believing that the U.S. government didn't blow it's own people up, including government agents, and women and children, that they considered expendable, such as in the Federal Building in Oklahoma City. Believe the truth about that, and the fact that it was "our" government which burned up the innocent men, women and children at the Branch Davidian complex in Waco, Texas, not those innocent people themselves. There is too much incontrovertible evidence of these facts if you don't listen to the government controlled mainstream media propaganda. Exercise your true freedom(s) to read the true exercise of freedom of speech, the non-mainsteam media that is getting the real truth out on such subjects, and sparing not. Learn what you can do in your own small ways to stand up and be counted for true activism, and for true freedom and liberty.

We must not allow the tyrants and oppressors to go unchecked in their concerted efforts to take away the protections of our liberties and freedoms, and their long-going, fast-peaking program to undermine true democracy. Don't think it's too late to slow them down; because, it is not too late. We, The People have greater power than the evil do; for we truly have God on our side, if we don't exercise violence; and we have strength in greater numbers, along with the still-existent liberty(ies) and freedom(s) to raise our collective voices in protest.

The government and the mainstream media don't care if you read all the newspapers, and listen to all of the television or radio news reports, every day; they just don't want you to do anything about any of it. They've succeeded in making most of us "media consumers"; but they only want us to sit back and watch; they don't want us to be "active watchers" who stand up and are counted against abuses of power and discretion, corruption, malfeasance, police brutality, and violations of human and civil rights in our own country. They say, 'sit back and watch and listen; but don't do anything more than that; leave it to us, the minority of power-brokers, and hoarders of The Peoples' money, to contravene and abrogate your civil and human rights while making it appear that we're protecting and preserving them, for we simply want to lock up everyone who doesn't think and live our way, and you're for that, aren't you?'

The "scapegoats" for "the crimes of the century" are paraded before us, made to look like evil people as soon as they're arrested, when they're supposed to be "presumed innocent", while in actuality they're presumed guilty by virtually everyone because that's what the government wants. They want us to believe what most of us do believe, that most people who are arrested and accused of crimes are completely guilty before they have even had their days in court. "Hell, they wouldn't have been arrested if they weren't guilty as sin", right? Never mind the Words of God: 'Let he who is without (any) sin cast the first stone(s)...!' (John 8:7; emphasis added by me.)

Do you think you can't do anything that would make even the slightest dent in the level of oppression and tyranny being perpetrated against us by the government in our own country, the United States government? That's something else the powers that be want you to believe; and go on believing like most of the rest of the majority of Americans, that we're completely powerless except through our "vote"; so little if anything gets done to stem the tide of insidious corruption; and sooner than it had to happen, most or all of our freedoms and liberties will be suspended in the interests of 'lies and order'.

Our government is supposed to be run by "We, The People", the majority of us who are poor and kept poor; but it isn't. It's run by a minority of greedy, well-to-do sharks and shyster lawyers who have run this country into the poorhouse with immunity and impunity.

So, let us get off our collective butts and do something, anything non-violent, about it. We're all responsible and accountable for "stewarding" our great country. All of us are responsible, and will be held accountable, for what we allow to go on, the speed at which it gets much worse, and for all those who suffer even further as a result. Please don't be satisfied to just sit back and complacently and apathetically watch America go "down the tubes" on an express train to hell, without at least yelling so your government "representatives" can hear you, that you're "mad as hell and not going to take it anymore!"

Do your part to take your country back so the poor and middle classes can run it as True Democracy intended in the first place, no matter how small a part that is! You CAN make a difference! Start a website as I have done, exercise your freedom of speech, and let God and the whole world know what you feel about the level of degradation that's been allowed to be illegally perpetrated upon this great country; or do some other such thing to do your part. Be a true patriot, not the typical false one. 'Do whatever you can to get between your government and corruption(s); it may be the only way you'll (help) save the country's life.' Stand up and be counted.

(Please read Dr. M. Scott Peck's book, People of the Lie. It's one of the most important books you'll ever read. See excerpts of same on my "More Poetry [and/or Favorite Quotes], Part Two", page.)

Thank you for all of your time, consideration, serious contemplation, and action(s) in response to these all-important matters.

[Copyright (c) 1998-2004 in the U.S.A. and Internationally by S. Wolf Britain. All rights are reserved.]


We live in a world-society of "first stone" throwers. We are ALL sinful and commit evil, by gross acts of sin, and/or acts of selfishness, against our fellow-humankind. Therefore, people as a whole have no right to sit in such UNrighteous judgment of other people, for they should be sitting in judgment of, and seeking to become better persons, themselves, and seeking to become completely right with God; as then, and only then, are they righteous enough to stand in judgment of their fellow-humankind; and they should totally stop UNrighteously judging other people. But, if they are some of the very few people who have the spiritual gift of discernment of evil, then they must "judge righteous judgment" (John 7:24) and try to help others' see where they stand against truth, to wake up to the true condition of this entire world, to only embrace truth, not their own brand of truth, but pure truth alone, and to stand up against all that is contrary to that truth.

Pure truth is a balanced combination of true democracy and God's Word(s). True democracy is always presuming people innocent of crime, even the guilty, to never presume anyone guilty of anything ever, and to always treat everyone with kindness and respect, even the guilty and those who have not treated others with respect and kindness. For it is because those others have not been treated with charity and love themselves, that they hurt other people. We should show them the mercy and kindness that they have been denied. The ends DO NOT justify the means; and two wrongs DO NOT make one right! We must NOT meet hate with more hate, murder with more murder. By doing so, we ourselves make evil people in this world even more evil; and we make ourselves more evil in the process, as well. Love begets love; and if it doesn't, forgive those who hate in return for love, "for they know not what they do" (Luke 23:34). Being unloving and unmerciful is the ultimate in ignorance and selfishness, which begets more and more ignorance and selfishness.

Do you truly understand what I'm saying?! Ignorance and selfishness causes more ignorance and selfishness! It creates a vicious cycle that gets worse and worse! That is one of the main reasons that this world is getting more and more violent today, because most of us throw "first stones", condemn others without first getting rid of our own selfishness, self-centeredness and hypocrisy, and fail to show kindness and mercy towards all people, even the lowest of souls. Stop condemning people to greater hate! Stop insulating yourselves in self-centered, self-righteous cocoons! Stop convincing yourselves that you're such good, non-hypocritical people! Stop justifying and rationalizing yourselves and your lives! Admit and realize, always, how wretched and selfish you are, even if you don't think you are; and do something about it! Truly surrender all to our Maker; and exercise nothing but kindness and mercy towards everyone, all the days of your life! Stop excusing your selfishness, present and past; and sacrifice your self by always helping the unfortunate in every way that you can! There are no excuses for any selfishness or self-righteousness! We cannot justify ourselves! Only our Maker can justify us, with His "self-replacement"!

Self MUST die NOW! Self CAN die NOW! But only if we truly want to be restored to what we were created to be, completely selfless people, NOW! Our Creator will not magically transform selfish, hypocritical people when He returns! We've got to be restored to our "evil-free" state by a full and complete transformation NOW, in order to be a part of the Earth restored to what it was originally created to be, true heaven on Earth, and that it will soon be again! Do you think that's a fantasy?! You believe in fantasies like fairytale-perfect mates, false scientific theories and evolutionary dogma, and that this world is now normal! Why does the truth about creation and re-creation supposedly have to be a fantasy? The answer is, because this ABnormal world is now geared for convincing us that fantasy is supposedly reality, and reality is supposedly fantasy, and that we're supposed to "fit in" to the fantasy. We've been indoctrinated and conditioned our entire lives to fit in to one great big, giant lie! The so-called "truth" is the fantasy; and the so-called "fantasy" is the Truth!

Our only Hope is in totally discarding the actual fantasy, and ONLY "fitting in" to the Real Truth. There is no "gray area", or "half-way", that is acceptable. The ONLY way we can be right with the Universe is to be COMPLETELY transformed into the image of God, NOW! We cannot fit in to this world AT ALL! Our Maker does not, cannot, and will not accept people who are supposedly half righteous and half evil, or half not fitting in to this world and half fitting in to it. That's the problem, we keep seeing this world as mostly good; but it is almost all totally evil, and a whole lot more evil than we want to face that it is. Yet, our only Hope is in facing that truth, surrendering ourselves fully to our Creator, and living only for sharing his Love and Truth, and helping and caring for our fellow-humankind. That is what we were put on this Earth for! That is the ONLY thing we were put on this Earth for! We were NOT put here to care only for and help ourselves and "our own"! We were NOT put here to "throw stones" at other people, or to try to "correct" others' without first totally removing the selfishness and hypocrisy from our own lives by "human effort aligned with divine power"! Our Hope rests in Only being a servant to Truth Himself, True Democracy, True Justice, and to True Equality!

[Copyright (c) 2000-2004 in the U.S.A. and Internationally by S. Wolf Britain. All rights are reserved.]




Postscript: I'm looking for someone to go 50/50 with me and move to either Ecuador, Costa Rica, Belize, Guatemala, or Mexico where we can make a very low income go much further with a lower cost, and higher standard, of living (than living in the States on such a low income). This includes an only income of Social Security Disability (SSDI) and/or Retirement benefits. The Social Security Administration most definitely DOES allow SSDI and/or Retirement benefits, but not Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits, to be sent to recipients in most other countries! There are many books about moving and living abroad available at the public library and/or at . Naturally, I realize we would probably have to spend some time getting to know eachother, and finding out if we're compatible, before moving abroad together. We could even have our own separate "spaces" by choosing to rent or purchase a house or apartment with separate quarters, and still save considerable money in monthly costs compared to living in the States on the same income. If you might be interested, want to ask me some questions, and/or want to discuss it, please e-mail me at the address below.


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Postscript: I'm looking for someone to go 50/50 with me and move to either Ecuador, Costa Rica, Belize, Guatemala, or Mexico where we can make a very low income go much further with a lower cost, and higher standard, of living (than living in the States on such a low income). This includes an only income of Social Security Disability (SSDI) and/or Retirement benefits. The Social Security Administration most definitely DOES allow SSDI and/or Retirement benefits, but not Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits, to be sent to recipients in most other countries! There are many books about moving and living abroad available at the public library and/or at . Naturally, I realize we would probably have to spend some time getting to know eachother, and finding out if we're compatible, before moving abroad together. We could even have our own separate "spaces" by choosing to rent or purchase a house or apartment with separate quarters, and still save considerable money in monthly costs compared to living in the States on the same income. If you might be interested, want to ask me some questions, and/or want to discuss it, please e-mail me at the address below.

Thank you for your interest; and I hope you truly enjoyed your visit. Please come back soon and visit my site.

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