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PAHQ - Pokémon Aqua Headquarters - Logo by Chaz.
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LAST UPDATED: FEBRUARY 13, 2000 - - - - - Site under major construction. Updated - Made an Enter page, new logo, made Horsea and Poliwag images, made 'Quick Selection' buttons near logo, put more advertisements, fixed my broken counter. This is Chaz signing out. - - - - -
February 1, 2000 - Tuesday - - - 9:44 P.M. Eastern Standard - Hard Work Ahead

This is the first time I have ever updated twice in one day. I probably won't be updating this page for a long time. I will be working really hard on the site. Hey, I have school, chores, and stuff to do. I'm a busy person. I got to go to school, and right when I get home, it's time to tape my second-favorite-anime: Sailor Moon. (My very favorite is Pokémon (which I can't watch since Kid's WB was moved to a channel I don't get), and third is Digimon, then fourth is Monster Rancher.) After that, I gotta do chores, eat, and other things. I will try to recycle my lazy characteristic into some energy and make it useful. It's a long, hard road to home, but I can do it. Please, be patient. In the meantime, head somewhere that is finished such as Universal Pokemon Network, Ultimate Pokémon Gold/Silver Resource,, Psychic Pokémon Connection, or Pokémon Paradise. I also decreased seven updates on the page to five to decrease download time.

February 1, 2000 - Tuesday - - - 5:36 P.M. Eastern Standard - New Images

Happy, um, February. Things aren't working out good with the site. Do not fear. I am not going to wimp out and shut it down (like I have many times in the past). Things just aren't going fast enough. I suppose its my lazy characteristic causing it. But I don't plan on hiring people to help the site, so PLEASE STOP EMAILING ME! I am going to create this site myself. I have created many sites before, and I will make this one the very best! You could email me about the logo, if you want. Made it myself. Same thing with the Horsea. It was hand-drawn, scanned, colored, and put on the site by me as well.

January 30, 2000 - Sunday - - - 11:51 A.M. Eastern Standard - I Must be Crazy!

What a surprise! I finally updated the site. Been very busy, you know? It's almost been a month since I last updated. I am trying out some new logos. I just got my Animated GIF maker (a.k.a. Paint Shop Pro) and I can start making my own images. I will also put up an Animated GIF section later. Want a sneak peak? Click here. Please do not use this image on your page without my permission. They get better. This is just a preview pic.

January 7, 2000 - Friday - - - 7:00 P.M. Eastern Standard - I'm a Little Late

Hiya, trainers! Sorry for not updating lately. I know this is late, but HAPPY NEW YEAR! I say that I will update daily, and obviously, I haven't been, but that will change. I haven't been updating because I have been desperately working on the other pages. I am currently writing the FAQ for Pokémon Yellow, and I have inserted two new sections to work upon: DOWNLOADS and PROJECT STUDIO info. I will get those two done soon. See you later, fellow trainers!

December 30, 1999 - Thursday - - - 7:06 P.M. Eastern Standard - Christmas Fun

Hey, Pokémon fans. Sorry for not updating in seven days. Told you I probably wouldn't update once I got my Christmas toys to fiddle with. Plus, I've been sick. I got Pokémon Yellow, Pokémon Project Studio Red, and Donkey Kong 64 to fiddle with. I will probably add Project Studio Info to the site sometime, it really is cool. I've already customized my own stickers, calendars, cards (special Pikachu Power card) and some other stuff. Hey, check out Pokémon Paradise. It's a pretty good site, eventhough it takes a millenium to load. Well, I have nothing more to say. I will keep updating regularly, unless that ugly Y2K roach hits. I doubt it will though. Happy training!

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since November 29, 1999
* Grep Sailor Moon