May 2002

Get Britney, Get Updates!

Do you... YaHoo?!

May 12, 2002
Hey all!! First of all Happy Mother's Day!! (to your mom's I presume...) Anyway, a little after I wrote the last update, "In Defense..." opened. You can check it out here: -click-. Keep in mind it's just getting started up. There will be more content within the coming months. Hang tight. I still don't have Britney tickets. Sometimes it's easier to get better seats closer to the event so I'm hoping this is true for this show as well. I heard through the grapevine, "Crossroads" comes out on DVD July 23rd. Yeah! I can't wait for that. (Note to Mandy Moore fans as well..."A Walk to Remember" comes to DVD on July 9th. :-) I loved that movie SOOOO much!) A few pictures were added, but mainly I'm working on new sites (additions to Brit*s World and *Nsync *Nsanity). I'm out. ~D

May 4, 2002
I just read the most disgusting thing ever! Reportedly, Justin announced to a passanger on a plane "Britney's not a virgin - I should know". OMG! If this is true, he's bigger slime than I thought. More on this at my new site "In Defense of Brit" which is almost ready to view, promise. Some more pics were just added. Hell weeks are over - for good. School's out till mid-August. I got home today (It's so depressing leaving all my school friends. I miss them already!) Anyway, this means better updates. More later. Sign the guestbook. ~D

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