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Fractions with the TI-82 & TI-83 Plus About this program: This is a menu-driven program that does addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of fractions (or whole numbers, incidentally) and gives the results in mixed numbers. Since doing that on a TI-82/83 requires several keystrokes, this program will save you some work if you have several fractions to work with. To make this program as easy to load as possible and to take up as little memory as possible, I have required that the numbers be input to lists except when dividing. I'll give examples of how this works below the coding sheet. Note that semicolons are used for separators in the keystrokes. Enter only commas in the coding. DISCLAIMER: This program is free, and, therefore, I make no claims about it's efficacy, efficiency, or proper operation. If you find a problem with this program, or can suggest an improvement, please e-mail me at knosummath@aol.com . Use of this Program: You may use this program freely for your own personal use and for the use of other students, but use for publication or any means of profit requires my permission. Memory Usage: This version of the program uses 271 bytes of memory. I estimate it will take an inexperienced programmer about 10 minutes to enter by hand. Revisions: Version: V1.0 Date: 8/23/03. Version: V1.1 Date: 10/1/04.
Revised 10/1/04 Entering Data: Make sure your entries (except for division) are enclosed in braces,
like this{}, rather than brackets or parentheses. If they aren't, you'll
get a DATA ERR. To enter a fraction such as 4⅜,
enter it like this: {4, 3/8}. If the number has a sign, be sure to
use the symbol, (-), on the calculator, rather than the subtract sign. Revised: 10/2/04