Final Fantasy Mythology




Arabic: a.k.a Afreet, Efreet, Ifreeti

The second most powerful class of Jinn (Djinn, Genie) in Arabic mythology that was filled with vast intelligence.

They are Demon-like beings whose veins flowed with fire instead of blood. When they were mortally wounded, out from them would burst flames until they were consumed with fire. They could live for thousands of years, sometimes even forever, but they are not immortal, they especially fear the falling stars that Allah hurled down at them.

Jinn are usually separated into five classes: ranking first were the Marid, second the Afreet, third the Sheitan, fourth the Ghillan, and fifth the Jann.
They can take any form of any animal that they wish.

It is said that Jinn would travel to the lower reaches of heaven and eavesdrop on the conversations of angels.
A common known fact about Jinn is that Men would often capture them with the aid of talismans and spells, demanding that they tell of what they know of the heavenly abode.


In Indian Myth Ifrit is a god of fire.

In a more misnomeric sense, Jinn are commonly tho