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Geno Invasion, June 14, 2001

By Cassion

Genos; to some, they are laughed at, while others fear them. What are these infamous Genos? Genos are a group of 'Internet Pranksters' whose goal is the shutting down of online games. They first came to Furcadia as a cult, complete with robes and mysterious chanting. These Genos entered dreams where they were unwelcome, and talk soon erupted about Furcadia following the same fate as Habbo Hotel, another online game that was shut down by Genos.

So, we at FURRE asked some of the leading people in Furcadia today, including: Creators, Owsla, Guildmakers, and normal everyday furres.

When Sanctimonious was asked, 'What do you think the Genos will have on Furcadia and it's running,' he replied, 'Nothing has happened so far, so, most likely nothing will.'

Next we asked Seriphim, from the Beekin Council, 'What is your opinion on the Genos?' He replied, 'I believe if you leave them alone and ignore them the genos will go away, furres keep doing what they wasnt, which is noticeing them, just leave them be then when no one notices them they will leave.'

Next we asked the furre 'Obliark,' the same question, and recieved the reply, 'I actually have no clue who they are.'

Ever since these Genos came to Furcadia, they have generated mixed opinions, and several websites, system announcements, and whisper campaigns have been generated.

What are these Genos doing in Furcadia? Find out more at 'Straight From the Genie's Lamp' by Talzhemir, at

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