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Club Kickin, June 15, 2001

By Mathew Newhard Gastin (AKA Gastin)

I was at the Club Kickin' party and had a chance to interview Zigana, Co-Owner\Co-Manager of Club Kickin' in Allegria Island.

1) First of all, would you introduce yourself and tell everyone what position you hold at Club Kickin'?
Of course, I'm Co-Manager!

2) As Co-Manager of the club, do you have many responsibilities? If so, what are they?
Not really, I'm basically here for Albus if he needs something. I'm mostly involved with my Z-bar. :) Other than that, I just listen to Albus whenever he needs anything. :D

3) In your own opinion, what does Club Kickin' offer that other clubs don't have?
Well, it's very unique, I'll say that much. Very very much better than other beginning clubs out there! But I'm still prideful of my Z-Bar >.< :)

4) A popular club such as this must get some interesting furres. What is the most humerous thing that you have seen happen at the club?
Well, to tell you the truth, this is the most time I've spent in Club Kickin'

4-A) So you haven't seen anything remotely humerous?
Well, I remember when Albus first dyed his hair pink... That was pretty funny... And I was trying stuff on for a prom I'm going to. That was alot of fun :)

5) Is your job fun or work?

6) Is the party as big of a success as you expected to be? Would you have done anything different if you had more time?
My gosh! Even ask Albus! The party went beyond our expectations!

7) Would you like to say anything to the people reading this who might have missed the big bang at Club Kickin'?
Well, :), they missed seeing me pole dance!

She was busy and was still able to answer my questions :) Thank you for your time Zigana and good luck with Club Kickin' and your Z-Bar!

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