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Summer's Here!, June 21, 2001

By Rydia Silverbrooke

Ahhhh summer. School's out and it's time for a vacation. It's a time to relax with a cold drink, hang out with friends, go to the beach and tan that fur ^.-
So where are the cool spots to visit? Well Rydia did some research at some of the hangouts in Allegria island. Here's the highlights for this week:

Single's Bar

This place is well-crowded with friendly furres and a well-staffed bar- good ale they have there, I might add ^.^ Includes a public pool to cool off in and lots of places for you to be alone and chat with your friends. Has a wedding chapel (for when you want to marry your newfound mate?), and well-furnished inns.

Sea Foam cafe

Extra points for the name! It's a simple place but a fairly popular cafe and it's (yep, you guessed it!) by the sea. The place is completely outdoors so you can avoid that hot sweaty indoor rest- urant feeling. It's famous for it's seafood, namely steamed salmon. They give you generous portions too. Yum! Be sure to try the bamboo tea. For desert, try the strawberry italian ice. Very re- freshing!

Kareoke and bar

Probably the only bar I've ever seen that has it's own sparring ring. Makes sense! When a furre's drunk and angry, a spar room is just the thing. Try the fructose beer! As the name implies, the place has midis you can sing along to. Pretty creative ^.^

S&N Cafe

What a super fancy place! Purrfect for a first date or just a place to indulge with friends. The resturant can accomidate large groups with a dining area. You can eat indoors or out, with a beautiful view of the pond. The waiters are friendly and polite, with fast service despite the crowd. Best dish: cajun grilled chicken with Sisisi wine For desert, order the cheesecake, it's amazing!

Blue Cafe

A new establishment that's quickly gaining popularity in Allegria. Best pizza I've had, if I do say so myself! Cheap food too. Great dance floor, and you can even request songs by the DJ!

Keep cool furres ^.^

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