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We now have a more dynamic calendar, free, courtesy of bravenet. They can be a bit laggy at times, so give it plenty of time to load. Remember to check back often for updates, changes, and additions. Continue on to the calendar by clicking here.


Below are specific events, and their explanations and details on how to participate, how they work, and the like.
  • Bank Day: This is the day the Banker's come online and open the vaults to all guild members. Any items the guild has in it's vaults is available to guild members free, and if more than one person wants an item then it goes to the higher roller. For more details, please visit the guild treasury. On every day, there are three seperate banking sessions, so if you are not available for one, then perhaps you can make the other. The times that each banking session begins is: 2:30, 7:00, and 10:30 - all PM and on eastern time. The sessions are held inside the Orgrimmar Bank, at the back of the bank(so not to cluster the other horde members). Any keeper who comes to the Orgrimmar bank and participates for the duration of a session, lending support and giving respect to the bankers, garners 1 medal. We will try to mail the items that night at the end of the last banking session, however it may take up to 48 hours to deliver all items.

  • Battlegrounds Day:Battlegrounds day is a day when the guild, en masse, does their best to participate and dominate the battlegrounds. Members on their own age brackets, form groups and try and use guild organized strategies and tactics to overcome the usually disorganized pick-up battlegrounds crowd. The Quartermaster usually offers supplies for this day. Anyone guildies who form a group in their own bracket, and participate in one of the battlegrounds, gains 1 medal. Make sure an officer is online to recognize the group and make it legitimate.

  • Call To War:Call to War is a guild-oriented PvP event. It is for non-battlegrounds PvP. The guild, as a whole, lays siege to a specific town, city, or area. The location can change with each occurence. Anyone who participates for the entire event gains 3 medals for participation and for paying attention, following raid rules and orders, and being organized. .

  • Charity Drive:The Charity Drive is a day when the guild bankers come online and offer surplus and unwanted items to non-guildies inside Orgrimmar, free of charge, to help promote the guild name and foster good Horde relations. Anyone who wishes to participate or help in this event is more than welcome. This is also a great time for recruiting, partying and light-hearted sport. Anyone who comes and supports the event in person gains 1 medal.

  • Clash Of Might:The Clash Of Might contest is where we reveal who the best of the best is! The Guild hosts duels between one another, and the guild bank offers rewards for each win, based on level and rank of your opponent. If the opponent is:
    Your Opponent...
    Cash Reward
    Medals Gained
    4 Levels Or MoreBelow You 5 Silver Reward Per Win None
    3 Levels Below You 10 Silver Reward Per Win None
    2 Levels Below You 20 Silver Reward Per Win None
    1 Level Below You 20 Silver Reward Per Win One(1)
    Equal Level To You 25 Silver Reward Per Win One(1)
    1 Level Above You 30 Silver Reward Per Win One(1)
    2 Levels Above You 35 Silver Reward Per Win One(1)
    3 Levels Above You 45 Silver Reward Per Win One(1)
    4 Levels Above You 50 Silver Reward Per Win One(1)
    5+ Levels Above You 50 Silver Reward Per Win Two(2)
  • If You defeat one of our vicars, you gain 50 silver bonus to your reward, and an extra medal. This extra medal can only be rewarded once per vicar/opponent.
  • If you defeat your Shadowmaster, you gain 1 gold bonus to your reward and an extra medal. This extra medal can only be rewarded once per opponent.

  • To join the Clash Of Might contest, you must first pay a single-time admission fee of 75 silver to the bank, and then you're good for the rest of the event. If you wish to participate without paying the admisson fee, you may, you simply will not earn medals or cash rewards from the bank.

  • Domination:Another form of PvP entertainment, more or less. Domination is a day when the guild, as a whole, goes to the Arena inside Stranglethorn Vale and garners control of it from any alliance. Also, while we retain control of it, we will have tag-team and group dueling. Where two or more people group, organize a strategy, and oppose the other side. Of course, there will be others who referee and guard the event from outside intrusion. Participating in this event grants any guildie 2 medals.

  • Farming Sessions:Farming sessions can vary from event to event. They are when the guild gets together, and farms specifically for the benefit of the guild as a whole(in essence, the bank). The items go to the bank, for later use. If the farming session is for a specific purpose or item, the rest of the items are still to go to the bank. Participating in a farming session grants 2 medals.

  • GEEF Expedition:This is the day the GEEF team strikes out and attempts to conquer a new unchartered and dangerous territory. The highest levels in the guild will group together, and attempt to explore previously unexplored instances, zones, and the like. The locations change at each occurrence and can be scheduled ahead of time, or decided at the beginning of the raid. A GEEF expedition is worth 2 medals.

  • Halloween Fireworks Display: This Halloween, October 31st, the Gatekeeper will be putting on a massive display of fireworks for the enjoyment of our horde brethren, inside of Orgrimmar. This is not a free-lance or chaotic event, it will be directed and prepared for. Anyone who wishes to participate, and knows they will be available from 9:00 pm eastern to 11:00 PM eastern on Halloween night, please, contact Flakes in-game right away. We need as many people's help as possible. Some to help detonate the fireworks, and some to take screen shots, and some to recruit during the process. Also, please donate all Fireworks to Daymonico if you have any to spare. Lets really come together for this one event, please. Participants gain 10 medals for contacting and training with Flakes beforehand. Anyone else who participates and helps on the night of the fireworks display gains 3 medals. Anyone else who comes and supports the event gains 1 medal.

  • Help Day: On this day, all day, anyone level 30 and under has every officer at their beck'n'call to help them with quests, elite quests, advice, questions, training, and the like. This is not power-leveling, and the quests you need help with must be within decent range to your level. All officers MUST help you on this day. All other Keepers are encouraged to help their lower level brethren on this day as well. Anyone who specifically helps 2 or more people level 30 and under on this day, gains a medal. Helping them must consist of something worthy of the medal, and must be recognized by an officer online. For each additional person helped above 2, an additional medal is rewarded.

  • Lottery Drawing: This is the day that the lottery is drawn and the winner declared. It happens every other sunday, usually late in the night. Daymonico comes out of his cave within the Orgrimmar bank and slowly walks his way to the Horde Embassy, where he makes the drawing.

  • The Odyssey: The Odyssey is an interactive, guild-created and run, storyline. It has quests, missions, riddles, challenges, mysteries, and lore. It is 100% roleplayed, which means that all actions and comments are responded to, are required to progress the story, and can be beneficial or detrimental to your success. It has rewards at the end of each chapter which is tailored based on your performance and success. The party/raid chat is for OOC communications, questions, and descriptions, while /say, /yell, /e are used to actually interact with the characters. The basis behind the Odyssey revolves around Zardinger, our Quartermaster, who is half-senile, cranky, and delusional. He used to be Dioxis' and Flakes' nanny when they were young, and he helped to rear them. Because of this, he is well guarded and protected by them, and harming, insulting, degrading, humiliating, or upsetting Zardinger is not beneficial to you in anyway. Slowly the lore will reveal the rise of Flakes and Dioxis, as well as The Gatekeepers as a whole. While the events that occur within The Odyssey is seperate from guild ranking, reputation, and service - however blatant disrespect to certain characters can result in guild punishment/censure/demotion/admonishment. Participating in a chapter of The Odyssey grants you 4 medals, if you complete the chapter.
  • Chapter One("Hubris"): Orgrimmar awakens to Zardinger yelling and complaining about Dioxis, calling for help. When the Gatekeepers come to him, he declares that he was babysitting Dioxis, but apparently lost him when he got drunk and started flirting with the Matron of the Horde Orphanage. He rants on and off about how vulnerable poor young Dioxis is, and that they must find him. After a long journey through most of Durotar, speaking with spirits, honoring illusions(and delusions), and talking to many NPCs, they finally get Zardinger to snap out of his maddened craze and get him returned home safely. He exhibits obvious signs of frailty, and abnormal fatigue and sickness.
  • Chapter Two("The Epiphany"): Flakes summoned the Gatekeepers to his side and notified them that Zardinger had run away, leaving an enigmatic note behind which was quite confusing. He hired the rescue expedition to track him down and bring him home safely. Once they found him, however, things were not all what they seemed. The Druids and Shamans of mulgore were on edge, and speaking of past sins and the Shadowstone Tablet Of Power. Apparently on the tablet was inscribed a ritual of "great power." More important than this, the Earth Mother said that this tablet would be the starting point for the cure to Zardinger's plague - the thing Flakes and Dioxis had been searching for, for a long time. Unfortunately the tablet was shattered during the combustion of the World Tree, and it's three fragments were scattered to the winds. Once they tracked it down, they finally returned Zardinger and the shards to Flakes. Flakes mention an odd disturbance in the Pool Of Darkness, and upon seeing the shards of the tablet, scuttled away and secluded himself in The Abyss. His findings are yet to be announced...
  • Chapter Three("Timewalking"):
  • Chapter Four("The Culprit"):
  • Chapter Five("Redemption"):

  • Training Day: Training Day is an all-day event where the Vicars of each class, hold "classes" and gather the member's of their class together for instruction. The instruction can take many forms, and varies from Vicar to Vicar. It can be lectures, duels, group fighting, PvP, instances, or any combination of the above. They will go over and make sure that you know the best stratgies, and each role, and every situation you could be out in. All vicars gain 2 medals for each group they assist. All participants who "pass" the vicar's course, gains a medal.

  • Wildvine Raid Day:Wildvine Raid Day is a day which a raid is planned for somewhere, or more than one raid, but the exact raid and locations is not determined until the raid is formed. Medals are awarded based on standard grouping/raiding procedures.