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Gatekeeper Ranks

  • Tithe: Tithes are the amount of money initially required upon recieving your promotion of this rank. While there is no tax on any Gatekeeper, promotions into the higher ranks does require the said tithe, donated to Daymonico (the guild banker). With great priviledge comes responsibility.
  • Maintenance: Maintenance is a form of cycling tithe, due every month, to maintain your rank and position. Maintenance only applies to Officers and Specialized Ranks. Again, with great priviledge comes great responsibility.
  • Goal Levels: Goal Levels are not a requirement per se, but can help to achieve a rank. For every level you are above the Goal Level of the listed rank, the required number of Medals is effectively lowered by one.
  • Goal PvP Ranks: Goal PvP Ranks are not a requirement per se, but can help to achieve a rank. For every PvP Rank you are above the Goal PvP Rank, the required number of Medals is effectively lowered by two.
  • BNS: BNS is an abbreviation for Bonus. Everyone who earns their rank, gains a bonus modifier to all official guild rolls(guild groups, raids, banking sessions, etc). This bonus adds to the result of any /random roll, for their total sum. It is your duty to know what rank you are, what your bonus is, and remind others to include it. Accuracy is a must.
  • Inactivity: Inactivity does not cause removal from the guild. However, if you have not been online in 30 days or more, you become Inactive. Once you become inactive you lose all ranks and medals gained.
  • Officers: There are many ways to becomming an officer, but they are all similar and can be summed up under one word: Service. To even be considered as an officer, you must serve, aid, help, assist, and sacrifice enough to be noticed by those in charge. There are no set requirements for any rank, and can differ from person to person. Activity, while an asset, is not the a valid reason for becomming an officer. All members are allowed to enjoy themselves freely in the guild with no obligations, however, Officers are expected to work and serve the guild. You must have a good mindset, disposition, and familiar with the workings of the guild.

  • Officer Ranks

    BNS Rank Name Current Rankholders Tithe Maintenance
    +14 Shadowmaster (Guild Master): Flakes 6 Gold 2 Gold
    Description: "There Can Be Only One..." The Shadowmaster is the Big Kahuna of the guild, the one who holds the charter in his hands and gets to boss the other bosses around.
    +13 Prelate Rarius, Drorpheus, and Hindr. 5 Gold 1 Gold
    Description: Prelates are the next to highest rank in the Gatekeepers - they are direct advisors and assistants to the Shadowmaster, and have maximized authority over other Keepers. They are martyr's to the cause and dedicate themselves and their lives to the guidance of our organization.
    +12 Claviger No One 4 Gold 75 Silver
    Description: Clavigers are overseers and problem solvers, coordinators and protectors. They have most officer authorities and are primarily responsible for overseeing the other officers.They are common organizers of pickup raids and group endeavors, and assist officers in the management of the guild.
    +11 Pitlord No One 3 Gold 50 Silver
    Description:Pitlords are the direct overseers of the guild, interacting and monitoring the guild's behavior over all. They are the enforcers of guild law, discipline, and behavior.
    +10 Luminary Dioxis(VoHunters), Grunzoc(VoShamans), Gradelights, Hoofbite(VoDruids), Ishish(Guild Engineer) 2 Gold 25 Silver
    Description: Luminaries are the sages, advisors, and role models to the younger, and less experienced - and teachers to all.

    Awakened Ranks

    BNSRank Name Tithe
    +8 Scourge 1 Gold & 50 Silver
    Requirements: Membership: Reaver+(2 Months+) ; Medals(160) ; Goal Level(40) ; Goal PvP Rank(3)
    Description: The Scourge are the eldest and most experienced of our warriors and guardians, steeped with loyalty, dedication, service, and blood they have ripened into a valorous position of respect and nobility. They sometimes serve as the harbingers of news, messages, threats, and assassinations on behalf of the officers. They often are the eyes, hands, ears, and blades of not just the officers, but the guild in general. The Scourge are the Knights of the Keepers.
    +6 Sentinel 1 Gold
    Requirements: Membership: Reaver(1 Month+) ; Medals(80) ; Goal Level(35) ; Goal PvP Rank(2)
    Description: Sentinels serve as the Cavalry and Sages amongst the guild as well as the inspiration. Through past endeavors, experience, and sacrifice they have earned their title proudly and stand as role models to their peers, and guardians to their younger brethren against outside dangers.
    +4 Reaver 50 Silver
    Requirements: Membership: Acolyte(2 weeks+) ; Medals(40) ; Goal Level(30) ; Goal PvP Rank(1)
    Description: Reavers are the elite forces of the Keepers. Experienced and enlightened, they have earned their rank through achievements.
    +2 Acolyte None
    Requirements: Membership: Guild(2 weeks+) ; Medals(20) ; Goal Level(15) ; Goal PvP Rank(1)
    Description: Acolytes are full and awakened members of the guild, and are the aspiring adepts of our ranks, assisting and striving alongside their brothers. They have proven themselves worthy and have well earned their title.
    +0 Neophyte None
    Requirements: None - However any Neophyte who has been a member of the guild for two weeks or longer but has yet met the level/rank requirements for Acolyte is entitled to all the rights of a Keeper, including raid loot and guild banker priviledges.
    Description: Neophytes are apprentices, pupils, and recruits. They are closely monitored for behavior, skill, loyalty, and dedication - and until they have awakened and proven themselves to their brothers, may be excluded from collecting from the guild bank, may be excluded from rolling on raid loot, and may me disbanded from the guild for any reason. While all guild members are our brothers and sisters, Neophytes have yet to earn the name, Keeper.

    Special Forces

    Special Forces are specific positions within the guild, with specific duties and responsibilities, as well as knowledge and training. While there may be rewards and benefits for taking up the mantle of one of these positions, it is balanced with heavy burdens and responsibilities, and should not be taken by those who wish soley prestige. Specializations are special positions within the guild that are seperate(yet symbiotic) with it's ranking system. Specialized roles are appointed by officers, though anyone may volunteer for a specific post. There is only one person per position, though they may be replaced over time. Like with ranks, these roles may come with tithes as well as maintenance, to ensure that anyone applying for the position is sincere and willing to sacrifice for the guild. These tithes are accumulative with any promotion or rank tithe. Maintenance is also accumulative with all other ranks and positions held. If someone fills more than one Special Forces position, they must pay an extra 2 gold of maintenance per month in addition to their standard maintenance, per extra position held.
    Specialization Current Position Holder Tithe Maintenance
    Vicar Of Druids: Hoofbite(VoDruids) 5 Gold 1 Gold
    Description: Vicar is a role designed for the wisest and most well-knowledged of any specific class. There is only one per class, and the Vicar of that class is expected to know all class-related quests, which attribute build is best with each role, which talent build is best with each role, and be familiar with all differnt types of builds. He is also required to pen a compenidium for the Training Grounds of our website - which must include information on Basics, Advanced, PvP, PvE, Different Builds, Soloing, and pretty much everything else. Vicar's are also expected to advice, help, and train any other Keeper of that class. This position garners 2 medals per month for their service, plus 3 medals upon recieving the position.
    Vicar Of Hunters: Dioxis 5 Gold 1 Gold
    Description: Vicar is a role designed for the wisest and most well-knowledged of any specific class. There is only one per class, and the Vicar of that class is expected to know all class-related quests, which attribute build is best with each role, which talent build is best with each role, and be familiar with all differnt types of builds. He is also required to pen a compenidium for the Training Grounds of our website - which must include information on Basics, Advanced, PvP, PvE, Different Builds, Soloing, and pretty much everything else. Vicar's are also expected to advice, help, and train any other Keeper of that class. This position garners 2 medals per month for their service, plus 3 medals upon recieving the position.
    Vicar Of Mages: None, apply here. 5 Gold 1 Gold
    Description: Vicar is a role designed for the wisest and most well-knowledged of any specific class. There is only one per class, and the Vicar of that class is expected to know all class-related quests, which attribute build is best with each role, which talent build is best with each role, and be familiar with all differnt types of builds. He is also required to pen a compenidium for the Training Grounds of our website - which must include information on Basics, Advanced, PvP, PvE, Different Builds, Soloing, and pretty much everything else. Vicar's are also expected to advice, help, and train any other Keeper of that class. This position garners 2 medals per month for their service, plus 3 medals upon recieving the position.
    Vicar Of Priests: None, apply here. 5 Gold 1 Gold
    Description: Vicar is a role designed for the wisest and most well-knowledged of any specific class. There is only one per class, and the Vicar of that class is expected to know all class-related quests, which attribute build is best with each role, which talent build is best with each role, and be familiar with all differnt types of builds. He is also required to pen a compenidium for the Training Grounds of our website - which must include information on Basics, Advanced, PvP, PvE, Different Builds, Soloing, and pretty much everything else. Vicar's are also expected to advice, help, and train any other Keeper of that class. This position garners 2 medals per month for their service, plus 3 medals upon recieving the position.
    Vicar Of Rogues: Hindr 5 Gold 1 Gold
    Description: Vicar is a role designed for the wisest and most well-knowledged of any specific class. There is only one per class, and the Vicar of that class is expected to know all class-related quests, which attribute build is best with each role, which talent build is best with each role, and be familiar with all differnt types of builds. He is also required to pen a compenidium for the Training Grounds of our website - which must include information on Basics, Advanced, PvP, PvE, Different Builds, Soloing, and pretty much everything else. Vicar's are also expected to advice, help, and train any other Keeper of that class. This position garners 2 medals per month for their service, plus 3 medals upon recieving the position.
    Vicar Of Shamans: Grunzoc 5 Gold 1 Gold
    Description: Vicar is a role designed for the wisest and most well-knowledged of any specific class. There is only one per class, and the Vicar of that class is expected to know all class-related quests, which attribute build is best with each role, which talent build is best with each role, and be familiar with all differnt types of builds. He is also required to pen a compenidium for the Training Grounds of our website - which must include information on Basics, Advanced, PvP, PvE, Different Builds, Soloing, and pretty much everything else. Vicar's are also expected to advice, help, and train any other Keeper of that class. This position garners 2 medals per month for their service, plus 3 medals upon recieving the position.
    Vicar Of Warlocks: DrOrpheus 5 Gold 1 Gold
    Description: Vicar is a role designed for the wisest and most well-knowledged of any specific class. There is only one per class, and the Vicar of that class is expected to know all class-related quests, which attribute build is best with each role, which talent build is best with each role, and be familiar with all differnt types of builds. He is also required to pen a compenidium for the Training Grounds of our website - which must include information on Basics, Advanced, PvP, PvE, Different Builds, Soloing, and pretty much everything else. Vicar's are also expected to advice, help, and train any other Keeper of that class. This position garners 2 medals per month for their service, plus 3 medals upon recieving the position.
    Vicar Of Warriors: None, apply here. 5 Gold 1 Gold
    Description: Vicar is a role designed for the wisest and most well-knowledged of any specific class. There is only one per class, and the Vicar of that class is expected to know all class-related quests, which attribute build is best with each role, which talent build is best with each role, and be familiar with all differnt types of builds. He is also required to pen a compenidium for the Training Grounds of our website - which must include information on Basics, Advanced, PvP, PvE, Different Builds, Soloing, and pretty much everything else. Vicar's are also expected to advice, help, and train any other Keeper of that class. This position garners 2 medals per month for their service, plus 3 medals upon recieving the position.
    Guild Ambassador None, apply here. 3 Gold 50 Silver
    Description: The Guild Ambassador's entire purpose is to communicate with other guilds - forever promoting the Gatekeeper name. He is expected to spend much of his time within the realm devoted to this honorable task. Ambassador's are the forerunners to foreign guild acquisitions, mergers, and alliances, as well as the initiate to cross-guild raids and groups. Ambassador's are also expected to be the host and "Welcome"r to all new Keepers, and help them settle into their new guild. This position garners 1 medal per month for their service, plus 5 medals upon recieving the position.
    Guild Recruiter None, apply here. 1 Gold 25 Silver
    Description: The Guild Recruiter's job is to recruit, which is very important. While it is the duty of all Keepers to be on the lookout for new members, the Guild Recruiter makes this task a priority, and searches for quality. The Guild Recruiter should always be looking for people with now guild {Tag} under their name and: communicate, judge, group with, and then recruit them - ignoring bad seeds in the process. This position garners 2 medals upon recieving the position.
    Guild Instructor None, apply here. 1 Gold None
    Description: The Guild instructor is as important as all other special positions. His job is to advise, teach, guide, and instruct all new members, and assist them in their awakening experience. The instructor often works with other Specialialized Keepers and Officers in teaching specific Keepers specific things. (I.E. The Raid Leader asks the Guild Instructor to go over with Neophyte A the basics of Gatekeeper raiding techniques.) The guild instructor should be well-informed with the Training Grounds, and make sure all other members are as well. However, they are meant to teach and assist, not judge. This position garners 2 medals per month for their service, plus 2 medals upon recieving the position.
    Senior Raid Leader Rabie 3 Gold 50 Silver
    Description: The Senior Raid Leader's job is to break ground, forever taking the highest levels and trying to things, new instances, new zones, new quests, etc. He should be a very active person, and always trying to organize a raid, or at least a group, to do something in the highest-end of the game capable by the guild. He is often the cornerstone behind the GEEF team. This position garners 2 medals upon recieving the position.
    Raid Leader Dakkonblack 1 Gold None
    Description: Raid leader's sole purpose is activity. He is constantly organizing groups and raids to help fellow Keepers on their quests(for ALL level ranges), or to help "farm" drops to stock up the guild bank. The Raid Leader can be a thankful and a thankless job at the same time. It is his duty to make sure everyone in the guild has people supporting and helping them through elites and instances, regardless of level - and therefor may spend much time in zones that yield low-level equipment and no experience. This position is a rough position, but comes with prestige and honor, knowing that your helping your fellow Keeper's quest and level-up to higher standards. This position garners 2 medals per month for their service, plus 2 medals upon recieving the position.
    Guild Liaison Fetanya 2 Gold 1 Gold
    Description: The Guild Liaison's purpose is simple in most aspects, and straight forward. Primarily, they are to be unbiased and indiscriminate. They are to be active socially, and communicate with other members on a continual and frequent basis. They are expected to bring complains, concerns, and problems to the attention of the officers immediately, and be the mediator and middle-man between disputes and investigations. They are not to take sides, nor to divide members from officers, but to the contrary, their role is to blend everyone together in a calm and peaceful environment. This position garners 3 medals upon recieving the position.
    Guild Champion None, apply here. 1 Gold 25 Silver
    Description: The Guild Champion is a rough, grizzled and hard position to fill. Occassionally supplied with some minor supplies from the guild bank(potions, scrolls, etc) he is to engage the enemy at all costs. Not only is he to introduce all the alliance skum to the name "Gatekeeper," but each horde guild he stands fighting beside, shall learn to speak of the Gatekeepers with respect. He is a killer, bloodthirsty and vengeful - and must be hardcore PvP. Never shying from defending a horde town, and willing to bring the battle to the alliance in the name of the Gatekeepers. He must be willing to be a leader in all aspects, and help fellow Keepers coordinate and combat the enemy on any front. He must even be willing to fight alone if necessary. At the same time, however, the Guild Champion must also understand the assets of other avenues of progress, and must encourage participation in all guild activity. This position garners 1 medal per month for their service, plus 1 medal upon recieving the position.
    Guild Enchanter Yunkel 3 Gold 25 Silver
    Description: The Guild Enchanter is the official and recognized Enchanter of the guild. He is expected to give enchantments to members for free at all times when the materials are available, and if the materials must be purchased, he must give the services to members at absolutely no profit whatsoever(perhaps discount and even lose money in the trade). The benefit of this role is that any recipes that drop during any group or raid that he can use, he gains a +25 modifier on his roll, which also applies to disenchanting rolls against other disenchanters. Any supplies or materials the guild Bank can offer that applies to this profession, always goes to this person first. This position garners 2 medals upon recieving the position.
    Guild Blacksmith None, apply here. 3 Gold 25 Silver
    Description: The Guild Blacksmith is the official and recognized Blacksmith of the guild. He is expected to give services to members for free at all times when the materials are available, and if the materials must be purchased, he must give the services to members at absolutely no profit whatsoever (perhaps discount and even lose money in the trade). The benefit of this role is that any recipes that drop during any group or raid that he can use, he gains a +25 modifier on his roll, which also applies to materials that may drop during groups/raids. Any supplies or materials the guild Bank can offer that applies to this profession, always goes to this person first. This position garners 2 medals upon recieving the position.
    Guild Tailor Drorpheus 3 Gold 25 Silver
    Description: The Guild Tailor is the official and recognized tailor of the guild. He is expected to give services to members for free at all times when the materials are available, and if the materials must be purchased, he must give the services to members at absolutely no profit whatsoever (perhaps discount and even lose money in the trade). The benefit of this role is that any recipes that drop during any group or raid that he can use, he gains a +25 modifier on his roll, which also applies to materials that may drop during groups/raids. Any supplies or materials the guild Bank can offer that applies to this profession, always goes to this person first. This position garners 2 medals upon recieving the position.
    Guild Leatherworker None, apply here. 3 Gold 25 Silver
    Description: The Guild Leatherworker is the official and recognized leatherworker of the guild. He is expected to give services to members for free at all times when the materials are available, and if the materials must be purchased, he must give the services to members at absolutely no profit whatsoever (perhaps discount and even lose money in the trade). The benefit of this role is that any recipes that drop during any group or raid that he can use, he gains a +25 modifier on his roll, which also applies to materials that may drop during groups/raids. Any supplies or materials the guild Bank can offer that applies to this profession, always goes to this person first. This position garners 2 medals upon recieving the position.
    Guild Engineer Ishish 3 Gold 25 Silver
    Description: The Guild Engineer is the official and recognized engineer of the guild. He is expected to give services to members for free at all times when the materials are available, and if the materials must be purchased, he must give the services to members at absolutely no profit whatsoever (perhaps discount and even lose money in the trade). The benefit of this role is that any recipes that drop during any group or raid that he can use, he gains a +25 modifier on his roll, which also applies to materials that may drop during groups/raids. Any supplies or materials the guild Bank can offer that applies to this profession, always goes to this person first. This position garners 2 medals upon recieving the position.
    Guild Alchemist Kalties 3 Gold 25 Silver
    Description: The Guild Alchemist is the official and recognized Alchemist of the guild. He is expected to give services to members for free at all times when the materials are available, and if the materials must be purchased, he must give the services to members at absolutely no profit whatsoever (perhaps discount and even lose money in the trade). The benefit of this role is that any recipes that drop during any group or raid that he can use, he gains a +25 modifier on his roll, which also applies to materials that may drop during groups/raids. Any supplies or materials the guild Bank can offer that applies to this profession, always goes to this person first. This position garners 2 medals upon recieving the position.
    Guild Harvester None, apply here. 2 Gold None
    Description: This is the only Specialized role that more than one person may hold at the same time. The person must be adept at atleast one form of harvesting skill(Skinning, Herbalism, Mining, etc). Anyone who takes this position is expected to gather and donate resources and tradeskill materials frequently to the guild bank. Harvesters may also be asked by the guild bank to fulfill specific Requisitions and orders. In exchange for this service and sacrifice, the Harvester may receive a stipend of cash which varies depending on his service, as well as a bonus modifier to all banking rolls which varies based upon service (minimum of +5). Harvesters may also receive Medals for their service, on occassion, as rewards for special service.