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Add Adds are to describe when more than the intended amount of creatures come during a pull, or when unexpected patrolling monsters join into the current battle. Some monsters yell for help, calling others to their aid - these extras would constitute as adds as well.
Aggro 1) Aggro is a term to describe the act of an NPC creature attacking a player. Getting too close to a creature can have it aggro on you. I.E.: "Cave Yetis have a huge aggro range in which they will aggro." 2) Aggro is also a synonym to Threat and Hate, used to label the mathematical meter which designers use to determine which character an NPC attacks when engaged by more than one PC. I.E.: "Heal spells can draw huge amounts of aggro, and may cause the Yeti to aggro on the healer."
AH An acronym for Auction House. One is located in Orgrimmar(Durotar), and one is located in Gadgetzhan(in Tanaris).
Anduin Wrynn The child-king of the humans of Stormwind, a level 5 NPC. Protected by some ?? (BOSS) nasties.
AoE An acronym for Area Of Effect, any spell or effect which has a diameter/radius/range instead of targetting a specific target. I.E.: Volley, Hellfire, Dynamite, Prayer Of Healing/Fortitude, Magma Totem, etc.
Armor Your total accumulated armor rating(or Armor Class), and in this game, determines the percentage of damage asborbed from each hit recieved.
Arthas Fallen Paladin, Evil Crusader, Usurper of the Lich King, Commander of The Undead(unwilled) Legions, Pimp of Lady Sylvanas and wickedly badass man.
Backup Healer The Healer that is designated to be Main Healer should the previous Main Healer die or run out of mana. Also, the Backup Healer is responsible for keeping the Main Healer alive, and keeping tertiary healing targets healthy while the Main Healer focuses on the tanks.
Backup Tank The Backup Tank, much like the Main Tank, is responible for taking damage and keeping it off those who have less damage mitigation. He replaces the Main Tank should he Main Tank die or become disables, and he also helps to manage crowd control by tanking any adds that happen to aggro onto the healers.
BB An acronym for Booty Bay, an independently factioned goblin town located in the southern-most tip of Stranglethorn Vale - also accessible via a boat ride from Ratchet.
BFD An acronym for Blackfathom Deep, an elite instance zone north of the Zoram'gar horde outpost in the northwestern coast of Ashenvale.
BG An acronym for Battlegrounds: a term describing the PvP instances: Warsong Lumber Camp, Alterac Valley, and Arathi Basin.
Bind Point The location in which your soul is anchored, and you return to upon using your hearthstone or using a similar effect.
Blood Elves A race of elves which are addicted to the raw energies of magic as if it were nicotine, and they are independently aligned.
BOP An acronym for Bind On Pickup, a synonym to the EQ term No Drop, which defines an item that can not be traded or sold to another player once it is looted.
BRD An acronym for Blackrock Depths, and instance beneathe Blackrock Spires - no key is required to enter but some bosses are hidden behind locked doors.
Buff Is a term used to describe any spell or effect which gives bonuses or advantages to a character's attributes, abilities, or special powers. It can also be used as a verb, I.E.: "Would you buff me with Powerword Fortitude?"
Cairne Bloodhoof Chieftain of the Tauren Race, located on the third tier of Thunder Bluff. A valorous warrior.
Caster Caster is a loose term used to describe any type of character which relies heavily on spells, and isinept without spending mana. He usually can only wear light armoring, and haslow hit points.
Class Class is a technical term to describe the lifestyle of your character, his combat techniques, and his general path in life.
Damage Dealers Damage Dealers is used to describe any class, whether Caster or Melee or Hybrid, which has the ability to put out massive damage in a short amount of time, and the ability of high DPS.
Debuff A Debuff is a term used to define any spell which is cast upon an enemy which reduces, weakens, incapacitates, or hinders them in some way. Crippling Poison is a Movement Speed Debuff. Debuff is an antonym to Buff, and may alo be used as an action for oneself or used against another. I.E.: "Quick, debuff Viper Sting off of me."
DM An acronym for Dire Maul, a high level instance zone located in the center of Feralas.
DoT An acronym for Damage Over Time, which is used to describe any spell that does not deal it's full amount of damage instantly upon completion of casting the spell, but instead removes a certain amount of HPs per tick, per second, etc.
DPS An acronym for Damage Per Second, a way to calculate the damage output of a weapon, class, combat style, form of attack, or an entire group session.
Dwarf An ugly malformed anteater with the racial abilities to detect treasure chests and to assume a stoneform, which slows their movement rate but grants them immunity to poison, disease and bleeding debuffs and slightly raises their armor. Simply outrun them when they drop into this stance until it wears off and then use them to plus a leak in a sick kodo's butt.
Evac An abbrviation for the word, Evacuate. An older term with very little usage in this game, though it refers to an emergency teleportation spell which retreats from an area into safety.
Fear A broad term applied to any classes' ability to repel, scatter, panic, fear, or send other classes running away. Time length may vary, as can immunities and resists.
FFA An acronym for Free For All, a form of looting option which anyone can loot at anytime. NEVER should you pick up a Bind On Pickup item until it has been properly discussed, rolled, and allocated. This is usually used in raids and guild groups, where the group members can be trusted.
Flagged A term used to describe when a person becomes PvP activated, a red "Splat" mark appears by their icon/avatar, and the name above their head becomes bright green(if a Horde) or bright yellow(if alliance). Anyone in this state is attackable. You can become flagged by simply attacking someone who is already flagged, or typing /pvp . You will automatically revert back to non-PvP status after 5 mins of no PvP combat unless you manually flagged yourself with the /pvp command, in which case you simply type /pvp once again and then you will revert to non-Pvp status within 5 minutes.
FP An acronym for Flight Path, which are specific locations and points which you may fly to with aerial transportation.
Gate Excluding the literal definition, in this meaning it can also be a synonym for "stone" or "hearth," which is a spell or item or ability which returns you to your bind point.
Gnome Annoying and unbelievably irritating little creatures spawned from the maniacal canipption-fit of a female goddess, however the females can be quite cute. Sometimes hard to target in PvP combat(learn to use Tab), and they possess the ability to break out of any root or snaring effects once every minute(over-powered), as well as a +10 to arcane resistance.
Goblins A commercially-inclined, independent race of creatures that embody all the annoying features of a gnome and none of their redeeming cuteness. When they expand into having a third faction, this will most likely be one of the primary playing classes in that faction.
Group Used to define several players which join forces to conquer the world, chat, or to annoy their friends. A raid group, is a group of groups, and during a raid group no one will recieve benefits for quest hallmarks or accomplishments.
Hate A synonym for "aggro," or a word to define my feelings for the alliance.
Healer A caster or Hybrid class which has the ability to heal AND the efficiency to fill the role as Main/Backup Healer.
Hearth A synonym for "Gate" and "Stone."
HoT An acronym for Heal Over Time, which is similar to a DoT, except that the healing effects span over a duration instead of instantly taking effect.
Human Humans are filthy alliance-lovers who deserve nothing short of mass-genocide(though the females can be spared if kept as slaves to the horde since they are easy on the eyes). They gain a racial 5% bonus to spirit, and the Perception ability, which seriously increases their Stealth detection to an awesome amount for 20 seconds, which is illogical and only given to humans because the designers failed to conceive anything better.
IC An acronym for In Character, a term used to define actions, speech, lore, or interaction that is being made in the perspective of a fictional character, acted/roleplayed under the persona of that character.
KoS An acronym for Kill On Sight, a term used to define any NPC that will attack(see: aggro) you if you get too close to them. Alliance guards is a good example, as are tigers, yetis, and anything which isn't afraid to initiate combat on it's own.
LBRS An acronym for Lower Blackrock Spire, one of the two instant zones of Blackrock Spire.
Loot A common term used to define the reward of combat or the spoils of any victory, often retrieved from the corpses of the losers.
Magni Bronzebeard The cross-dressing leader of the dwarven empire, he has 12 male goats he submits to nightly to help make himself feel feminine. He resides within Ironforge, the dwarven capital.
Main Healer A term used to describe the person in a group who's role throughout the group's durations is primarily keep everyone alive to see another battle.
Main Tank A term used to describe the person in a group who is supposed to be the target of all incomming damage, as well as the sole target of the enemy. He is not to be concerned overly with damage output, as his entire job is simply to take the hit and die if necessary. He is usually chosen from the highest available level, with the highest armor, and must continually use special maneuvars to taunt the enemy and raise it's aggro. No one else should draw the attention of enemies except for perhaps the Backup Tank in an effort to control adds.
Master Looter One person who is designated to loot everything except items that bind on pick-up, and to distribute later according to the conditions of the group's looting arrangements.
MC An acronym for Molten Core, a Tier 2 instance(x2 as tough as Onyxia's lair) and is located inside Blackrock Depths(which must be fully completed before being allowed to enter MC. MC is said to take several days to complete and has some post-epic drops.
Meleer A meleer is a term used to define any class who primarily wields hand-held weapons in close combat against their enemies.
MH An acronym for Main Healer(see above)
MMOG An acronym for MAssively Multiplayer Online Game - defining any game which multitudes of people connect together to play at once.
MMORPG An acronym for MAssively Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Game - same as above but the game's genre is intended for Roleplaying, which is used to define WoW, EQ, EQ II, Lineage(I&II), Horizons, Dungeons And Dragons Online, etc...
MT An acronym for Main Tank(see above).
MUD An acronym for Multi-user Dungeon/Dimension/Domain(term varies), but is used to define an environement where multiple users log in together and interact. While theoreticaly it could be used to define any MMOG, it tends to be an older term used to define more archaic interactive games from MIST to Gemstone.
Night Elves A beautiful feminine race of individuals(and effete men) that breed like rabits and while they seem sentient, they appear to lack any higher brain functions. They gain a racial bonus to dodge attacks, travel as ghosts faster than everyone else back to their corpses, and if they stand still they can disappear like a rogue(void by movement).
Ninja Loot To ninja loot something, is to loot something as soon as it drops before anyone else has the chance to see what it is, without regard or consideration of fellow group members with the sole intention of hogging loot. Someone who frequently does this is a ninja looter or loot hog. This is irrelevant with Group Loot, however most other loot methods within WoW have occassional functionality and therefore ninja looting is still present, though uncommon.
NPC An acronym for a Non-Player Character, defining a character controlled by the computer, the environment, and/or the GMs.
Nuke Nuke is a loose term used to define heavy-damage spells intent on one purpose: hurting, maiming, and doing one's best to kill the target quickly. It is often used as a commandin groups, as the group or raid leader will call for something to be "Nuked Out" at low health(especially healing or gating monsters), so to kill it quickly before it's spell can finish, or before it has time to react. Nuking early in a fight is a bad way to steal aggro from the MT and ruin efficiency.
OOC An acronym for Out Of Character, used to define any communication or actions that are from the perspective of the player, the mundane world, and the like.
Orc Passionate savages of brutal proportions, head-race of the horde who make their haven in Orgrimmar.
PC An acronym for Player Character, defining any characters that are actually controlled by other users/subscribers.
Placeholder The average and general monsters which respawn in place of the special or specific monsters, preventing those creatures from appearing until the generic ones are killed or cleared. Generally used to make special monsters or mobs more rare. Though this can apply to anything, especially Spawns which have a random spawn affect(In Durotar, south of Razor Hill, each creature you kill will respawn either as a Boar, or a Scorpion, and it is random). Sometimes a named monster(not so much in this game) once every 5 times his placeholder is killed, which makes his appearance much more rare and random.
Port An abbreviation for Teleport or Portal, often used to ask a mage for a teleport to a distant location.
PST An acronym for Please Send Tell, a simple request asking someone to /tell or /whisper them with an answer, offer, response, or the like.
PvE An acronym for Player Versus Environment, the mirror to PvP, this is used to describe any challenges imposed by the actual environment, quests, NPCs, or anything the designers implemented. This is competition against the actual game, not taking into account other players.
PvP An acronym for Player Versus Player, competition against two players where usually their characters fight to the death, though it can be used indirectly to label any form of gaming user/user confrontation.
Raid Also known as a Raid Group, a Raid is when a group of groups form together to try and engage powerful opposition.
RFC An acronym for Ragefire Chasm, a lower level instance zone located in the Cleft Of Shadows inside Orgrimmar.
RFD An acronym for Razorfen Downs, a mid-level instance zone located in the southern-most edge of the barrens across from RFK.
RFK An acronym for Razorfen Kraul, a mid-level instance zone located in the southern part of the barrens.
Root A term which defines any spell or effect(see: debuff) which completely immobilizes a person.
RP An acronym for Roleplay, which is acting within the context of a false character and persona.
RPG An acronym for Roleplay Game, which is any game that's genre and purpose is to roleplay out the life of a character.
Scholo An abbreviation for Scholomance, a high-level instance zone located on the island in the middle of the large lake in Western Plaguelands. The entrance is locked and the key is the result of a quest requiring Argent Dawn faction (or lockpick of 285+)
SFK An acronym for Shadowfang Keep, a lower-level instance zone located in the southern section of Silverpine forest.
SM An acronym for Scarlet Monastery, a mid-level instance zone northeast of Undercity - infested with humans and vigilantes.
Snare A term used to define any spell or effect(see: debuff) which slows or hinders a character's movement speed, but does not completely immobilize the victim.
Spawn This is a term used to describe the act of a creature appearing, or re-appearing, after being destroyed. It could also apply to a creature appearing for the first time, as the result of a triggered event.
Spawnrate This applies to the rate in which things spawn. It can apply to placeholders, or named creatures, or even an entire Instance. I.E.: "The yardtrash inside Scarlet Monastery takes an hour to respawn, but the Beastmaster has a friggin' 3 hour spawnrate."
Stone A synonym for Gate or Hearth(see above).
Strath An abbreviaton for Stratholme, a high-level instance zone located in the Northwest region of the Eastern Plaguelands. It is divided into a East and West side, and does require a key or lockpicking.
Stun A term used to define any combat maneuvar or spell which interrupts, dazes, or shocks the victim - especially useful for spellcasters.
STV An acronym for Stranglethorn Vale, a zone on the eastern continent, surrounding and in between of Grom'gol Base Camp and Booty Bay.
Sylvanas Windrunner The sexiest corpse you've ever seen, leader of the Forsaken Undead, Queen of Undercity, Dominatrix and Mistres to Varathimas(her demonboy-toy).
Tank Any class that has high armor and high hit points, capable of living through large amounts of damage. May also refer to the act of tanking, which is intentionally drawing the attention of the enemy onto yourself so as to avoid damage being inflicted to less-armored allies.
Taunt Any spell, ability, effect or combat maneuvar which draws aggro/threat/hate, usually more than normal. I.E.: "Taunt him off of me, quick!"
Tauren The amiable race of man-cows that have a fetish for facial piercings and alfalfa. They were raped by their designer gods and lost the last shred of individuality this game had ever seen, losing their Plainstrider ability. They still can stomp once every 50 hours and stun any monkeys riding their back, if they don't resist. Their home is ThunderBluff
TB A bad disease in the literal sense, but also known as Thunderbluff, home of the Taurens, located in Mulgore, west of the Barrens.
Thrall The shaman of Shamans, the spiritual don juan, and the true leader of the entire horde. He is the leader of the Orc race and resides within Orgrimmar.
Threat A snyonym for Hate and Aggro(see above)
TM An acronym for Tarren Mill, an undead horde town within Hillsbrad.
Troll The best race in the game with the sexiest hair-dos, they have the lamest racial abilities that were supposedly fixed. They are protected by Thrall and they give their service to the horde in return. They tend to be wicked and sadistic in nature, but thats o.k., they don't mind.
Tyrande Whisperwind A sexy, sassy, bisexual druid night elf, queen of all Night Elves, who keeps her throne in Darnassus(the night elven city).
UBRS An acronym for Upper Blackrock Spire, one of the high-level Blackrock Spire instances.
Undead(Forsaken) The select few undead who managed to regain their free will once they past the veil into undeath. Furthermore, it seems the story is going that they are rising into undeath on their own instead of being created by necromancers and liches.(since the plague raises unwilled undead, this is odd). Their capital is Undercity.
Undead(Unwilled) These undead are created by evil casters, evil knights, or evil energies leaked onto the lands. They are usually under the influence of some evil monster or awesome knight(See: Arthas, King Of Undead, Above) but sometimes are just free-lace marauding monsters.
Vol'jin The sole savior of the Horde, without him the alliance would own Thrall since most horde wah-babies prefer to farm and pick posies rather than be loyal to their Warchief during sieges. Thankfully, Vol'jin is forever loyal.
WC An acronym for Wailing Caverns, a lower-level instance zone located in the Barrens.
WSG An acronym for Warsong Gulch, an instance battleground's zone, located between The Barrens and Ashenvale.
XR An acronym for the Crossroads, the horde town located in the center of the north barrens, and the hub of most aerial travel on the western continent.