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Welcome Gatekeepers!!!

There have been major changes to guild procedure and structure, particularly with how the promotion system works, as well as the benefit of ranks and keys. Keys now have a month's duration, and promotions are no longer decided by level but based upon the accumulation of Medals. To learn more about Medals and Ranks, visit the Charter and Ranks section of the web site. There has also been an update to our Blacklist section, which no longer harbors only blacklisted people, but has transformed into a makeshift Foreign Relations office, where bad people and bad guilds are listed as enemies and good people and good guilds can be nominated to be official allies and comrades-in-arms. To nominate someone, simply send me their name, their guild, class, level, race, and why you think you should be an ally.

Unfortunately we have returned back to our free angelfire server due to the recent betrayal. Do not worry, we shall be fine. If you are interested in the details of these past events, feel free to click here to get my opinion.

Don't forget to check the guild message of the day every single time you log into WoW, so that your up-to-date on important information. You can access this by either A) scrolling to the top of your chat window as soon as you enter the game, or, B) Opening your Social menu from your toolbar below(Or press "O"), switching to the Guild tab, and looking to the bottom left.

**Officers, please try to frequently check Officer notes.**

I am always open to ideas, suggestions, comments and critiques from all members, regardless of rank. If you wish to tell me something, feel free to contact me in-game as Flakes/Dioxis, or e-mail me at

And remember, participate as much as you can in the guild forums AND the entire guild webpage; because with this guild - we are more than just a {Tag} under a name, we are a family. Thanks guys, see you in the game!

~Shadowmaster Flakes~
~Dioxis, Vicar Of Hunters~
"...The Die Is Cast..."