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Astronomical functions are accessible from "Astronomy" menu. (See Using Starlogin

Astronomical star chart

A star chart observed from a given place at a given date can be calculated from submenu "Star chart" of menu "Astronomy".

In the corresponding window, you can select the direction toward which the observer looks at the sky:

Click on "Horizon" to see the sky above the horizon.

horiz.gif (51141 bytes)

Click on "Zenith" to see the sky towards Zenith.

astrn.gif (81742 bytes)

You can also:


Asteroids position

The position of an asteroid is calculated from "Asteroids" submenu of "Astronomy" menu.

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In the asteroids window, select the wanted asteroid name, enter the date, the hour, the observation place name and coordinates, then click on "Calculate" to obtain the asteroid position, in the current coordinates system (see. Coordinates system choice)

It is possible to add an asteroid into the list, to remove one from it, or even to modify the relating data to an asteroid. To do this, proceed as for events (See Database and files)

Periodic comets position

The position of a periodical comet is calculated from "Comets" submenu of "Astronomy" menu.

comet.gif (25827 bytes)

In the comets window, select the wanted comet name, enter the initial observation date and hour, the final date and hour, the observation place name and coordinates, then click on "Calculate" to obtain the successive comet positions for the observation duration, in the current coordinates system (see. Coordinates system choice)

It is possible to add a comet into the list, to remove one from it, or even to modify the relating data to a comet. To do this, proceed as for events (See Database and files)

Stars position

Stars position for the date of the current astrological event is calculated from "Stars" submenu of "Astronomy" menu.

The calculation is done for the current coordinates system (see. Coordinates system choice), and for the current event place. All the stars whose visual or photovisual magnitude (the difference between the two magnitude types is negligible) is less than the current limit magnitude (see. Every user options selection) are taken in account for the displayed results.

Planets aphelion and perihelion crossing dates

A planet perihelion and aphelion crossing dates are calculated from "Perihelion and aphelion" submenu of "Astronomy" menu.

perih.gif (8222 bytes)

In the corresponding window, enter the supposed close year to the searched dates and select the wanted planet for calculation, before validating.

Planets orbital nodes crossing dates

A planet ascending node and descending one dates are calculated from "Crossing nodes" submenu of "Astronomy" menu.

nodes.gif (8541 bytes)

In the corresponding window, enter the supposed close year to the searched dates and select the wanted planet for calculation, before validating.

Moon phases and ages

The phase and the age of the Moon at a given date are calculated from " Moon phases and ages" submenu of "Astronomy" menu.

phase.gif (6942 bytes)

In the corresponding window, enter the date and the hour of the moment for which you want to know the phase and the lunar age, before validating.

Lunar and solar eclipses

The solar and lunar eclipses during a considered year are calculated from "Eclipses" submenu of "Astronomy" menu.

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In the corresponding window, enter the year for which you want to know the solar and lunar eclipses dates, before validating.

Validating allows to obtain the first eclipse date in the considered year. To obtain the next year, click on the "Next" button. Etc until the "Next" button becomes "END".

Solstices and equinoxes dates

The dates of each solstice and equinox (or seasons in other words) during a considered year are calculated from "Solstices and equinoxes" submenu of "Astronomy" menu.

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In the corresponding window, enter the year for which you want to know the seasons, before validating.