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The signs typically represent the roles played and traits exhibited by the actors in the circumstance at hand.

Examples of meanings:

Aries ^ (I am, or I lead - I govern - Strength, Energy)

Taurus _ (I can - I see - Desire (to give vitality))

Gemini ` (I think - I abstract - Motion (adaptation))

Cancer a (I feel - I build - Pleasure (universal sensation)

Leo b (I love - I am - Appearance)

Virgo c (I serve - I identify - Dissociation)

Libra d (I balance - I choose - Harmony, Equilibrium, Balance)

Scorpio e (I transform - I fight and win - Will (impulse, impetus))

Sagittarius f (I aspire - I reach the goal - Directed action)

Capricorn g (I do - I advise - Realism)

Aquarius h (I know - I serve - Depth)

Pisces i (I believe - I save - Fusion)

Planets and other stars

The planets typically represent the actors playing a role on the scene.

Examples of meanings:

Sun sun.gif (352 bytes)

Moon moon.gif (337 bytes)

Mercury mercury.gif (320 bytes)

Venusvenus.gif (301 bytes)

Mars mars.gif (335 bytes)

Jupiter jupiter.gif (301 bytes)

Saturn saturn.gif (343 bytes)

Uranus uranus.gif (415 bytes)

Neptune neptune.gif (417 bytes)

Pluto pluto.gif (367 bytes)

The Earth earth.gif (307 bytes)

Vulcan vulcan.gif (299 bytes)

South Node southnode.gif (391 bytes)

North Node northnode.gif (393 bytes)

Lilith lilith.gif (269 bytes)

Chiron chiron.gif (328 bytes)

Ceres ceres.gif (232 bytes)

Pallas pallas.gif (265 bytes)

Juno juno.gif (189 bytes)

Vesta vesta.gif (230 bytes)

Vertex vertex.gif (298 bytes)


The houses typically represent the scene were the actors play their roles.

Examples of meanings:

1st house and Ascendant as.gif (418 bytes)

2nd house

3rd house

4th house and Imun Colei

5th house

6th house

7th house and Descendant

8th house

9th house

10th house and Medium Colei mc.gif (463 bytes)

11th house

12th house

Aspects between two planets

conjunct.gif (297 bytes) conjunction Neutral pooling one's resources, common action...
opposition.gif (316 bytes) opposition 180° Dynamic association, interaction...
trine.gif (283 bytes) trine 120° Harmonic radiance, outward expression...
square.gif (239 bytes) square 90° Dynamic tension, reaction, effort...
quintile.gif (317 bytes) quintile 72° Neutral moderation, tolerance...
sextile.gif (301 bytes) sextile 60° Harmonic exchange, altruism...
septile.gif (296 bytes) septile 51°26' Neutral mutual discipline...
semisquare.gif (194 bytes) semi-square 45° Dynamic common creation...
nonagon.gif (301 bytes) nonagon 40° Neutral synergism...or nonogon
semiquintile.gif (224 bytes) semi-quintile
or dectile
36° Neutral (r)evolution...
semisextile.gif (254 bytes) semi-sextile 30° Neutral realism, achievement...
sesquisquare.gif (272 bytes) sesqui-square
or sesquiquadrate
135° Neutral revision, rebirth...
biquintile.gif (244 bytes) bi-quintile 144° Neutral transcendence...
quincunx.gif (269 bytes) inconjunct
or quincunx
150° Dynamic blocking or releasing...
quadrinonagon.gif (352 bytes) quadri-nonagon 160° Neutral ...
tridectile.gif (185 bytes) tri-dectile 108° Neutral ...
vigintile.gif (296 bytes) vigintile 18° Neutral ...
otheraspect.gif (257 bytes) other aspect value, type and name chosen by the user    

The meaning of an aspect between two planets is usually found by combining their attributes. When the aspect is harmonic (sextile or trine), interpret it in a positive manner. In the case of the conjunction or of rather neutral minor aspect, interpret it in a more neutral manner. In the case of a dynamic aspect (square or opposition), interpret it in a rather negative manner.

According to the general ambiance of a horoscope, a harmonic aspect should more properly be interpreted negatively, or a dynamic aspect can be interpreted more positively. Above all the interpretation depends on intuitive and psychological perceptions, keeping in mind that astrology being an ancient practice, is not, for now, an exact science.

Some examples of planetary aspect interpretation follow.

Aspects with the Sun

In general, a planet forming an aspect with the Sun is positively or negatively amplified according to the nature of the aspect. In addition, one can notice for example for the following aspects:

Aspects with the Moon

Aspects with Mercury

Aspects with Venus

Aspects with Mars

Aspects with Jupiter

Aspects with Saturn

Aspects with Uranus

Configurations between several planets

Note: The following planetary configurations are more significant with the Sun, the Moon and known solar system planets (Mercury, Venus, Mars,..., Pluto).

Configurations with 3 planets

Small triangle ptt.gif (3022 bytes) (two planetsplanxxe8te trined to each other, and both sextiled to a third)

Grand trine pyramide.gif (4854 bytes) (two planets trined to each other and both trined to a third)

T-Cross tcarre.gif (4429 bytes) (two planets in opposition with each other, and both squaring a third)

Yod yod.gif (4122 bytes) (two planets sextiled to each other, and both inconjuncted to a third one)

Configurations with 4 planets

Bird wings ailes.gif (4920 bytes) (two planets trined to each other, both sextiled to a third and squared to a fourth)...

Boat bateau.gif (5902 bytes) (two planets in opposition with each other, both sextiled to a third and trined to a fourth)...

Boomerang boomeran.gif (4570 bytes) (two planets in opposition with each other, both semi-sextiled to a third and inconjuncted to a fourth)...

Kite cerfvol.gif (3657 bytes) (two planets in opposition with each other, both sextiled to a third and trined to a fourth)...

Grand square croix.gif (8124 bytes) (two sets of oppositions forming squares to each other)...

Anvil enclume.gif (2715 bytes) (two planets trined to each other, both semi-sextiled to a third and squared to a fourth)...

Mountain montagne.gif (5872 bytes) (two planets inconjuncted, both squared to a third and trined to a fourth)...

Keepnet, Net or Box nasse.gif (4992 bytes) (two planets in opposition with each other, both semi-sextiled to a third and inconjuncted to a fourth)...

Rectangle rectangl.gif (6673 bytes) (two planets in opposition with each other, both sextiled to a third and trined to a fourth)...

Ceremonial dress robe.gif (6106 bytes) (two planets squared to each other, both trined to a third and inconjuncted to a fourth)...

Submarine sousmar.gif (5140 bytes) (two planets inconjuncted to each other, both sextiled to a third and inconjuncted to a fourth)...

Trampoline or Springboard trempo.gif (3407 bytes) (two planets inconjuncted to each other, both semi-sextiled to a third and trined to a fourth)...

Configurations with 5 planets

Chinese hat chapeau.gif (5951 bytes) (two planets in opposition with each other, both semi-sextiled to a third, squared to a fourth and inconjuncted to a fifth)...

Crystal or Androgyne cristal.gif (5570 bytes) (two planets in opposition with each other, both sextiled to a third, squared to a fourth and trined to a fifth)...

Envelope envelop.gif (5350 bytes) (two planets trined to each other, both sextiled to a third, trined to a fourth and in opposition with a fifth)...

House maison.gif (7509 bytes) (two planets sextiled to each other, both inconjuncted to a third and a fourth, and squared to a fifth)...

Small crystal ptcrist.gif (4046 bytes) (two planets trined to each other, both semi-sextiled to a third, sextiled to a fourth and squared to a fifth)...

Fish poisson.gif (5416 bytes) (two planets sextiled to each other, both semi-sextiled to a third, squared to a fourth and inconjuncted to a fifth)...

Sailboat voilier.gif (8574 bytes) (two planets sextiled to each other, both sextiled to a third, trined to a fourth, and inconjuncted to a fifth)...

Configurations with 6 planets

Crushing broyeur.gif (8778 bytes) (two planets inconjuncted to each other, both sextiled to a third, squared to a fourth and a fifth, and trined to a sixth)...

Star  etoile.gif (6219 bytes) (six star-shaped planets)...

Configurations with several planets

Stellium stellium.gif (1891 bytes) (several conjunct planets - at least three ones if the Sun or the Moon are in the configuration, but at least four ones otherwise)

Fan handle manche.gif (2393 bytes) (several conjunct planets - at least three ones if the Sun or the Moon are in the configuration, but at least four ones otherwise, and a planet in opposition to the group)

Planets in sign

The Sun in a sign

The Sun points out its sign features, gives the basic personality features... (see. Signs

The Moon in a sign

The Moon points out the feminine, receptive and/or material aspects of its sign, shows the atavistic or instinctive tendencies that must disappear, indicates the main emotional and spontaneous way to react to the appearance of things and their first impact...

For example:

Mercury in a sign

Mercury indicates a way to use intellect and to communicate...

For example:

Venus in a sign

Venus indicates a way to love or to comprehend the art, the expression of particular feminine qualities...

For example:

Mars in a sign

Mars shows the main way to act or to want to act...

For example:

Jupiter in a sign

Jupiter indicates some natural gifts or abilities, how one spontaneously expresses oneself and how one becomes extrovert...

For example:

Saturn in a sign

Saturn shows how one meditates or internalizes oneself, how one repays some karmic debts, particular lessons to learn from life...

For example:

Uranus in a sign

Uranus indicates a potential way of abstraction, of evolution, of awareness expansion, of synthesis...

For example:

Neptune in a sign

Neptune shows a way of transcendence and of surpassing oneself...

Pluto in a sign

Pluto indicates aspects of personality to transform...

The Earth in a sign

The Earth indicates an essential way of concrete action...

Vulcan in a sign

Vulcan shows an awareness changing that one must start, continue or achieve, a work on oneself to do...

South Node in a sign

The South Node shows causes of the existence and the present conditions, energies to rectify...

For example:

North Node in a sign

The North Node shows objectives to reach, of new energies to demonstrate... (see Saturn in sign: similar interpretations)

Lilith in a sign

Lilith shows some life aspects that one can't control...

Chiron in a sign

Chiron points out the unusual aspects of its sign, a nonconformist or unusual way to act or to behave...

For example:

Planets in house

The Sun in a House

The Sun makes this house a main life sector in the consciousness or in facts. (see. Houses

The Moon in a House

The Moon indicates the life sector where one becomes attached the most to appearances, where one shows some instinctive reactions, where one appears especially receptive or sensitive...

Mercury in a House

Mercury indicates a life sector where one particularly shows curiosity, intellectual faculties, thirst for knowledge, communication...

Venus in a House

Venus indicates a sector of sentimental or artistic expression...

Mars in a House

Mars indicates a sector of action or desire of action...

Jupiter in a House

Jupiter indicates a life sector where one express oneself with more ease, a sector of development...

Saturn in a House

Saturn indicates a life sector where some lessons must be understood, where karmic debts must be repaid...

Uranus in a House

Uranus indicates a life sector potentially source of openness and awakening, a sector where one shows ingenuity...

Neptune in a House

Neptune indicates a life sector potentially source of transcendence or surpassing oneself...

Pluto in a House

Pluto indicates the life sector where one will know the most reassessments...

The Earth in a House

The Earth indicates a life sector where the concrete realities more especially come vividly back to the individual's mind...

Vulcan in a House

Vulcan indicates a life sector where one could know some awareness changes...

South Node in a House

The South Node indicates a life sector where one tries to correct some past mistakes (even if one doesn't remember them)...

North Node in a House

The North Node indicates a life sector where one tries to behave in a more positive or progressive way...

Lilith in a House

Lilith indicates a life sector all aspects of which one doesn't at all control...

Chiron in a House

Chiron indicates a life sector where one behaves in a nonconformist way...

Houses in sign

Ascendant in a sign

The Ascendant gives the objective of the soul in incarnation, what the individual has the tendency to develop, how he becomes aware of things... according to this sign meaning.

For example:

2nd house cusp in a sign

The Second House indicates how the individual manages his resources, the way he gives or not a value to things, what are his tastes or how he changes them... according to this sign meaning.

3rd house cusp in a sign

The Third House indicates how the individual develops or uses his intellectual capacities, the way he communicates, the ambiance of his neighborhood and of his brotherly life... according to this sign meaning.

The Imun Colei in a sign

The IC indicates how the individual perceives or sees himself, the way he establishes contact with his deep and inner nature, the ambiance of his private life... according to this sign meaning.

For example:

5th house cusp in a sign

The Fifth House indicates how the individual creates or amuses himself, the way he educates young people or his children, his affective life ambiance... according to this sign meaning.

6th house cusp in a sign

The Sixth House indicates how the individual accepts or not restrictive or limiting situations, the way he helps or treats, his everyday life ambiance... according to this sign meaning.

Descendant in a sign

The Descendant indicates how the individual interacts with others, the way he contacts external, his social or associative life ambiance, and his couple one... according to this sign meaning.

For example:

8th house cusp in a sign

The Eighth House indicates how the individual reacts to crisis situations, the way he uses his own power, his sexual life ambiance... according to this sign meaning.

9th house cusp in a sign

The Ninth House indicates how the individual lives and understands the world, what are his beliefs, the ambiance of his mystical or religious life... according to this sign meaning.

Medium Colei in a sign

The MC indicates how the individual is seen, the way he manages his or his career, the ambiance of his public life... according to this sign meaning.

For example:

11th house cusp in a sign

The Eleventh House indicates how the individual shares or not, what are his hopes and plans, his friendly life... according to this sign meaning.

12th house cusp in a sign

The Twelfth House indicates how the individual reaches detachment from the things influence, the way he sacrifice himself or not in some situations, what makes him suffer or how he surpasses suffering... according to this sign meaning.