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House system based on the Ascendant or Descendant semidiurnal and seminocturnal arcs trisection, then the ecliptic intersection by big circles connecting the meridian and horizon intersection and the trisection points.

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Moment of lunar phase in comparison with the new moon, given in days. The age is therefore worth zero for each new moon, 29.53 just before each new moon, and 14.76 (= 29.53 / 2) at the time of every full moon.


House system based on the Sun semidiurnal and seminocturnal arcs' trisection.

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planet reflective power, equal to reflected light divided by received one.


House system based on the trisection of semidiurnal and seminocturnal arcs of Ascendant or Descendant, then the ecliptic intersection by timetable circles connecting the trisection points.

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Awareness aspect of a living being, arising out of Life and Matter.


House system based on 30° ecliptic houses, such as Maternus one, but with the Ascendant in the middle of the first house.


The most distant point of the planet's orbit around the Sun.


East horizon and ecliptic intersection point.

right ascension

The first of the equatorial coordinates. It corresponds to the angle between the vernal point and the orthogonal projection of the considered planet or sky point position upon the equator.


Specific angular distance between the longitude of two planets or sky points, observed from the considered astrological event place.

A trine "aspect" corresponds ,for example, to about a 120 degrees longitude difference. The aspect being considered with a few degrees or degree fraction "orborbe ", according to the planets or sky points forming the aspect, a 127° distance between the Sun and the Moon is still considered as a trine, but this same distance between Pluto and a lunar nodenoeud, for example, doesn't represent a trine, because of smaller orbs for aspects between two planets or sky points having lesser influence.


Zone of substance, awareness, energy and vibration between the physical and the mental ones. Human beings, like the animals, have a body or "vehicle" of astral nature to experience emotions, desires and sensations. They use them practically each night when sleeping to travel out of their physical body and bring back on waking up, in the form of dreams, the scenes then lived, more or less misrepresenting them.


Celestial bodies greater than asteroids, having hundreds kilometers radius, and turning around a star.


Science whose subject is the study of interaction between the Macrocosm and the microcosm, and notably between the solar system (including the Earth) and the human being individually or collectively considered.


Science whose subject is the physical study of visible or observable objects in the space: galaxies, stars, planets, etc.


Small celestial body invisible to the naked eye from the Earth and orbiting in the solar system. The great majority of known asteroids in the solar system is located in the "belt" between Mars and Jupiter.


Longitude difference between the sidereal zodiac and the tropical one. Its value is about 23° during the 20th century.


The first of local coordinates, corresponding to the angle between the place meridian and the vertical plane including the considered planet or sky point.


Point of balance between all the considered objects, taking in account their influence or their mass.


House system based on the houses equality in right ascension from the meridian, each house corresponding to two sidereal hours.


House system based on an angular geometric determination of the houses angular size.

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tool tip text

Software short explaneatory text, contained in a small rectangle.


House system based on the ecliptic intersection by 6 planes dividing the space (every 30°) around the intersection axis of the meridian and of the horizon.

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Zone of substance, awareness, energy and vibration existing in the upper part of mental one and corresponding to abstract and non-expressed ideas that will then be translated into more concrete terms by human, thanks to their intellect or "concrete mental". The soul is located in this particular life "plane" that, contrary to physical, astral and lower mental ones, has no "shape".


Celestial body having a small core (from some hundreds meters to several kilometers), made up of ice and of solid particles, and that produces a double "tail" when moving itself closer to the Sun. The tail dust is pulled out from the comet by the solar radiation (it is the brighter and curved tail) and the gaseous one comes from the ice sublimation by solar heat (it is the right and paler tail, in the opposite direction from the sun).

combination, composite

Two or several sky charts combination obtained by calculating, for each planet (or sky point), the average position of the same planet in all initial charts, provided that these charts are established in the same coordinates system.

The Sun position in the combination chart of three initial ones in which the Sun longitude is respectively worth 120°, 245° and 200° is: (120°+245°+202°)/3 = 189°.


Entity faculty of apprehension, knowledge or comprehension of its own reality in comparison with the outside world one. It can arise out of only the interaction between a Life (a Spirit) and a substantial Shape.



Help that appears according to the active context (window)... when one presses the F1 key, and that explains one or several functions or characteristics of this context.


Angle or distance measurements used to locate an object, a planet or a point in comparison with an other one.


Initial and maximal influence point of an astrological house.


Two planets' mutual cyclic motion, so that they repeat the same aspect after one or several periods.


The second coordinate of equatorial , tropical or sidereal coordinates. It corresponds to the angle between the considered planet or the sky point and the equator .

Semimajor axis

The semimajor axis of an elliptic orbit is the half of the distance between the two furthest orbital points (the aphelion and the perihelion for orbits around the Sun, or the apogee and the perigee for orbits around the Earth).




Due to the existence of two electric or magnetic charges with opposite signs and being far apart.

primary directions

Forecasting system based on the calculation of a chart from the reference one, according to the correspondence:

1 degree apparent rotation of a planet on the celestial sphere because of the rotation of the Earth on the polar axis is equivalent to 1 year.

secondary directions

Forecasting system based on the calculation of a chart from the reference one, according to the correspondence:

the real planet longitude variation in 1 day is equivalent to 1 year.

symbolic directions

Forecasting system based on the calculation of a chart from the reference one, according to the correspondence:

arbitrary increasing of a planet longitude by 1 degree per 1 year

house point

See cusp.

houses, houses systems

Zodiac division into twelve sectors builds from the event location, according to a special rule that depends on the used system.


Three planets alignment phenomenon. From the Earth, two eclipses types due to the Sun and Moon can be observed: the solar eclipse when the Moon moves between the Sun and the observer; and the lunar eclipse when the Moon moves into the Earth cone of shadow.


Terrestrial orbit plane where the planets and the Sun seemingly move around the Earth.

ecliptic coordinates

Geocentric (or planetocentric) coordinates based on the ecliptic.


Character more or less oblate of a sphere or a circle.


Having the nature of desires and emotions and coming close to what is called "mirage" in esotericism.


The energy changes into work and the work can produce energy.


Life being and/or group of beings having in varying degrees, according to its nature, three aspects: Life , awareness and Shape , at least when it is in the phenomenon planes.


Perpendicular plane to the rotation axis of the considered planet.

equatorial regular

House system based on the ecliptic intersection by planes dividing the equator into three equal parts between the meridian and the Ascendant half-plane, and into three other equal parts between the meridian and the Descendant (opposite to the Ascendant) half-plane.


Geocentric (or planetocentric) coordinates based on the equator and the pole axis.


Each of the two moments in a year - spring and fall - when the day duration is equal to the night one.


Science studying the hidden causes of phenomena and of the universe, in contrast to all that is apparent or "exoteric".



Stimulating and causal aspect of entities and of the Universe.


Upper part of the physical plane, and vitality medium. Vital substance in these sub-planes. More generally, we talk about the more subtle substance in each plane.


Having the nature of the ether.


Celestial body that produces energy including light form one.


Any individual or collective fact, human, cultural, social, political or of another natural phenomenon, or any either unremarkable or remarkable situation or action, taking place on Earth or even elsewhere, that one can better explain, know, or understand using the astrology.


Character more or less elongated of a planet's orbit.




Number of vibrations, cycles or other repetitive phenomena taking place per second. The frequency is the inverse of the period.


Group of several millions or billions of stars.


The center of which is the Earth.

Colin Evans

House system based on an algebraic "geometric" determination of the houses angular size.


House system based on a geometric determination of the houses angular size.

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The second of locallocales coordinates. It corresponds to the angle between the considered planet or sky point and the horizon.

scale height

Altitude for which the atmosphere pressure is the half of the see level one


The center of which is the Sun.


Entity being a member of the fourth "kingdom" of nature following mineral, planet and animal, whatever the planet where this entity becomes incarnate.


Fact for an entity of breathing is life into a shape (a body) to develop the awareness aspect. Many entities become incarnate either in the mineral, planet, animal or human kingdom, when other ones, notably more evolved becomes incarnate in planets, in stars, in solar systems or even in galaxies.

orbit inclination

Angle between the orbital plane of a planet and the ecliptic.



Subtle sense or means of reality perception that enables to free oneself from the astral mirages and the mental illusions. It is more reliable and more universal than the five usual senses or than the astral ones such as the perceptiveness.


Part of the Causality law that requires the compensation for any abuse when using physical, astral (or emotional) and mental energies, all the more so as this use is conscious.

Imun Colei

The opposite point of Medium Colei. Imun Colei is Latin for "bottom of the heavens".


House system based on the trisection of semidiurnal arcs of Medium Colei and seminocturnal arcs of Imun Colei then on the determination of eastern cuspscuspide along the ecliptic from semicircles connecting the eastern horizon, and of western houses from semicircles connecting the western horizon.


Angle measure between the position of a planet, a virtual sky point or a place and the equatorial plane.

The second of ecliptic coordinates, corresponding to the angle between the ecliptic and the considered planet or sky point.


Based on the latitude and the longitude of observation place. these coordinates are "topocentric" when centered around the observation place, but "geocentric" when centered around the planet center.

Causality law

The law that any cause as effects and any effect comes from causes. In particular, every tangible event or phenomenon is inevitably the consequence of at least intangible or subtle facts.


Measure of the angle between the place meridian and the Greenwich (in Great Britain) one.

The first of ecliptic, tropical and sidereal coordinates, corresponding to the angle between the vernal point and the plane that is orthogonal to the ecliptic and connecting the considered planet or sky point.


Large entity of the Universe, or the Universe itself.


Measure of the planets' brightness so that a planet of magnitude x is 10 times more luminous than an other one of magnitude x+1. One discerns the "visual" magnitude (that measures the visible planets' luminosity from the observation place) and the "absolute" one (that measures the luminosity of planets as if they were all at the same distance from the observation place).


Existence domain represented on a chart by the zone between two cusps.


Quantity of matter , measured in kilograms (kg).


House system based on houses having 30° angular size along the ecliptic , from either the Ascendant or the Medium Colei.



Having the nature of ideas and concrete or abstract thoughts.


plane connecting the geographic poles.


Small entity of the Universe, such as a human being for example.

Medium Colei or Midheaven

Intersection between the place meridian and the ecliptic, on the South side.


Average point between two planets, stars or virtual points, in the zodiac.

moment of inertia

Characterize the more or less high angular velocity of an object having a rotational movement on an axis and the more or less high difficulty to modify this velocity, due to its inertia.


Point of the celestial sphere on the observer vertical, below its feet.


Intersection point between an orbit and a reference plane such as the ecliptic.


House system based on houses having 30° angular size along the ecliptic , from the north node.


Inclination, in degrees, between the ecliptic and the rotation axis of a planet.


Science studying invisible phenomena hidden behind the tangible ones.


Uncertainty or angular permitted variations concerning the theoretical value of an aspect, so that the angular distance between two planets can be considered as such and such aspect, even if its value is only approximately correct.

Example: If the accepted orb for a trine between the Sun and Mars is worth 9° and if the angular distance between these two planets is 113° instead of theoretical 120° for a trine, one nevertheless considers this distance as a trine aspect, because 120° more or less 9° covers the 111° to 129° space that indeed contains the 113° angle.


Path of a celestial body around an other one or a center of attraction.

The orbit of the Earth around the Sun is a slightly oblate circle named ellipse.

orthogonal projection

Projection onto a plane along a perpendicular direction to this plane, like the shadow produced by the sun onto a horizontal ground if the sun were on the place vertical.


Point of a chart calculated by adding the angular distance between two planets or sky points to the position of a third one.

In tropical coordinates, the part named "Fortune" is calculated by: Ascendant longitude + (Moon one - Sun one).


The nearest point of the planet's orbit around the Sun.


Length of a repetitive phenomenon. The period is the frequency inverse. Example: if an objet turns around its axis with a 10 seconds period, is rotation frequency is worth 1/10=0.1 cycles per second (or 0.1 "hertz").


Human being constituent resulting from the homogeneous integration of its physical, astral and mental "vehicles" or bodies.


A planet gravitational attraction, due to its mass .


Aspect shown by the Moon to the Earth, due to its illumination by the Sun: "full moon" (completely lit), first or last "quarter" (half lit), or "new moon" (not lit), for example. It is the case for any natural satellite in comparison with its planet due to the central star illumination, or for any planet in comparison with an other one, like Venus in comparison with the Earth.


Having a tangible, concrete, formal, or material nature.


House system based on the hourly identical division of all the semidiurnal and seminocturnal arcs.

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Force exerted by an object or by an entity on other ones, due to the gravity.


A planet or a celestial sphere point perpendicular to the equator. The rotation direction of the planet enables to define the North Pole as the one towards which the planet would move if it turned like a corkscrew that one sticks into a cork. The South pole is the opposite one.


House system based on the ecliptic division of the Ascendant-Imun Colei arc into three equal angles, and of the Medium Colei-Ascendant one into three other equal angles.

topographic range

Distance from the place to the horizon.


Force exerted per unit of surface area. The more the surface onto which one exerts a given force is small, the more the resulting pressure is important. So, because of his weight a man can sink in the snow by several centimeters, but when he puts on skis or snowshoes, he increases the contact surface area with the snow and consequently reduces the pressure, so that he usually no longer sinks.

precession of the equinox

Rotational movement, like a top spin, on the terrestrial axis in the retrograde direction, so that the North geographic pole is not fixed but describes a clockwise circle. This movement has a more than 25,000 years period.

equatorial radius

Average radius of a planet in the equatorial plane.

polar radius

Average radius of a planet in a plane connecting the geographic poles.

solar irradiance

Electromagnetic waves emitted by the Sun, mainly in form of light, but also of ultraviolet and infrared rays, due to its energy production from the internal thermonuclear fusion reactions.


House system based on the ecliptic intersection by 6 planes dividing the space around the intersection axis of the meridian and of the horizon, so as to divide the equator into 30° parts.

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Group of living species or of entities having the same nature and similar levels of awareness.

The first kingdom (the less evolved) is the mineral one. The other ones are, in ascending order, the plant, animal, human, and the "Hierarchic" (in the process of appearing) ones.


Process consisting, for an entity as soul, in coming again more or less regularly into incarnation into the same kingdom, until its command of "vehicles" or bodies types used by this kingdom is perfect and until the awareness it can express with them reaches the optimum, by dint of numerous and various experimentation and tests. The karma law governs this process.

The transition from a kingdom to the next only occurs during the critical and "initiatory" phase, characteristic of the initial kingdom:

From the human kingdom to the Hierarchy, the transfer method is more complex and the individual karma must be cleared.


Elliptical or cyclic motion of a planet around a "central" star, such as the Earth revolution around the Sun during one year.

sidereal revolution

Revolution having fixed considered stars as frame of reference from the central, but not from the orbiting planet.


Cyclic motion of a planet on its axis, such as the Earth one in 24 hours.


Secondary and less massive celestial body orbiting around a planet, such as the Moon around the Earth.


Based on the 60 numerical base, such as the hours, minutes and seconds: 60 seconds = 1 minute, and 60 minutes = 1 hour.


Coordinates based on the ecliptic and the constellations (considered as fixed from the solar system), but not on the vernal point.


30° zones of Zodiac whose the first, named "Aries" begins at the vernal or first point.

One or Ego

The inner man or the inner and spiritual nature of an entity.


House system based on 30° equal houses along the ecliptic, and beginning to the Sun position.


Moment of the year when the day duration is minimum or maximum. When it is the winter solstice, the day duration is minimum, and when it is the summer one, it is maximum, in the North hemisphere.

celestial sphere

The sky around a planet.


All the fundamental energies resulting of the first time and space differentiation. Aggregate of atomic and subatomic lives all the shapes of which are created in the space-time.


Being the opposite of the density, of the materiality, of tangible or formal things.

comparison, synastry

Comparison of two sky charts calculated with the same coordinates system and the same House system, showing:


Revolution or interval between two successive appearances of the same phase of the considered planet in comparison with the Earth and au Sun.

black-body temperature

Temperature of a star liken to a "black" body from which no light escapes, because only the star surface is considered to be a light transmitter and the internal part is like a dark room absorbing any possible light.


A planet's apparent position at the same longitude as the planet one of a given chart (or forming an aspect with this planet), at a latter date than the given chart one.

Example: Saturn orbiting opposite its initial position, about 15 years after the date of considered chart.


Coordinates based on the ecliptic, the equator and the vernal point.


Mathematical element characterized by a line, a direction, and an intensity or measurable segment.


The vernal point is the ecliptic and the equator intersection, on the side where the first crosses to the North of the second one. At the vernal equinox (about march the 21th), the Sun is in the vernal point direction. This point is the tropical zodiac beginning (its longitude is the zero degree of the Aries sign).


On a given planet and place, the vertical is the direction including the planet center of gravity, that is the one embodied by a plumb line put in this place.


Universe aspect that impregnates all the shapes, all substances, all energies, the whole matter, the light, the atoms, the entities...

escape velocity

Necessary velocity for a material body to escape the gravitational attraction of a planet.


House system similar to the 2-hours one, but beginning at the Ascendant position.


House system based on the ecliptic intersection by 6 planes dividing the space (every 30°) around the Zenith -Nadir axis.

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Celestial sphere point in the observer vertical, above him.


House system similar to the Maternus one, but beginning to the Ascendant sign zero degree.


Zone of the celestial sphere in which apparently move the Sun and the planets