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Space-time functions are accessible from "Space-time" menu. (See Using Starlogin)

Planets rise and set hours

Select the planet the hours of which you want to know, on the following dialog box, after having clicked on the "Rises – Sets" button of the corresponding chart.

rise1.gif (28886 bytes)

On the following window, you can see the location of the event on the world map (Shown by a curved cross), and the projected position of the planet. In addition, the equator (hizontal green dotted line), the Greenwich meridian (vertical green dotted line) and the ecliptic are shown. Finallly, you can also see the limit between the nocturnal and the diurnal zones for the planet (orange widely curved line).

rise2.gif (110060 bytes)

The arrow up indicates where the planet is currently rising (for the date and hour of the chart). The other one indicates where it is setting. For the countries between the two arrows, from right to left, the planet is not visible. On the above picture, the Sun is not visible in Africa, for example, but it is about noon for Mexico and part of the US (California, e.g.). During a day, the Earth turns from west to east, so the planets seems to turn from east to west (right to left on the chart) and the limit line and arrows move with the planet.

Apparent angle and distances between two planets

Apparent angle and distance between two planetsare calculated from the "Distances" button of the chart.

distp.gif (8663 bytes)

In the corresponding window, select the two planets the angle and the distance of which you want to know, before validating.

Distance between two Earth places

The angular and kilometric distances between two earth places are calculated from "Distance between two places" submenu of "Space-time" menu.

disli.gif (9934 bytes)

In the corresponding window, enter the coordinates (latitude and longitude) for each place the distance between which you want to know, before validating.

Alignments and angles between three Earth places

The alignment and the angles between three earth places are respectively calculated from "Alignment between three places" submenu of "Space-time" menu and from "Angles between three places" one.

align.gif (15555 bytes)

In the corresponding window, enter the coordinates (latitude and longitude) for each place, before validating.

Various Time or Space conversions

Several conversions are available from the "Conversions" submenu from the "Space-time" menu:

convs.gif (12732 bytes)

Greenwich sidereal time at midnight calculation

Find the week day name of a date

Find Easter date

Julian days and Gregorian dates

Universal and local sidereal times

Astronomical and geographical latitudes

Decimal and sexagesimal degrees

Distance units

The conversion between a number of degrees in decimal form and the same in sexagesimal form is done from "degrees" option.

convd.gif (15612 bytes)

In the corresponding window, write a number in the text box for the initial unit. As you are writing, the conversion into the other units are automatically displayed.

Different calendars

The conversion between about twenty different calendars is done from "Calendars" submenu of "Space-time" menu.

calen.gif (29166 bytes)

In the corresponding window, select the initial calendar and enter the date expressed with this one. Separate the month, the day and the year using a "/". The date in each other calendar is then automatically calculated and shown as soon as you begin to write the year.

For the maya long cycle calendar, you must enter five different numbers, separated with a "/". The date in the "Tzolkin & Haab" maya calendar will then be given with the one for the other calendars, as soon as the fifth number is written. But you can't write anything in the text box for the "Tzolkin & Haab", since many dates, in other calendars, correspond to a given Tzolkin & Haab one.