The hourly astrology establishes a sky chart for an astrological event either past or future to find an answer to a question
concerning this event. To find an answer to a question about a projected or future event,
you can establish the chart for its considered moment or you can establish the chart of
the moment where the question is asked.
Definition of the question to ask
Limit oneself to only one precise and lucid question (that must
not be formulated for fun or by simple curiosity).
This one must contain an idea of effect, repercussion or
It must have a subject and an object obviously joined or not,
such as:
- known subject - unknown object
- Example: what was the purpose (object) of such meeting
- unknown subject - known object
- Example: what type of government (object) will be instituted in
such country (subject)?
- known subject and object with link not yet known
- Example: must the consultant (subject) be married (object)?
- known subject and object whose one wants to know circumstances
- Example: will the consultant's wife (subject) live well the
birth of her child (object)?
- known subject and object whose one wants to know reasons
- Example: why did this individual (subject) resign (object)?
Event chart calculation
When the event is defined and recorded (provisionally or not) in
the database (see. Database and files), calculate it
chart in the usual way (see. Menu and submenus and Tool bar buttons.
Preliminary examination of the
A first analysis permits to either keep or dismiss the question
if need be:
- If the ascendant is in the
first three degrees of its sign, the posed problem is not yet mature and it will be
necessary to wait for at least the next lunar month before rephrasing it.
- If it is in the last three degrees of its sign the event arrives
to its conclusion and nothing else can modify it.
- If the 7th or the 9th house
ruler is retrograde, or when these houses contain retrograde planets or the sign of Scorpio, astrologers usually
consider the interpretation as unachievable.
- If the Descendant lunar Node is in the first house, astrologers
consider that the consultant has a shameful or non-respectable hidden goal.
- If the Moon is at the end of a sign and doesn't form any aspect with any planet, one can consider that the problem
will be resolved only if the horoscope is positive, or that it is blocked by the hidden
influences otherwise.
- If the same planet is the ruler of the sign on the cusp of the first house and of the sign on the cusp of the
one of the question, one must take the Moon and not the Ascendant to represent the
Main rules of interpretation
Favorable nature of the answer to the question
- When the consultant's significant planets and those of the posed
question are in angular houses (1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th),
- When they form some harmonious aspects between them (sextile or
trine, mainly),
- Or when they are in mutual reception (one of planets is in the
sign ruled by the other, and reciprocally).
Unfavorable nature of the answer to the question
- When significant planets form the dynamic aspects or tension
(square or opposition),
- When the ruler of the 8th house is the same as the one of the
house relating to the question,
- When significant planets have the tendency to move away one from
the other because of their relative displacement (final disagreement indication between
two parts),
- When one of significant planets becomes retrograde before a
conjunction (indication of resistance or back-pedal),
- When significant planets are in conjunction but in different
- When significant planets are in square or opposition of either the
Moon or the part of Fortune,
- When the Part of Fortune is in square or opposition of the Moon,
Mars or Saturn,
- When the nearest planet of the Midheaven
is in "fall"...
Ambiguous nature of the answer to the question
- When it exists many indications of unfavorable nature as well as
favorable nature. One can then consider the situation as ambiguous, confused or
Dating events (indicative but not
systematic rules)
- Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius)
- in angular houses (1st, 4th, 7th and 10th): periods in months
- in succedent houses (3rd, 6th, 9th and 12th): periods in years
- in cadent houses (2nd, 5th, 8th and 11th): periods in long cycles
- Mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces)
- in angular houses: periods in weeks
- in succedent houses: periods in months
- in cadent houses: periods in years
- Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn)
- in angular houses: periods in days
- in succedent houses: periods in weeks
- in cadent houses: periods in months
Planet situated in beginning of house: action in beginning of the
consultant or the concerned entity life,
Planet in conjunction with the ascendant: action lasting all the
length of the event,
Planet in middle of house: action in middle of life,
Planet in end of house: action in end of life.
When two signs occupy the same house, one can consider that the
first especially acts during the first half of life or event, and the second during the
other half.