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WESSEX TATTOO '98 - Pictures Page 1

First Page of "Braveheart Special" Pictures

Picture 1 Massed Pipes & Drums, Choir on stage together with the Band of the Hampshire Constabulary.
Picture 2 Our sell out audience - what wonderful people!
Picture 3 William Wallace on stage and Robert Bruce in the foreground at the end of the first half - completing the Braveheart theme. The massed pipes and the choir also feature.

Gateway to Tattoo Pictures

As it Happened...The story of the Tattoo 1998

Tattoo Pictures Page 1 1998

Tattoo Pictures Page 2 1998

Tattoo Pictures Page 3 1998

Tattoo Pictures Page 4 1998

Tattoo Pictures Page 5 1998

Tattoo Pictures Page 6 1998

Background to "Braveheart Special"

Programme for Tattoo 1998

Narrative for "Braveheart Special" 1998


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