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Wessex Tattoo Pictures Page 4

Picture 1 P/M Bob Pearson takes charge of the massed P&Ds in the second half. The new white summer/inddor jackets worn by Ringwood PB were purchased from the funds raised by last year's Tattoo.
Picture 2 The Highland & Country Dancers perform together in the second half.
Picture 3 An 83rd birthday is celebrated by a presentation from one of the Highland dancering "Tots"

Gateway to Tattoo Pictures

As it Happened...The story of the Tattoo 1998

Tattoo Pictures Page 1 1998

Tattoo Pictures Page 2 1998

Tattoo Pictures Page 3 1998

Tattoo Pictures Page 4 1998

Tattoo Pictures Page 5 1998

Tattoo Pictures Page 6 1998

Background to "Braveheart Special"

Programme for Tattoo 1998

Narrative for "Braveheart Special" 1998

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