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Star Wars Timeline


NOTE: The Timeline is based on Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, being Standard Year Zero.


The Old Republic is formed among the Core Worlds, and Jedi Knights first appear. The first hyperdrive is invented.


A large number of Jedi Knights are expelled from the Old Republic after becoming obsessed with the Dark Side of the force. After wandering for sometime, they come across the humanoid beings known as the Sith and enslave the species. The dark siders then become known as the Lords of the Sith, and for the next several thousand years their empire thrives and grows.


Pioneering hyperspace explorers Gav and Jori Daragon stumble upon the Sith Empire. This eventually leads to a major battle between the Old Republic and the Sith Empire.


Freedon Nadd comes to Onderon to rule, bringing with him dark Sith power.


The Beast Wars of Onderon begin.


Jedi Knights, including Ulic Qel-Droma, intercede in the Beast Wars of Onderon.


The Sith threat returns as Dark Lord Exar Kun turns dozens of Jedi Knights to the dark side. Kun is destroyed as a Jedi army invades his base on Yavin 4, but his spirit remains trapped.


Jedi Master Yoda is born.


Chewbacca is born on Kashyyyk.


Qui-Gon Jinn is born.


Palpatine is born.


Shmi Skywalker is born.


Obi-Wan Kenobi is born.


Mon Mothma is born on Chandrilla.


Queen Amidala is born.


Anakin Skywalker is born

-32 ; Episode I. The Phantom Menace

Under orders from Darth Sidious, the Trade Federation has blockaded Naboo. Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi rescue Queen Amidala and escape. Their ship is forced to land on Tatooine and there they meet Anakin Skywalker. After going to Coruscant and asking the Senate for help, they head back to Naboo to stop the Trade Federation invasion. During the Battle of Naboo, Qui-Gon is killed, and Senator Palpatine begins his rise to power.


Han Solo is born on Corellia.

-22 ; Episode II -20 ; Episode III

During Episode II & III, Anakin Skywalker marries Queen Amidala. The Jedi go off to fight in the Clone Wars, and in their absence Senator Palpatine continues to take more power. Palpatine turns Anakin towards the dark side of the force, and when Obi-Wan Kenobi tries to save him from the dark side, they have a lightsaber duel. Skywalker loses the battle and falls into a molten pit. When found by Palpatine, Skywalker is so badly injured, that he can only survive by wearing a specially built armour and breathing apparatus, thus becoming Darth Vader.

-20, -18

Luke Skywalker and his twin sister Leia are born. The Emperor rises to power and begins his purge of the Jedi Knights. The Rebellion is formed by Mon Mothma, Bail Organa and Garm Bel Iblis.


Rebel agent Kyle Katarn steals the Empire's Death Star plans.

0 ; Episode IV. A New Hope

The Imperial Senate is dissolved, and Emperor Palpatine declares a New Order. Princess Leia is captured by Darth Vader and is held on the Death Star. Luke Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Han Solo and Chewbacca rescue Leia, confront Vader, and help destroy the Death Star at the Battle of Yavin, but not before it is used to destroy Leia's adopted home world of Alderaan. Obi-Wan allows Vader to strike him down and he becomes one with the force.


Luke and Leia search for the Kaiburr crystal, which contains great Force powers, and encounter Darth Vader. During the encounter Vader learns Luke's identity. The Rebels set up a new base on Hoth.

+3 ; Episode V. The Empire Strikes Back

The Empire defeats the Rebels at the Battle of Hoth. Luke goes to Dagobah to train under Jedi Master Yoda. Leia, Han, Chewbacca and C-3PO are captured by Vader on Bespin's Cloud City and held as bait for Luke. Han is frozen in carbonite and given to the bounty hunter Boba Fett for delivery to Jabba the Hutt. Luke faces Vader, who claims to be his father and Luke loses his right hand and lightsaber in the battle. After refusing to turn to the dark side he is rescued by Leia and Lando Calrissian.


Prince Xizor, head of the Black Sun criminal organization, plots to discredit Vader and become the Emperor's second in command. His plan is to have Luke killed and to make it look as if Vader was responsible. The plan fails and Xizor is killed. Luke builds a new lightsaber and Boba Fett delivers Han Solo to Jabba the Hutt. The Empire begin building a new Death Star.

+4 ; Episode VI. Return of the Jedi

Luke, Leia Chewbacca and Lando rescue Han from Jabba the Hutt. Luke returns to Dagobah, and finds Yoda's life force fading. There Luke learns that Vader is his father and Leia is his sister. On Endor the Rebels, lead by Han and Leia, destroy a sheild generator that had been protecting the new Death Star. Lando and Wedge Antilles destroy the Death Star during the Battle of Endor. Vader saves Luke from death at the hands of the Emperor, but dies shortly after killing Palpatine.


Just days after the Battle of Endor, the Rebels have to team up with Imperial forces to defeat the reptilian Ssi-ruuk under a truce at Bakura. The New Republic is formed, with Mon Mothma as Chief of State.


Rouge Squadron, under the command of Wedge Antilles, take control of the Imperial capital planet of Coruscant.


Prince Isolder asked Princess Leia to marry him. Han Solo was also in love with Leia and he kidnapped her to woo her on the planet of Dathomir, which he had won in a game of sabacc. The Millennium Falcon crashed on the planet and they were captured by the Singing Mountain Clan of the Witches of Dathomir. Prince Isolder and Luke Skywalker followed their trail to Dathomir, but Isolder was to late. Leia realised that she was in love with Han and they were married on Coruscant.


Imperial Grand Admiral Thrawn returns from the far reaches of the galaxy and becomes a major threat to the New Republic. Thrawn recruits the dark Jedi Joruus C'baoth and promises to give him Luke and Leia in return for his help. Thrawn is eventually killed by his own bodyguard and Luke defeats C'baoth with the help of Mara Jade. Leia gives birth to twins, Jania and Jacen.


Two different clones of Emperor Palpatine bring chaos to the New Republic, and almost turn Luke to the dark side. Using new weapons such as the Galaxy Gun and World Devastators, Imperial forces briefly regain Coruscant. Leia gives birth to her third child, whom she calls Anakin.


Luke establishes a Jedi training academy on Yavin 4, but is nearly killed by the re-awakened spirit of ancient Dark Lord Exar Kun and Kyp Durran, one of Luke's students who has turned to the dark side. Admiral Daala launches an unsuccessful Imperial campaign against the New Republic. Mon Mothma resigns as Chief of State and is replaced by Leia.


Luke has an epic, but unfulfilled romance with the Jedi Knight Callista as he is trapped aboard 'The Eye Of Palpatine'. A huge Imperial warship. During their escape Callista loses her Jedi powers. The Hutts try to build their own version of the Death Star, called the Darksaber, but it is destroyed by the New Republic. General Crix Madine is killed during the attack. Admiral Dalla launches an attack on the Jedi Academy, but is unsuccessful again. Still unable to regain her Jedi powers, Callista leaves Luke.


Han and Leia's three children are kidnapped by Hethrir, a former Imperial trained in the dark side who has established an 'Empire Reborn' movement. The children are rescued by Han, Leia, Luke and Chewbacca.


The Black Fleet declares war on the New Republic. Luke searches for his mother.


Kueller, a former student at Luke's Jedi Academy, causes a holocaust on Almania.


Thracken Sal-Solo, Han's cousin, leads a brutal revolutionary army intent on ruling the Corellian sector. The Solo children help to defeat him by disabling his star destroying weapon.


Moff Disra stages the return of Grand Admiral Thrawn. The New Republic and the Empire agree to peace. Luke and Mara Jade decide to get married.


Anakin Solo begins his instruction at the Jedi academy, soon followed by Jacen and Jania.


The Yuuzhan Vong have established a foothold in the Outer Rim, from where they can launch an invasion on the galaxy. They have technology unlike anything ever seen and they cannot be detected or affected by the Force.

Mara Jade is now married to Luke Skywalker and has been secretly infected with a disease by the Yuuzhan Vong, who are using her to see how strong the Jedi really are. Sernpidal is destroyed when it's moon crashes into the planet. While evacuating people from the planet, Han watches in horror as Chewbacca is killed during the destruction. Han, Leia, Jacen, Jania and Anakin help to defeat the Yuuzhan Vong at Dubrillian.