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Star Wars Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader Rogue Leader: Rogue Squadron II
This amazing sequel to Rogue Squadron pushes Nintendo's cool new system to the limit with incredible graphics and intense gameplay. You'll pilot ships from the original Star Wars films in classic scenarios like the Death Star trench run, an attack on a Star Destroyer and the legendary battle on the ice planet Hoth. This game rocks!

Star Wars Starfighter: Special Edition Obi-Wan for Xbox
Starfighter: Special Edition & Obi-wan for Xbox

LucasArts will soon release two titles for the new Xbox game console. First is Starfighter Special Edition, an expanded version of the best-selling game released earlier this year. Then comes the eagerly awaited Star Wars Obi-Wan. To find out more about these titles or to pre-order, check out www.Lucasarts.Com.