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Aurra Sing

(Humanoid alien female: Bounty Hunter)

Aurra Sing is a laconic humanoid alien with chalk-white skin and long, bloodletting fingers. Surgically attached to her skull is a long, thin sensor implant that aids her in her hunts. Sing is clad in a functional red jumpsuit and wears little armour.

Pain, death and vengeance have been constants in Aurra Sing's life. Had she benefited from a better upbringing, perhaps she may have grown to be one of the greatest of the Jedi order. Instead, she became one its deadliest scourges.

As with all Jedi hopefuls, Aurra's Force-potential was discovered when she was an infant. Being raised on the mean streets of Nar Shaddaa's vertical cities, Aurra's species is unknown, and her mother was a spice-addled reprobate named Aunuanna. The mysterious Jedi known only as the Dark Woman took custody of Aurra, spiriting her away to Coruscant to begin her initiation into the Jedi way, taking her far from the dark decay of the Smuggler's Moon.

Aurra was a difficult, headstrong student. She displayed a cunning instinct and deadly reflexes, but lacked the control needed to fully master the Force. The Jedi Council hoped that the Dark Woman could tame Aurra's aggressive instincts. Some of her fellow students even branded her with the nickname "Nashtah," after the deadly six-legged Dravian hound.

Aurra and the Dark Woman never established the bond that the Council had hoped for. While on a trip to Ord Namurt, Aurra was kidnapped by star pirates, who fed her lies regarding the Jedi. The lies played well to Aurra's natural fears of abandonment and betrayal. At the tender age of nine, she turned her back on the Jedi order, not even having achieved the rank of Padawan.

Aurra Sing The life of a pirate agreed with Sing, as she was able to focus her aggression. She learned martial and hunting skills while living on the fringe. Ill fortune caught up with Sing when she was taken captive by a Hutt crime lord. Wanting her turned into a deadly assassin, the Hutt apprenticed Sing to a group of vampiric Anzati. Aurra underwent a transformation, stripping away any vestiges of compassion she had left. She emerged from her training a deadly, remorseless killer, seeking revenge for all who had wronged her in the past.

Aurra became an independent bounty hunter specializing in Jedi hunts. She collected at least six lightsabers from her fallen foes as grim trophies, and brandished her own scarlet-bladed Jedi weapon. She armed herself with twin blaster pistols and a long projectile rifle. Emerging from her bald skull was a long, thin, Rhen-Orm biocomputer sensor implant which increased her situational awareness. For her primary surface conveyance, Sing relied upon an outdated but highly modified swoop.

Aurra continued to kill Jedi as the Republic began to decay and crumble around her. A'Sharad Hett, Peerce and J'Mikel were but three of the Jedi she murdered. She had longed to track down the Dark Woman and exact vengeance for what she viewed as betrayal.

History is vague as to the outcome Sing's vendetta, as galactic strife occluded such personal tales. Aurra Sing disappeared for years. Some report that she resurfaced during the Galactic Civil War as a combatant in Jabba the Hutt's demolition contests.