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Cassie Miller


(human female from Coruscant)

Cassie Miller is a beautiful girl raised on Coruscant. Her parents are complete loyalists to the Empire, believing all of the Imperial's reports about "Rebel Death Stars". Cassie was attending a private flight school soon after because she failed the entry flight exam for the Imperial Academy. She thought that if she could become a certified fighter pilot, the Empire would take her in. When an Imperial Officer offered to let her in in exchange for sexual favors, she was horrified. This was the moment that made her realize just how far the Empire's corruption reached. After that incident, she started studying the history put out by the rebellion, and soon realized that everything put out by the Empire was faked.

She soon developed a strong hate towards the Empire. Her newly found view of the Empire caused many clashes between her and her parents, and soon after, she moved out when she was 18.After many grueling hours of flight simulators and tests, Cassie soon became an accomplished flying ace. When she recieved her certificates and liscense, she headed off planet and joined the Rebellion. Once there, she became very skilled flying X-wings, and moved her way up in the ranks fast. When she recieved her promotion to Commander, she took on the great responsibility of commanding Blue Squadron.

When the E-wing premiered, she bought one using the money she won in a large stakes game of Sabaac the month before. Without even noticing it, she became attached to her craft, and soon was also it's chief mechanic, for she would let no one else work on it. Then, during a raiding mission on a chain of AT-AT factories, her squad was ambushed. In the overwhelming battle that followed, her squadron was literally wiped out. Cassie was the only surviving member of blue squadron. Her E-wing's superior speed was the only factor that allowed her to escape. Many of her good friends she had known since she joined up died in the ambush and she slumped into depression because of it. The emotional trauma it left her with scarred her for life.

After weeks in the New Republic's mental facilities, Cassie resigned her commission. The emotional trauma that she was left with was unbearable to her and she couldn't even talk about it at one point without bursting into tears. She felt that she had led her squadron to their deaths and it was all her fault that they were killed. She was to the point where she couldn't take it anymore.

Cassie went on a trip to Tatooine a couple weeks after her resignation. The pain that had swelled up inside of her made her think about suicide often. Her plan was to release her pain by jumping off a cliff and make it look accidental, as if attacked by the sand people. As she was preparing herself for her moment of relief, a few members of Storm Squadron happened to be on Tatooine tracking a bounty hunter, when they flew over her head. The ships landed in a nearby valley. Being of the curious nature, she wondered why starfighters would be out on Tatooine so she went to investigate. While trying to spy on the pilots down in the valley, she was snuck up upon by one of the slick pilots. Startled, she fainted so they brought her down to their camp. When she awoke, she met Brett Hoffman, a man she had heard of and was respected by reputation. Amazed at the great pilots she had found, she soon forgot about the thought of suicide. She began hanging around with the pilots during their visit to Tatooine and soon Brett's charm got to her. After she told him she was a pilot, he smooth talked her into joining their team. She helped them track the bounty hunter and rescue one of their comrades, Brad, from the bounty hunters hands. Ever since, both Cassie and her E-wing have been a great asset to Storm Squadron.