This is one of the newest starfighter designs out there today. The starfighter design firm Incom, who was responsible for the X-wing fighters, have joined forces with the insectoid race known as Verpines, who collaborated with the Rebels to create the B-wing fighter. The result of this collaboration is an interceptor codenamed the "C-Wing". The C-Wing combines all the best elements of the B-Wing, and X-Wing fighters in a design very similar to the Rebel A-Wing fighters. The performance and endurance tests on the confiscated prototype revealed it to be a formidable fighter, as the Verpines seem to have incorporated the strength and durability of the B-Wing, while Incom has given the C-Wing greater performance than that of the X-Wing, or A-Wing models, allowing this starfighter to outperform any standard Imperial military craft, including the TIE Interceptor.
Even though the C-Wing has great durability and unsurpassed speed, it would appear that it is complimented with only minimal armament, which is why it has been classified as an A-Wing. The fuselage of the fighter could easily accomodate an increased weapons payload, however it would appear that the 4 fusal thrust engines draw so much power, that only a limited armament could be afforded, with the low remaining power available. Fortunately, the prototype was captured from the Incom main plant, while all records and plans were destroyed personally by Lord Vader himself, who also "interrogated" the Incom staff responsible for the C-Wing project. Without the plans, or a prototype, it is unlikely that the Rebels will be able to produce any more of this design, or have a chance to correct the power management problems. If they were allowed to do so, then the Rebels would easily have the starfighter advantage in any future engagements.